First show done!

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Y/n's Pov

(Filler Chapter)
I head onto the stage and as I do this screams start to erupt and the music plays. I hold the mic stand and sing, "I've cried enough tears to see my own reflection in them an then it was clear. I can't deny, I really miss it. 'Cause it's too much to bear without you and I know that sorry isn't the cure. If you cross my mind just know, just know im yours. 'Cause what we got it's worth fighting. Cause you were my everything 'til we were nothing and it's taken me a lot to say. And now that you're gone, my heart is missing something. It's time to push my pride away. 'Cause you are, you are, you are my everything. You are, you are, you are my everything." I move onto the next song which was 'Another Lifetime' and those two songs bring me back to the time when me and Michael's relationship was nearly gone. I never ever want to do anything that will risk us gone again.

A couple songs which included a random fan singing Diamond and Pearls, they could sing! We have finally reached the last song and it's Where Is The Love? We invite all the children who came to the show up on stage and I carry on singing, "People killing, people dying, children hurt and you hear them crying. Can you practice what you preach? Will you turn other cheek? Father, father, father help us. Send some guidance from above. Cause people got me, got me questioning where is the love? The love, the love, the love. Where is the love, the love, the love?" Then the last bit is left with quiet music and I give the mic to a random child but not just a random one, Sapphire and she has such an incredible voice. She sings, "Father, father, father help us. Send some guidance from above because people got me got me questioning." We all sing, "Where is the love?" The music ends there and then it starts again so everyone can leave. As the music goes on, I introduce everyone involved and then I say, "Thank you all for coming to my show! I love you all forever and always. Happy birthday to my baby boy Prince, this show was for you." I blow a kiss to him and head of stage waving.

They take off my microphone and we do a group hug backstage and then we head to the lounge. Prince literally jumps on me and he says, "Thank you so much mommy! I love you!" He kisses me on the cheek and I smile so hard and I say, "I love you more!" Prince giggles and says, "I love you so much more!" I say, "Only because it's your birthday I'll let you win!" Prince hugs me tighter and won't let go and I realise that it's because they are flying back home tonight. I hold him tighter after that. Michael kisses my cheek and smiles and says, "You did so well. You're magical to watch!" I smile and say, "Thank you, Applehead!" He smiles and tries to kiss my lips but Prince puts hand in between and we all laugh. I say, "Not one?" He says, "Nuh ah uh!" I fake roll my eyes and we head out.

I put a scarf over his face to cover it and we head out to the crowd screaming so loud! I wave and blow kisses to everyone and we stop at an interviewer. She says, "Tonight was phenomenal and we felt every emotion and every lyric you sang." I say, "Thank you!" She says, "So how are you feeling now?" I say, "Tired as hell. But never felt better. It was amazing to be back and I love all the fans." I blow a kiss and we head into the car.

In no time, we arrive back at the hotel and we head into the lobby with sleeping Prince and I see Sapphire and her care worker with her. I gave Prince to Michael as they head upstairs and head over to Sapphire. I smile and say, "Hey Saph! You sounded beautiful." Sapphire smiles but not a proper one and says, "Thank you but I came to tell you something. It's a secret and only you can know." I nod and I kneel down so she can whisper in it and she says, "Your mother wants you to go to her in the next month on your tour break to tell you something and she says that if you don't, you'll regret it. I'm scared." Worry falls over me but I say, "Nothing will happen to you. I will don't worry okay?" She nods. I say, "Has she been giving you letters?" She nods. I say, "Okay, call me if any new letters come okay?" She nods and I smile and say, "I love you okay, sister." Sapphire says, "I love you too, sister."

All will be explained soon...

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