Chapter 20

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General P.O.V:

Callie felt like she was floating on cloud nine after hanging up from talking to Arizona. After their little encounter back at the college few weeks prior, she didn't think she was going to actual hear from the blonde that stole her heart. She had waited for weeks to hear from her, but she never did. But when Arizona called her that morning, it gave her a feeling of hope that maybe Arizona had a change of heart and was willing to give them a chance, but she wasn't bound to push the issue.

As she pulled into Arizona's driveway, a rush of nerves raced through her body, and it seemed like her mind was going a mile a minute. She needed to prepare herself for whatever way the conversation going to go. Letting out a sigh, she unbuckled her seat belt, got out of the car, and made her way to Arizona's front door. Here we go Callie thought to herself as she rang the doorbell. The nerves she was feeling caused her body to shake with anticipation. She started picking at her nails, waiting for someone to answer.

"I'll get it," she hears a female's voice from inside the house. When the door swung open, Callie's face went from a small frown to a small smile.

"Hi Callie," Arizona greeted her, giving her a small smile in return, "Come in,"

"Thanks," Callie says nervously. As she entered the house, the smell of pumpkin hit her nose. She likes pumpkin Callie thought.

"Thanks for coming," Arizona says to her, "would you like coffee?"

"Sounds great," Callie answers, still sounding nervous. Arizona walked into the kitchen to pour them each a cup of coffee as Callie looked around. Some of the walls were filled with pictures. One wall had pictures from when Arizona and her brother were little, and up on the entertainment center sat another picture of an older couple and a little boy who looked to be about two. The older gentleman was wearing a military uniform.

"Here you are," Arizona says, coming to stand next to her, "that's my mom and Dad," Callie just stared at the picture with a smile on her face. Then looks at Arizona.

"Thanks for calling, Arizona," Callie says, "it meant a lot,"

"Well, there are some things we needed to talk about," Arizona answers. To, Arizona, this wasn't a social call. It was more like 'you're about to be a mother' call.

"Yeah, okay," Callie says. When Arizona walked to the table and sat down, Callie followed her lead and took the seat next to her, "So what's up,"

"I... umm..." Arizona fumbled with her words. She didn't want to just blurt it out to Callie that she was having her baby, she wanted to be cooler about it, but the words just couldn't seem to form in Arizona's mind, "I'm sorry, I had this all planned out on how I wanted to actually talk to you and now that you're here my mind just completely shut down on me,"

"It's okay, take your time. I don't have anywhere else to be," Callie tells her, placing a hand on hers. She just decided to go for it. She decided to just rip off the band aid and tell Callie what she wanted her to know.

"Okay, the thing is Callie..." Arizona starts again, "I'm pregnant," Callie froze in her seat. Her whole body stiffened. Of all the things Callie was expecting, learning that she was about to be a mother wasn't one of them. She never expected to hear that she was going to be a mother to a tiny human. A tiny human that would depend on her for the rest of his or her life.


"Yeah, I'm pregnant," Arizona repeated. Callie ran her hand through her hair, trying to figure out what to say next, but nothing else comes to mind. She was at a loss of words, "...and it's your baby,"

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