Chapter 23

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General P.O.V:

Callie walked into her studio with a huge smile on her face. After spending the weekend with Arizona and after having that talk in the car, she felt like nothing could bring her mood down. She had a little more pep in her step as she walked into the tech booth.

"Wow, someone is happy this morning," Doug says as she sat down, "what's got you in such a great mood? Did you get some over the weekend?"

"Shut up," Callie bites back, "I just had the most amazing weekend is all,"

"Yeah, an amazing weekend full of sex," Doug quips with a smirk, "I'm guessing everything went well with Arizona?"

"Yeah, it did," she says, flashing him a big smile once again.

"Well, whatever you guys did, let me join next time. We can have a threesome," he teased. Callie just shot him her famous Torres glare.

"Sorry, I don't like to share," she deadpans, "Arizona is all mine. Now, back to work, Asshat. Where are we so far?"

"Well, Kelly just finished another one of her singles. We have about four more we need to have her do before we can start really putting pieces together to get this album released. Oh, and your dad called,"

"What did he want?" Callie asks, taking her attention away from what she was doing.

"he said that he has some issues with some of the equipment they have there and was hoping that you'd be able to fly to Miami to help him,"

"What kind of issues?"

"He didn't say," Doug answers, "All I know is that he needs your help. I told him I'd pass on the message to you. So, don't shoot the messenger,"

"Can if I want," Callie teases, "Well, I guess I could fly out there to see what it is that he needs done. But..."

"You have plans with Arizona again?"

"Exactly. Shit...Maybe I can see if she wants to come along. Have a weekend getaway,"

"Actually...." Doug drawls out. Callie looked at her business partner. He looks like he's about to shit his pants.

"What? Actually...What, Doug? Just spit it out," Callie barks.

"It's more than just the weekend," he says.

"What do you mean? How long?"

"Two weeks...?"

"Two weeks? Why two fucking weeks?" Callie hissed.

"As I said, I'm just passing the message,"

"Yeah, well thanks for the fucking message," Callie stood up from her spot in the booth and went out to make a phone call.

She enters the office and slams the door. She dials her father's number and waits for him to answer. It rang a few times, then the older man finally picked up.

"Calliope, I was waiting for your..." the older man greets but was instantly cut off.

"Two weeks, Dad? Really?"

"Calliope..." Her dad drawls out.

"No, don't Calliope me, I can't take a two-week business trip. I have a business of my own to run. I have artists who really need my help here. Not to mention, I'm in the middle of trying to get an album completed by the deadline and you need me to come out there for two- weeks?"

"Two weeks isn't that bad, Calliope. I was figuring maybe spending time with your old man as well. We don't get to spend much time together, you know. You could also bring that girlfriend of yours with you if it helps," Callie thought about it for a minute. When she thought it was for the weekend, she was thinking of asking Arizona to go with her. "You still there, Calliope?"

"Yeah, I'm still here. and she's not my girlfriend, Dad. She's just a friend,"

"Calliope, she's the mother of your child, whether you see it or not, she's your girlfriend. You two spend some time together when you aren't in the studio,"

"That don't mean she's my girlfriend," Callie shot back.

"I beg the differ. Anyhow, would be able to fly out and give us a hand over here?"

Callie just lets out a frustrating sigh, "Yeah, I guess. But only for a week, Dad. That's all I can do,"

"I'll take what I can get, Calliope. I'll have two tickets waiting for you, Friday,"

"Okay, thanks dad," After hanging up with her father, Callie slams the phone back down on the base. She takes a few minutes to compose herself before heading back to the booth to help Doug work on Kelly's album.

Callie's P.O.V:

After leaving work five hours later, instead of going home, I head in the direction of Arizona's house. We hadn't made any type of plans during the week since I had to work and needed to put all my focus into getting Kelly's album done by its due date, but right now, I really needed to see her. After that conversation with her father earlier this morning, it had tampered with my mood just a little bit. As I pulled into the driveway of Arizona's, I saw her car was parked in the drive as well.

"Thank god, she's home," I cut in the engine of my '67 Mustang GT and make my way to the front door. I give a slight knock, then wait a few minutes for someone to open the door.

"I'll get it," I hear Teddy's shout. The door swings open.

"Hey, Callie," she greets with a smile.

"Hey, Teddy, is Arizona home?" I ask her.

"Yeah, come on in," she steps aside so I could enter.

"She's in her room," she says closing the door behind us, "Last room on the left,"

"Thanks," I say, giving her a polite smile. I walk down the hall to Arizona's room. It was cracked a little bit, so I quietly push it open, in case she was asleep. When I peak in, she's laying on her bed, eyes closed with a pair of headphones pressed to her stomach, kind of like she was letting the baby listen to some music. I lean against the door frame and smile at the sight before me.

"Hope that's not rap music our baby is listening to," I say, making my presence known. She opens her eyes and looks at me with a smile.

"Would that be a bad thing?" She teased. I just smiled and shook my head.

"It would be if you wanted our baby to be pre-exposed to sex and drugs this early on," I play right back.

"No, it's not rap," she says with another smile, "It's Brett Young. Here, Come sit," patting the spot next to her. I enter the room completely and take the spot next to her. She hands me the headphones and I happily put them on my ears to listen.

"In case you didn't know, Baby I'm crazy about you. And I'd be lying if I said that I could live this life without you, even though, I don't tell you all the time, you had my heart a long, long time ago in case you didn't know," I smiled when I heard the lyrics. To be honest, that is how I feel about Arizona. And I wish I could tell her that, but I didn't want to end up scaring her away.

"That's a great song," I say to her, removing the headphones from my ears.

"Yeah, it is. I came a crossed it yesterday. When I listened to it, I realized that its exactly how I feel about you,"

"You do?" I say, sounding a little surprised about her confession.

"Yeah, I do," she says, flashing me a dimpled smile. I swallowed the lump that began to form and took my chance. I lean in, connecting her lips with mine. A slight moan escapes her throat she deepened the kiss. Our moment was broken up a knock was suddenly heard, and then Teddy poked her head in. We instantly pulled away.

"Sorry to interrupt, but dinner is ready,"

"Thanks, Teddy," Arizona says, clearing her throat. She looks at me with a smile, "want to stay for dinner?"

"I'd love to," I reply, returning the smile.

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