Chapter 32

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Callie's P.O.V:

Five more weeks. That's how long we have until our baby arrives. We had our last doctor's appointment yesterday and everything went perfectly. He or she is exactly where they need to be at thirty-five weeks. We still haven't found out the sex yet, so when I went out to get the last-minute things for Arizona's surprise shower, I made sure to get gender neutral colors for the decorations and the cake. Today, I'm having Tedding take Arizona out for a few hours as a distraction so I can get everything set up before they got back.

"So, what are your plans today?" I ask Arizona, walking into the bathroom. She just got out of the shower and was now standing in front of the mirror, wrapped in a towel.

"Teddy wants to get out of the house for a little bit and decided to drag my ass along," she snaps, turning to get a good look at herself, "why do women have to go through this?"

"Through what?" I ask her. I'm really starting to think I may have picked the wrong time to set this whole thing up. With her being five weeks from her due date, she has been in a very crappy mood lately and now I'm beginning to feel like this may not be a great idea after all.

"Pregnancy. I mean, look at this, I have stretch marks on my ass," she spits out.

"I think you look beautiful," I say to her. I wrap my arms around her and place both hands on her stomach. She just rolls her eyes at me, then shrugs me off of her.

"I'm fat, Callie. I mean, look at me, I look like a damn cow," I just let out a sigh.

"I think you look perfect," I say, trying to assure her. I absolutely find her stunning. She looks beautiful pregnant, but no matter how many times I try to tell her that, I always end up getting an eye roll.

"Whatever," she hisses out, "I need to finish getting ready. If not, Teddy will be in any minute and dragging my ass out of here,"

"Okay, well I will let you get to it," I say, placing a kiss on her temple.

A few hours later, things were starting to come together. Teddy and Arizona have been gone for almost three hours now. Before they left, I pulled Teddy aside and told her to give us at least four hours. That way all the guests could be here before they got back. In that time, Tim and I managed to get the living room decorated and all the food set up in the time they had been gone. I wasn't sure if she would be into the whole onesie decorating, but I went ahead and set up a station anyway. After we were finished, Tim and I looked around the room, just to make sure we weren't missing anything.

"This looks great, Callie," Tim says with a smile.

"Looks perfect," I say, agreeing with him. And it does. It looks perfect, "You don't think she will be mad, do you?"

"About a baby shower? Nah, she will love it," he says, "what time are people supposed to be arriving?"

"Here shortly, actually," and right on que, the front door opened and in walked Mark.

"Man, why am I always the first to arrive," Mark states, joining Tim and I in the living room. He stops short when he sees me, then clears his throat, "Callie,"

"Mark," I say with a smirk. He looks at Tim, then down at the floor. I couldn't help but chuckle with how uncomfortable he looks being around me. Tim notices the awkwardness between the two of us.

"What's going on?" Tim asks with a smirk. I just laugh and shake my head.

"Nothing!" we both say together. This is going to be a fun day of torture for him, considering what I had said to him back in July.

"Mark just seems to be, oh I don't know, uncomfortable around me, I guess," I say with a grin.

"Okay, well whatever it is, how about we not let it upset Arizona. She's already been on one lately. Mark, why don't you help me finish up while Callie listens for the door,"

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