Relationships hurt.

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Y/n's Pov

"Fuck you!" I shout. "Fuck you too!" Michael shouts back. I say, "I'm tired of you accusing me of shit I didn't do! Just because of one thing! The exact same thing happened to you and I forgave you! Why is it so different for me?" Michael says, "Because I saw it in your eyes. Y-y-you like him. I swear you do!" I shout through the tears, "Michael Joseph Jackson, I married you for a reason and that reason was because I love you." Michael says, "Not what you did there said that!" I say, "Who the hell do you think you are, knowing what I do? How I feel? How I see people?" Michael says, "You can tell these things. I know who you are. I've been married to you for what? 5 years?!" I say, "You don't know me enough. Until you know me, don't talk to me." I start to walk away upstairs to move my stuff to the guest room yet again. Michael says, "While your upstairs, go back your bags. Go move in with your new man!" I turn around and say, "But-" Michael simply says, "I pay for this house, I made this house you just live in it. Go pack up, you're a superstar now, you have money, go move into a new house." I start rushing to him again like I usually run and beg for his forgiveness but I stop myself. I look at Michael this is not the Michael I know. This isn't the Michael I got married too.

I turn around and head up to pack some bags to leave. Prince, who is now 4 years old, was wondering around upstairs, in the clouds. A tear rolls down my eyes, he doesn't deserve this at all. He notices me and runs up to me and says, "Are you crying mommy?" I giggle at his voice and say, "No, no, no. I was cutting onions downstairs!" Prince says, "Ohh okay, I'll give you a hug anyways." He hugs me and I smile and say, "Awh thank you Prince." Prince says, "No worries. But I got a question?" He starts to fiddle with his fingers. I say, "You can ask me anything Prince?" Prince says, "I know." I say, "Ask away." Prince says, "Why were you and daddy shouting at each other?" I say, "You know how you and your cousin Brandy argue?" Prince nods. I say, "That's why we were shouting." Prince says, "So you're putting yourselves in Timeout." I nod. Prince says, "You can do timeout in my room, we can play! Don't tell dad though." I giggle and say, "I would love too but I'm doing my timeout at the studio!" Prince says, "Can you please play with me for five minutes?" He gives me puppy eyes and I roll my eyes smiling and say, "Fine." He grabs my hand and we run into his room!

5 minutes later...I mean an hour later...

"Owww!" I say as Prince hits me with a pillow. We were doing pillow fights in his room when I realised it's time for his school. I say, "Prince baby, it's time for school." Prince says, "Yes!" I smile and say, "Your teacher is probably downstairs." Prince says, "What are we waiting for let's go!" I smile at his enthusiasm for education. His favourite lesson is English and music! Sounds familiar right. As I reach for bags, I am reminded of the situation and my happiness immediately fades. I grab my bags and carry Prince down the stairs. I see Michael smiling at Prince but not me, he just looks at me with no emotion. I kneel down and kiss Prince's forehead. We do our little handshake and I say, "I love you Prince." Prince smiles and hugs me and says, "I love you more!" I say, "I love you most!" I kiss his cheek and then Michael says, "Come on Prince, time for school!" Prince says, "Okay dad! Bye mommy! Enjoy your timeout." I giggle and say, "I'll try Prince, I'll try!" I look at Michael for one more time and he now looks hurt and tears are filling his eyes, it must have hit him.

I head into my car and start to drive thinking about how this could happen and how could this be. You're probably confused right now, let me tell you what happened.

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