Chapter 16

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Arizona's P.O.V-

What the hell was Callie doing here? and how did she know I went to school here? She's the last person I really wanted to see. How long is she even here for? A million thoughts were racing through my mind but were immediately broken up from the sound of my boss's annoying voice.

"You're late... Again," My boss huffs out, "I have callers waiting,"

"Yeah, well, I got stuck in traffic," I spit back, "What do we have?"

"Fifteen-year-old caller she says she needs to talk," he says giving me an update.

Two weeks ago, we had started a hotline for teens. It gave them a chance to talk to us and see if we could give them advice on anything and everything. So, of course, since I'm a teenager, my boss, Robert thought I'd be the perfect candidate to run it. I just think he just hates teenagers and didn't want to have to deal with them. Which was fine with me. I put on my headphones and took the caller off hold.

"Great!" I growl. I put my headphones on and took the call, "Hello, Caller, are you there?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm here," came the young girl's voice.

"Who am I speaking with?"

"This is Molly," she says.

"How can I help you tonight, Molly."

"I just called because I have a situation and needed to talk to someone,"

"Of course, you can talk to me. What's going on?" I sat there listening to Molly talk. Trying to get an understanding on what's been going on and try to give her the best advice that I could. Everything was going very smoothly, until she mentions how her boyfriend was pushing her into having sex.

"Tell me your age again, Molly,"

"I'm Fifteen." She tells me. Fifteen?

"So, this would be your first time, correct?" I wasn't trying to get personal; I was just trying to get the information so I could give her whatever advice I could that would be helpful.

"Yes," That right there set me off. How could any fifteen-year-old be thinking about having sex right now? Especially if the guy is pushing her into it. Not to mention, she was all willing to do it because she didn't want to him to leave her.

"Okay, listen here, Holly,"

"It's Molly," she says, correcting me.

"Whatever. Look, you are way too young to be having sex. Girls your age shouldn't be even thinking about boys. You should be focusing on keeping your grades up so you can get into good college or even play sports. You shouldn't even be thinking about sex right now. It's not worth it. Giving up your fucking virginity to a guy who is over 21 is stupid. My advice would be not to do it. That moment will change you forever. Not to mention, you could end up pregnant if you're not careful," I threw my headphones on the table, stood up and walked out of the room. My boss walks out of the studio room, chest heaving and nostrils flaring. He crossed his arms and looked at me.

"What?" I snapped.

"What the hell was that?"

"What do you mean? She wanted my advice, so I fucking gave it to her,"

"You literally went off on her..."

"Because she was being fucking stupid." I yell, cutting him off.

"That's where you come in, give her the best advice. Nicely I might add."

I just scoffed.

"You know what, I don't know what's been up your ass lately, Ms. Robbins, but I'm not putting up with it anymore. and yelling at callers, will not happen again, do you understand me?"

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