Chapter 10

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Arizona's P.O.V:

Waking up the next morning, I was met with sunlight beaming through the window, which caused my head to throb. I rolled to my back and grab my forehead with my right hand to do what I could to get the throbbing to slow down. God what happened last night. Staring at the ceiling, a sudden realization hit me. I'm not in my room. I look around the room and nothing looks familiar. I look to my left and see a mess of dark hair, covering the pillow beside me.

"What the fuck," I yell, shooting straight up. The body beside me starts to stir a little. My hands begin roam to body and I realized that I had no clothes on. I instantly jumped out of bed. My balance still wasn't all that steady because I nearly fell over getting up. "What the fuck happened?"

"Can you keep your voice down. I have a splitting headache," comes the other woman. Her voice was husky. When she sits up, the blanket falls from her upper half and exposes her bare chest.

"Why are we naked?" I shout.

"Good morning to you too," she rasps out, "I have no clue why were naked. But judging by the fact, I'd have to guess that we had sex last night,"

NO! NO! NO! This can't be happening. My stomach started to turn when I heard them words fall from her mouth.

"I think I'm going to be sick," I cover my mouth and rushed to the bathroom. Kneeling down over the toilet, I lean over and empty the contents of my stomach. "Fuck," I gasp out. I do what I could to catch my breath and to keep myself from getting sick again, which of course, I fail instantly because I'm leaning over the toilet once more.

"Are you okay in there?" I hear the other woman's voice at the door.

"I'm fine," I call between pants. When I didn't have that feeling like I was going to throw up again, I flush the toilet and walked over to the sink to rinse my mouth. After drying my face off with the hand towel that was hanging on the wall, I opened the door and came face to face with the brunette.

"You okay?" she asks again.

"I'm fine," I push past her and began looking for my clothes, "I need to get dressed,"

"Yeah sure. I'm going to grab some clothes really quick, then I will leave you to it," I watched her walk over to her dresser and pull out some clothes, then leave the room. I quickly reached down to pick up my jeans. I pulled my phone from the back pocket and shot a quick text to Teddy.

I need you to meet me NOW!!-A After sending the text, I slumped down on the bed and laid down. What the actual fuck!! The beeping of my phone alerts me that I have a new message. I sit up and opened the message.

Are you okay? – T

NO!! Please meet me at the diner down the street from the bar in 5 minutes- A I knew it was going to be impossible for her to meet me that soon considering we live about ten minutes from the bar. Another beep alerts me again and I open it.

What's going on? -T

"God!!" I yell out in frustration. I shoot her another text, then hit send.

Don't ask questions, please. Just do it!!-A


Fine! Be there as soon as I can-T I dropped the phone on the bed and let out a huge sigh. I got dressed as quick as possible but couldn't find my shirt. I went around the other side of the bed to see if it was there, but it wasn't.

"Where is my fucking shirt?" continuing to look around. When I couldn't find it, I just left the room. "Have you seen my shirt?" I ask the brunette as I entered the living room.

"Yeah, it's over there by the couch," she answers.

"Thanks," I say, rushing to the couch.

"Are you hungry? I could make us breakfast,"

"No, I'm fine thanks," I said, pulling the shirt over my head, "I have to go,"

"What's the rush? Do you want any aspirin for your head? It must be pounding. I know mine is..."

"Look, I'm really sorry...umm..I'm sorry, what was your name?" I cut in.


"Right, Callie. I'm sorry,Callie, but really, I have to go," I grab my coat off the floor and darted to the door.

"Okay, well, can I call you?"

"No, I don't think so," I say, getting the last word in, then walk out the door, slamming it behind me.

Leaving Callie's building, the cold air hits my face. It felt like the temps dropped even more than what it did last night, so I wrap my coat around me and head in the direction of the diner.

When I arrived at my destination, I noticed there wasn't a whole lot of people, which was nice because I didn't feel like being around a crowd of people. When I walked in, I immediately heard my name.

"Arizona, back here." I hear Teddy call out. Tears fall from my eyes as I made my way back to the back where she was sitting.

"What's up buttercup, did you have a good night?" she stops when she sees my wet cheeks, "Arizona what's wrong, are you okay?"

"No, I'm not," say, my voice shaky.

"What's wrong? Something happen between you and Callie?" She grabs my arm and ushers me to sit down.

"I think I did something stupid," I cry.

"What do you mean you think you did something stupid?" she asks, confused.

"I think Callie and I had sex last night,"

"What? What makes you think that?"

"I woke up naked, in her bed. Well, maybe not fully naked, I still had my bra on, but I didn't have a shirt on and I was naked from the waist down,"

"Oh my god," she gasps out, "Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay?" I snap out, "I lost my virginity last night. I'm not okay," Everyone looks in our direction after hearing my little outburst.
"Okay, shh, keep it down," she tells me, "Look, it's not as bad as it seems,"

"Not as bad as it seems. That's easy for you to say. You weren't a virgin, Teddy. I was. I was a virgin and the worst part of it all is, I don't remember any of it," I cover my face with my hands and sob.

"Come on, Zo. It's going to be okay,"

"No, it's not," I cry some more, "I was drunk the first time I had sex. Something I never wanted to happen,"

"Well, it did," I shoot her a dirty look, she raises her hands up in defense, "Sorry, but I'm just being honest. So, what all do you remember?"

"I..umm..I vaguely remember us sitting on her couch, then her telling me that she was born differently I guess..."

"Wait, what do you mean she said she was born differently?"

"I don't know, I guess she told me she was born with a penis," I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"Whoa!!" she says loudly. She lowers her voice and leans in close and whispers, "So, she has a penis?"
"Yeah," I nod, "and that's all I remember before waking up in her bed this morning,"

"Holy shit,"

"Yeah," I say again, "Look, can we get out of here. The smell of this place is making my stomach turn,"

"Yeah, sure," she stands up and throws a ten-dollar bill on the table, and we head out the door.

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