Chapter 46

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Callie's P.O.V:

I stare out the window and watched as the snow continued to fall. On a night like this, I should be home snuggling and making love to my girlfriend on our first Valentine's Day together, but instead, here I am, stuck at the studio with Doug in the middle of a snowstorm. I run my hand through my hair and let out a frustrating sigh.

"You okay, Cal?" Doug asks. I turn and look at my business partner.

"No. I'm not okay. It's Valentine's Day and I'm fucking stuck here until morning," I could tell by the look on Doug's face, that he's doing everything to stifle a laugh, "it's not funny Doug, ever since Arizona said she wanted us to celebrate, I've been planning everything. Now..." I just let out a groan.

"Callie, no one expected to be stuck somewhere during this crap. You can make it up to her," he shrugs, "besides, look at the bright side, you get to spend another eight hours with me. How great is that?" he says with a grin.

"Yeah, great!" I mumble under my breath, pinching the bridge of my nose, "I'm going to the break room to see if I can find anything for us to eat since we can't go home," I left the booth and made my way out to the break room. Luckily for me, our backup generator kicked in once the lights went out, so it helped put somewhat lighting in this place.

Moments later, I'm returning to the booth.

"Here," I say, tossing a couple bags of chips, a snickers bar, and a bottled water at him. He just looked at me then back at the goodies I gave him.

"This was all you could find?"

"Don't be ungrateful and just eat," I snap at him. He just laughs and begins munching on his snacks. The room fell quiet and all that could be heard from crunching of chips as we ate our unhealthy snack foods.

"You know, we should add on to the place," he says, breaking the silence.

"Like what?" I ask, stopping mid chew.

"What about a daycare center for the employees, you know, ones with kids, in case they can't find a sitter or..." he suggested, "or maybe an emergency room in case things like this happen to where we can't leave, sort of like an on-call room that surgeons use at a hospital,"

"That's not a bad idea Doug," I say, agreeing with him. And it wasn't a bad one. He actually had a good point.

"Thank you. We can start it once Spring hits, then work on it during the summer and have it ready by next winter,"

"Interesting," I say with a small grin, "that's not a bad idea either. I've got money in my trust fund that I haven't touched. I can always use that towards the funding instead of dipping into the money we're bringing into this place,"

"I can talk to my dad. He's a contractor. He's been looking for big projects to do and I'm sure he could find some guys who would be willing to help,"

"Okay, then let's do it," I say, "I can hire Arizona to work with us in the daycare or even the office, taking calls or something. Then Noah will be right here for us to keep an eye out,"

"There you go. See I'm not so bad to be around," he jokes.

"Don't push it, bro," I say with a laugh, "I'll pitch the idea to Arizona tomorrow when I get home. After all, it will be her business too once we get married," I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone to check the time, "well it's getting late already. So, I'm going to try and get some sleep, I'll probably crash in one of the offices," I say, standing up from my chair and leave the recording booth again.

Sitting in the office chair, I stare at the new date that flashed across the screen in front of me. I never expected to be spending my first Valentine's Day away from the love of my life. If I only had stayed home like Arizona has asked me to this morning, we wouldn't be apart right now. We both could be home, giving Noah his feeding and his nightly bath, then putting him down for bed, but no. I insisted that I come in this morning because I had so many things to get done so we could get an album released for our artist. I let out a sigh and laid my phone down on the desk, then propped my feet up to try and get some sleep.

The next morning, when I woke up, the sun was beaming through the blinds. I rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes and smiled to myself because if was finally morning and I was going to be able to go home to my two loves.

As I stepped out of the office, I almost collided with Doug who had a huge smile on his face.

"They lifted the travel visory," he says. I'm nearly jumping for joy hearing them words fall from his mouth, "Go home to Arizona and Noah. I'll take care of things here once the power comes back on,"

"Thank you," I say with excitement. I raced to the recording booth we were hanging out in last night and grab my stuff, then headed home to my son and soon to be wife.

Walking through the door of the apartment, I was greeted with Arizona and Noah sound asleep on the couch, with her arms wrapped protectively around him. I smile at the sight, then carefully lift the five-month-old from her grasp and carry him to his room to lay him in his crib. Arizona was still sound asleep when I walked back into the living room, so I carefully sat down next to her and laid the baby monitor on the coffee table. I reached over and tucked a strand of blond hair behind her ear. The slight movement caused her to stir. She let out a content sigh before opening her eyes.

"Calliope?" she whispered out.

"Good morning," I whisper softly with a smile on my face.

"I must be dreaming or something," she chuckles softly, "I didn't think you would ever get home,"

"Well, I am now. I laid Noah in his crib. So, how about we go lay in our bed and cuddle like we were supposed to do last night,"

"As nice as that sounds, he will be waking up shortly for a feeding," she says, letting out a tired yawn, "it took him hours to go to sleep last night. I guess he missed his Mama like I did,"

"Well, how about if you go lay down on our bed and I'll take care of him," I suggest.

"No, it's okay," she says, stretching her tired body, "I can get him," She grabs ahold of my shirt and pulls me in for a searing kiss, "or we do something else,"

"Mm..I think that could be arranged," I chuckle into her mouth. I pull the blanket back that was covering her bottom half and position myself in between her legs to where I'm laying on top of her.

"I missed you last night, Calliope," she says, stealing kisses. I tuck another strand of hair behind her ear and smile.

"I missed you last night too, beautiful," A moment later, a pitiful cry through the baby monitor alerts us that Noah was awake.

"He must have heard his Mama's voice," Arizona chuckles, pushing me off of her.

"I guess so," I say, sitting up right on the couch. I stand from my spot on the couch and shuffle my way back into Noah's room.

"Hello Mijo," I greet him with a smile. I lift the five-month-old out of his crib and carried him back out to the living room and took my spot back on the couch.

"Hey there, dude," Arizona smiles, popping her dimples. Noah just scrunches up his face and let's out another pitiful cry, "aww someone must be hungry," I hand him over so Arizona. I watch as she positions him, then lifts her shirt to feed him. He immediately latches on and begins sucking down on his breakfast. The room falls quiet for a minute until I remember the conversation, I had with Doug last night.

"So, Doug came up with an idea," I say, still watching my son eat.

"Oh, yeah, what's that?"

"He was thinking that after getting caught in the storm last night, he thought that it would be a good idea to do some remodeling at the studio. Maybe a couple of sleeping rooms in case we get snowed in. He even thought of putting in a nursey in case the mothers have to bring their kids to work,"

"And what do you think?" she questioned, raising her brow.

"I think it's a great idea, honestly," I tell her, "The building is big enough,"

"Well, if you think it's a great idea, then go for it,"

"Well, I wanted to talk to you about it first. I mean, after all, once we get married, it will be your business to run too. We can even rename it," Before I could stop myself, the next words just fall from my mouth, "what do you say we get married next month? Instead of waiting?" ........

*Hope you like the chapter. I'm sorry if it's boring.... but think Arizona will agree to get married sooner? *

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