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Y/n's Pov

My eyes slowly open as light slowly beams through the curtains. I realise that I overslept a whole lot more than I should have. I need to be at rehearsals in half an hour! Michael is still asleep on my lap so I slowly put his head on the bed and I kiss his forehead. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. I kiss his forehead again and head out to check on Prince. He was also sleeping peaceful; they are so cute. I kiss his forehead and cheek and head out to the bathroom.

I put on some music and start getting ready. I brush my teeth and shower, washing ever where and my hair thoroughly. I smile about how good I feel now and I step out, where some underwear and wrap a towel around myself and head into my room. I moisturise myself. After, I put on my Thriller crop top that I created then some matching black joggers. I then put on a zipped hoodie but leave it open.

Sometimes you have to let the belly out you know! I rub my belly as I look in the mirror and I smile. I then remember I am on a time limit, but I am already late. I put some light makeup, put my hair up in a ponytail and put on some trainers.

I head downstairs, I write a note for Michael and Prince telling them where I am. I say in the note for Michae, 'Take it easy, everything will be fine.' I put the note down and then I make my mint and chocolate pickle ice cream and head out the door to the car my driver was in. I say with a mouthful of ice cream, "I'm sorry for being late!" The driver nods and immediately heads to rehearsals.

Half an hour later...

I put on some sunglasses and head into the building still holding onto my small tub of ice-cream. Quincy was the first to spot me and he says, "Where have you been?" I say, "I'm sorry, I overslept!" Quincy says, "You're lucky you are having babies otherwise I would have shouted at you, get on stage we are about to start Alright. I put my ice cream down and I hear Quincy say, "Damn, what a weirdo combination!"

We starting with one of the hardest dances ever, but I get to mark them. I slowly start to walk up the stairs slowly and then I walk past her. Tatiana. She says, "Seem a little obsessed with him." I say, "I'm married to him unlike some people." I turn and trace a tear drop with my finger then I walk past her. I get the mic fitted on me and then I head down to the bottom where I'd be coming up from stage. I say, "Hit it." The music starts and I start coming up. I rap, "All my life I had to fight!" The dancers pose. "All my life I!" They pose again. "Hard times like ya!" We do a pose. "Bad trips like ya!" We posed. "Nazareth, I'm fucked up!" We pose. "Homie, you fucked up!" We pose. "But if God got us then we gon be alright" We start doing the routine, which I marked.

As I am marking but doing the steps someone steps on my foot. It was Tatiana so I ignore her. She does this a couple more times and I say, "Cut, cut, cut, cut." Quincy says, "What's up?" I turn to Miss. Tatiana, "Now, you know better to keep stepping on a pregnant lady's feet. Stop, holding grudges and act professional and it will go good, okay?" I smile pettily and I tell them to play it again.

Michael's Pov

I wake up with a pounding headache. Wait was drunk? I look around. No, no yesterday I came back into the country. I then see a wet pillow and realise, I was crying all night but it wasn't my pillow, it was Y/n's. I remember every memory of last night and why I am sad. I thank God for her every day because she is in my life. But, the worry is still there.

Before, I go into deeper thinking Prince walks in my room looking sad. I lean my head to the side and say, "What's wrong Prince Michael?" He says, "I just threw up, I feel very sick." I say, "Awh, come here." He lays down next to me. I feel his head which hot. I get up and take the first aid bag and check his temperature. It is very high. I say, "You can lay in daddy's bed all day long, once I get ready, I'll stay here with you. Do you want any food or anything?" Prince nods his head no. I say, "Okay, son. I'll be back okay?" Prince nods.

I head to the bathroom and get some cleaning supplies to clean up his sick. I head to his room. He only threw up a little bit so I clean it in no time. After, I head out and properly get ready. I brush my teeth, take a shower and get changed in something comfy.

I head downstair, I then see a note. It's from Y/n. I smile and put it down. After, I make some waffles for me and Prince. I know he didn't want anything to eat but he has to eat something!

As I let the waffle toast, I decide to tell Y/n what is going on.

Y/n's Pov

We are currently on break so I'm just sitting at the edge memorising some lyrics in my head and dances that I am about to do and then I see feet next to me and then someone sit next to me. Tatiana. The last person I'd want to talk to. Tatiana says, "Hey girly." I say, "Hi, what do you need?" Tatiana says, "To talk things out." I say, "Okay." Tatiana says, "Michael is cheating on you with me, but he just doesn't want to admit it." Is this bitch for real? I look up and say, "So, you interrupted my break to chill to lie to me?" Tatiana says, "I'm not lying." I say, "If you're telling the truth then that means Stevie Wonder can see. I give you five seconds to get out of my face before I drag you by your hair out of this room. Five-" She says getting, "Suit yourself." I say, "That's what I thought."

After five minutes, my PA comes up to me with her phone in her hand and says, "Michael is calling." I smile and thank her as she gives me the phone and walks up. I say, "Hello?" Michael says, "Hey Y/n." I say, "What's up? Are you okay?" Michael says, "Yeah, but Prince isn't." My first turns to worry and I say, "What's up?" Michael says, "Prince threw up and he's quite ill right now." I say, "Awh poor baby, want me to come home to you guys?" Michael says, "No I got this." I say, "Sure?" Michael says, "Of course."

Michael's Pov

Y/n says, "Okay." I say, "So how are you?" Y/n responds, "Annoyed." I say, "Why?" Y/n says, "Tatiana said that you cheated on me with her." I roll my eyes and say, "You don't believe her right?" Y/n says, "Of course not so I threatened her and she went." I say, "Good! Also, thank you for helping me last night, I really needed that strength." Y/n says, "I told you I'm always here for you." I say, "I know. Thank you." Y/n says, "No worries. I have to go now, make sure you look after Prince!" I giggle and say, "Yes ma'am." She giggles and says, "Bye Michael." I say, "Bye Y/n." She ends the line. Her voice makes me forget about all my worries and also about...The waffles!

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