Chapter 22

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Callie's P.O.V:

Today is a good day. Not only was it Friday, but I was also going to be spending the weekend with Arizona. Lately, she had been in a bad mood, but I managed to coax her into going shopping with me. Even though we still had a little over four months, we decided to get a jump start on buying clothes and whatever other stuff we needed for the baby. and since we both agreed to wait until after the birth to find out what we were having, we decided on gender-neutral colors for both of the nurseries. I even suggested to Teddy about talking Arizona into moving in with me, that way we only had to fix up one nursery, but when it was brought to her attention, Arizona instantly shot it down. So, here we are on a Friday night, walking through the crowded Seattle Mall, checking out the new baby store that just opened a couple of months ago.

"How about this theme? You know, for your extra bedroom?" Arizona asks, holding up Disney themed crib bedding set. My eyes go wide, and I just shake my head no. "What? Why? Don't you like Disney?"

"Yeah, I'm not really a fan," I chuckle.

"Have you watched a Disney movie before?" she asks, quirking her brow.

"Yeah.... no. I never saw one," I admit. Which was the truth. I've never seen a Disney movie. Horror movies were more my type than them kiddie ones. After hearing my confession, her jaw nearly drops in shock.

"How could you not have seen a Disney movie? They are the bestest ever,"

"I'm more of a horror movie buff," I say, shrugging my shoulders, "I like slasher movies. You know the guts and all kinds of shit. I can't do that baby stuff,"

"It's not baby stuff," she whines, "They're cute. I don't understand how you can handle that scary gore crap! Yuck. Ooh, you know what we should do, we should go back to my house and watch one now,"

"I thought you didn't like horror movies?" I tease.

"I was talking about a Disney movie,"

"That's not what you said. You said we should go back to your house and watch one. So, you left the door right open meaning that we could watch either a horror movie or a Disney,"

"I was talking about a Disney movie," she says folding her harms.

"I tell you what, I'll make you a deal,"

"What kind of deal?" she asks me, quirking her head to the side.

"My deal for you is, come watch a horror movie at my place with me, then I'll be more than happy to watch one of your Disney movies," I tell her, holding my hand out for her to shake on it. She scrunches her face up, thinking about my offer. I couldn't help smiling at how cute she looked.

"One condition," she finally says.

"Name it..."

"When we watch the scary movie, you have to cuddle with me,"

"I wouldn't have it any other way," I say, giving her my best Torres smile. Which she returns, dimples full-blown. As she smiled at me, my heart started to flutter, and a knot began to form in my stomach. She had the most amazing smile. I could get used to seeing it for the rest of my life. We stood there, staring at each other which felt like hours when the store clerk asked us if we were ready to check out. Breaking us out of our little staring contest.

"Yeah, I think we are," she answers the guy, "You ready Callie?"

"Yeah, I think so," I answer. I grab the items in her arms and put them in the cart, then head up to check out.

"Do you mind if we stop at my house?" Arizona asks as we got the car, "I need to grab a change of clothes and a Disney movie for us,"

"Yeah sure," I say, looking to her, then back to the road, "maybe grab a few of them. We can switch off. I'm willing to check out more than one,"

"Seriously? You would do that for me?" I'd do anything for you

"Yeah, I would. I'd do anything for you, Arizona," I meant to keep that to myself. Never expected to actually say it, but since I thought it, it just came out. Her face turned from a half-smile to a slight frown and her eyes began to water. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry,"

"It's not that," she sniffs. She wipes the tear away, then turns to face me, "Callie, I need to tell you something," Her voice sounded serious, so whatever she had to say caused my stomach to knot even more. Maybe she's going to change her mind about the movie night at my place.

"What?" my voice coming out shaky, "whatever it is..."

"The reason I closed off on you and ignored you was because..." Oh no! "I was a virgin that night, Callie. That night we slept together was my first time. And I promised myself that I wasn't going to be drunk the first time I had sex. I wanted it to be special, you know. I wanted to be in love and maybe married. I didn't want to be drunk. But I did and I didn't handle it very well, so instead, I bailed. That's what I do. I bail. We spent a nice night together and instead of handling the situation better, I bailed," I sat quietly listening. I'd give her a nod here and there letting her know that I was listening to her explain, "When I went back to school, all that anger I felt towards myself and you, I took it out on other people. I ignored them, or when they tried to talk to me, I went off on them. Told them I was fine, and I wanted to be left alone. Then when I found out I was pregnant, it got a little worse,"

"What do you mean?" I croak out.

"In the middle of our final, the morning sickness was getting the best of me, and when I asked to use the bathroom, Professor threatened to fail me if I left the room. So, I gave him a new reason to fail me. I cursed at him, ripped up my test then walked out," she finishes, letting out a small chuckle, "The whole point in this is that, when a situation arises, I tend to bail. After my parents died, I went to college a few months later. We got drunk and I lost my virginity to you, I left to go back to school. I bailed on you, Callie. And I'm so sorry," I pulled the car over and turned my body a bit to face her.

"I forgive you, Arizona," I say to her. I reach over the gear shift, and take her hands in mine, "I'm always going to be here. So, I need you to do me a favor if you would,"

"What's that?"

"Next time, if there is a situation, promise me that you won't bail. I will always be there to help. No matter what. Always," We sat there for a moment, eyes connected, she pursed her lips together, then finally spoke.

"I promise," I raise her hands to my mouth and give them a slight kiss.

"Thank you," I whisper. I turned back in my seat and shifted the car back into drive and headed towards her house so she could grab what she needed for the weekend with me.

*So...thoughts? Arizona finally admitted to Callie that she was a virgin and apologized for shutting her out and I know that Arizona's explanation doesn't make much sense, jumping from one subject to another, but I wanted to make it seem like she was rambling a little bit lol but hey.... they're going to be spending the weekend together. Think Arizona will have a change of heart and decide she wants to have a relationship with Callie? Also, I got a review about Arizona's pissiness last chapter, it was the hormones getting the best of her. Her moods will change here and there throughout the story so be prepared Hahaha. Hope you enjoyed the chapter*

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