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(Filler Chapter)
Y/n's Pov

I wake up excited and with a jolt of energy, today we are going to Disneyland and I am so excited. Having a break from work and everything is actually good and has made me less stressed apart from Paris being sick, I'm glad I didn't have to work during that. I Strech and get up and see Michael is already awake. I then here a voice and it says, "Morning sunshine!" I practically jump but I see Michael at the door holding a tray off food already dressed and everything. He's dressed in his favourite buttoned up red shirt, black pants and socks with his mickey mouse varsity Jacket with his hair undone. I smile and say, "Awhhh you didn't have to!" He goes up to me and is about to kiss me but I say, "Um morning breath!" He proceeds to kiss my cheek and I smile.

Half an hour later, me and Michael basically finish our breakfast and as we are having a conversation we hear a baby crying and Michael says, "I'll deal with it. Let's start getting ready for Disney!"

I get up and head downstairs and wash our dishes as I hum to one of my new songs. I then head upstairs and wake Prince up and he says, "Where is everyone?" I giggle and say, "They're at home, we're at our home too." Prince says, "Oh okay." I then say, "But, we're going to Disney!" Prince screams literally and hugs me so tight and says, "Thank you mommy!" I say, "It was actually daddy's idea so you can thank him soon." Prince says, "Okay!" I say, "Go and get ready!" He jumps off the bed and goes straight to the bathroom to get ready." Meanwhile I go and get ready myself.

I put some music on like usual and begin to do my morning routine. I quickly finish and head out and go and pick my outfit of the day. I wear a mickey mouse cropped top, some baggy jeans and some trainers. I decide to slick back my hair and put a mickey mouse headband. Afterwards, I do some light makeup in my face and some jewellery on. I spray some perfume and then I'm out.

I head back into Prince's room who has finished getting changed into some jeans and a mickey mouse top like I am in. I get all his hair products and begin to do his hair as he talks to me about some random dream he had, it's funny though. I put his hair in a bun like mine, I do the finishing touches and I decide to get a scarf for him to put around his face. After, we head downstairs so he can eat breakfast.

I make him some cereal to eat and he eats it excitedly as I go upstairs to help Michael with the babies. He's currently changing the babies diapers and he smiles back but his smile looks like a cry for help and understandably it stinks. I say, "As you do that, I'll get their outfit. I pick out a matching mickey and minnie outfit with cute little hoods. I give Michael one outfit to change Blanket and I change Paris and I try and be as entertaining as possible. I make silly noises and faces and all she does is blink at me and dribble which makes me melt. I finish before Michael does and head downstairs with Michael following after.

As I hold Paris, I make both their bottles making sure to add medicine in Paris's bottle. I hand Michael Blanket's bottle and I hold Paris's one. We put them in their Maxi Cosi's and I put on my red puffer jacket on help Prince in his red one too. I pick up Paris's Maxi Cosi and Michael picks up Blanket's and we head into the car with the bodyguards. We begin to drive.

As we begin to drive, I take Paris out of her maxi Cosi and begin to feed her with milk and she begins to fall asleep and I smile and look how precious she is.

After 20 minutes, I burp her and put her back in as we head off to Disney in excitement.

After an hour, we finally make it to Disney. I put Prince's scarf around his face and we take the babies out covering their faces. We wave at everyone and a bodyguard opens the car boot and takes the folded-up stroller and unfolds it. We put both babies inside and Michael is in control of it and he also puts the dummies in the babies' mouth. I put that backpack on Prince where I'm able to hold an extension so he doesn't run away, he loves doing it when we go to Disney so this is the only solution.

The cameras and questions begin to start, some rude some nice. One of the says, "When will you be back to your normal duties?" I say, "March, then in April I will be on tour!" Another asks, "How is everything after these two new additions?" I smile and say, "We are so blessed, we've been happy." Another asks, "What about the accusa-" I just walk off. I walk behind Michael with Prince practically pulling me along as we walk in the entrance off DisneyLand!

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