He's innocent.

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Y/n's Pov

Tom Sneddon says, "Nice to see you again." He flashes a smile with his crooked teeth. I say, "Can't say the same for you." I sarcastically smile at him. I say, "What brings you here?" Tom Sneddon says, "I have a notice for Michael. Can I come in?" I say, "If I had a choice, then no but I don't so alright. You can sit there." Sneddon nods and walks in and looks around.

I sigh and walk out to get Michael and Prince. They come over and I tell Michael, "That detective is here again." Michael frowns, nods and heads in. I say, "Come on Prince let's get ready for bed." Prince nods and we head inside.

Michael's Pov

I walk in and see the face I've been dreading for weeks. I haven't even been back for a day and this is what I have to face. I sigh and sit down. I say, "Hello, you wanted to see me?" He responds, "Your wife isn't very fond me." He laughs. I don't laugh, no wonder she isn't fond of you. But I say, "What do you need?" Tom Sneddon hands me and letter and says, "In two days, we'll be doing a strip search on you. The family sent us a drawing of you, drawn by the boy, we just wanted to see if it matches. If it matches, hell, it's over for you Michael." My eyes widen and tears start battling to come through. I say, "But, don't you need permission to do that?" Sneddon says, "That's why I'm telling you, now if you don't cooperate, that makes you look guilty." I never did this stuff though, but I have to do what I got to do to be proven innocent. The truth always prevails. I say, "Okay, okay." Tom Sneddon says, "Glad we are on the same page. I'll be seeing you in two days." I don't even respond or say anything. He then walks out and a million thoughts run through my head. All I can ask, God what did I do to deserve this?

Y/n's Pov

I tie Prince's hair up and then I'm done! "Let me get your daddy up here and you do all the finishing touch!" Prince says, "Okay, mommy!" I smile and I head downstairs to see Michael in a sad state.

I rush downstairs, still careful as I have two babies in my stomach. Michael sees me and then changes his posture into his normal and chill one. I say, "Are you okay?" He says, "Yeah, yeah. He just told me some stuff about the situation." I cross my arms, "Michael, you know I can read you like a book, I also saw you sad a second ago, are you sure?" Michael says, "I'm sure. Don't worry honey." I don't buy it but I don't want to pressure him anymore. I say, "I'm always here for you Michael, it's okay." Michael says, "Thank you." He kisses my cheek. I say, "Prince is probably sitting there bored as hell, he has a gift for you so we better get up!" Michael's smile slowly comes through.

We head up the stairs. I put my hands over his eyes, making him giggle. We finally head into Prince's room. Prince says, "Hey daddy!" Michael says, "Hey Prince!" Prince says, "You can see it in 3, 2, 1!" I take of my hands off of Michael's eyes!

Michael's Pov

"Wow Prince it's amazing!" I smile so hard. It's Neverland! I see everything. It looks magical. I see Y/n who is giggling and filming like usual! I look around it very careful to take in the greatness of this project! Prince says, "Do you like it daddy?" I look at Prince and I say, "No I don't." Prince says, "Awh man." I laugh and say, "I love it!" I embrace him tightly, picking him up. He starts giggling and talking excitedly.

Moments like these makes me realise why family is important. This means the world to me and will always mean the world. They make me forget all my problems and just make me happy and I will always be thankful.

Y/n's Pov

An hour later, we are all tucked in bed after a very long day. But, the long days don't end there, I have my last rehearsal for tour tomorrow before I go on maternity leave. And, you'll never guess what! Tatiana is a dancer in MY tour. One of the dancers had a very bad injury so she cannot tour on the first leg of tour with me. So, Tatiana is her replacement. Things are going to be interesting...

But anyways, I slowly start to walk to my room, when I start hearing sobs coming from Michael's room. I look over and I see Michael sobbing. I walk in and say, "Michael, what really happened?" I pull myself up. Michael does the same. Michael says, "In two days-" He cries even more. I start to embrace him. Michael says, "In two days, they are going to strip search me, I'm scared Y/n. I really am." I embrace him tighter. I sigh. I say, "Wow, they really stooped that low." Michael says, "What did I do to deserve this?" I say, "The worst things happen to the best people you know." Michael said, "It hurts so much." I say, "I know baby, but I'll be there with you all the way through, finish to the end. If I could do anything to stop this, on God, I would do it." Michael says, "I just want this to go away!" I say, "So do I, and we'll do anything for it to go away. I'll do anything." Michael says, "Thank you I appreciate you." I say, "That's why I am here okay?" Michael continues to sob and it breaks my heart that I silently begin to cry.

Michael falls asleep in my arms while sobbing still as I caress his hair and tell him encouraging words that he needed to here.

God, please let this go away.

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