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Y/n's Pov

⚠️P.S.A- These events do happen but not exactly like it happened in real life!⚠️

August 1993

I straighten my dress and neaten my hat I am wearing before they roll the camera again:

I straighten my dress and neaten my hat I am wearing before they roll the camera again:

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I was shooting my Another Lifetime music. It's set is like a 60s jazz singer, with the mic and everything. I am in love with everything.  Quincy says, "Come on let's start." I get into my position. I start to sing, "I hope you find your way, sorry we couldn't make it. Still, I miss you anyways, yeah. I just grew and couldn't break it. How I wish perfect was enough for my own heart. Sometimes I swear it was enough for my own heart! I guess I'll wait another lifetime oh! Meet us in another life time oh! I guess I'll wait another lifetime! Cause there I will say, my darling. I swear I won't run from you." I even tear up.

I finish the last verse and finish the video. Quincy says, "That was really good." I say, "Can I do it one more time, I think I can do more. And do you think you can bring in some fake rain or something. I could walk outside with an umbrella and it's raining for the last two choruses!" Quincy says smiling, "Amazing idea. While we get that prepared take a break." I nod and sit on my seat scanning the area.

A couple minutes later, I get a tap on my shoulder and it's my PA, she says, "You are going to want to take this." I nod and take the phone. It's Maria and she's crying, "The police are here at Neverland! I don't know what's going on!" I say, "What do you mean the police are there? What are they doing?" Maria says, "They have a search warrant to search the premises for something. They're not saying anything else." I say still in shock, "Is Prince okay? Is Blake okay?" Maria says, "Prince is crying, they're searching his room too, Blake is trying to comfort him." I say, "Give the phone to Prince." I hear some movement then I hear Prince crying and my heart shatters. I say, "Hey buddy, I'm on my way." Prince said, "Be fast, t-this man w-went I-nto my room and he ruined m-my l-lego castle, I-I was m-making for daddy." I say, "Imma kick his butt when I get there, alright?" Prince says, "Okay." I say, "I'll buy you new lego soon." Prince says, "O-okay, th-thank you mommy." I say, "See you soon, sweetheart." Prince says, "Bye mommy." I end the call and I say to my PA, "I have to go, let Quincy know right now. Shit's hit the roof. Call me if you need anything." My PA nods and walks away with the phone.

I bolt out to the driver and get him to drive me back to Neverland. As soon as I find out what's going on, I'll call Michael. He might know already. I sit and wonder all the possibilities, each one getting scarier and scarier.

An couple minutes later, I arrive at Neverland to see police guards guarding it. I say, "I'm Y/n Jackson. What's going on? Where's my son, neice and sister?" The police says, "We are investigating child abuse claims that a family made against Michael." I say, "What?" The police said, "We are invest-" I say, "I heard what you said but why?" The police says, "A family accused him of child molestation, we are searching his homes for any evidence." I say, "That is completely false, Michael would never hurt a child, never ever, ever!" The police says, "We're only doing our job." I say, "And you're wasting your time." I barge into the house and see police everywhere. I nearly break down in tears. I see Maria cuddling Prince and Blake. Maria sees me and then I shut the door behind us and she puts Prince and Blake down and give them some toys to play with.

Maria says, "What's going on? What's happening?" I say whispering and nearly crying, "They're accusing Michael of child molestation. He didn't do it I swear to God. I- I- how could this be?" Maria says, "Michael would never hurt a child. We know this. It'll be over soon." I say, "It better be." I walk over to Prince and pick him up cuddling him. I say, "Hey baby." Prince says, "Hey mommy." I say, "I'm here now don't you cry." I wipe his tears. Prince says, "The mean man is still here." I say, "I'll get him don't worry." Prince says, "I left the special camera dad gave me, to use when he goes on tour if I miss him. He said some messages on there and it's in my room." I say, "I'll get it." I say, "I'll be back." I put him down. I head to the phone and immediately call Michael.

Michael says, "Hey Y/n-" I immediately break down into tears. Michael says, "What's wrong?" I say, "There's police in Neverland Michael! They're searching Neverland." Michael says panicky, "Why?" I say, "They're accusing you of child abuse, child abuse out of all things?" Michael says, "I should have told you, the accusers have been wanting money from me for none of this to happen. But, I'd never give them money because I didn't do that. I didn't think it'd escalate to this. The lawyer told me it won't." I say, "It's okay, it's not your fault. Just greedy people." Michael says, "I know, I cry a lot because of it. Before I would hurt a child, I would slit my wrists. I could never ever do that." I say, "I know, I know." Michael says, "I'll cancel this tour, I'll come back now, you can't be doing this on your own on my faults." I say, "No, no. They won't find anything, it won't escalate. I can do it." Michael says, "Are you sure?"  I say, "Yes, it's all good okay?" Michael says, "Fine, but I will be calling you more often." I say, "Bye Michael." Michael says, "Bye Y/n."

We talk like we're friends and it's so weird, it makes me sad each and everyday. I want us back together. I end the line and head out to see what they're doing.

I then see them all in Michael's study so I head in there. I say, "Hey what are you doing?" A man looks at me and takes me out and then says, "Ma'am I am Tom Sneddon. I am the lead investigator of this case." I ignore his hand shakes, I got a bad vibe from him. I say, "Why did you break my son's lego tower?" Tom Sneddon, "Because I was looking for evidence." I say, "So you broke a little boys toy. I hope you feel better about yourself. You don't need all these police, you only need a few!" Tom Sneddon says, "We are just searching, don't get all worked up." I say, "You didn't need to ruin Prince's room, did you take that camera by his bed side?" He says, "We took that for evidence. We'll need to question your son now anyways." I say, "Nope." He says, "Why don't you want us to see anything? Did he do it and you know of it?" I say, "He never did anything your accusing him off. You guys are monsters for this." Tom Sneddon, "Your husband isn't who you think it is, he's the monster, we're just doing our job to get the monster convicted." I breathe so I don't pounce on him and get arrested. I say, "You can try but you won't succeed."

Tom Sneddon smirks and we head downstairs. He says, "I will interview your son or you'll be arrested for tampering with evidence." I give up and slowly open the door regretfully.

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