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Michael's Pov

Tear form in my eyes. I walk back into the house; thank God everyone is outside. I see Tito in the kitchen and I go up to him and ask, "Can Prince sleep over at your house?" Tito says, "Of course but why?" I say, "Something happened, a project thing got brought up and basically Prince needs to be out of the house. You know how I want him to not to be seen and to be normal." Tito says, "Gotchu, just call me when you want him back." I smile and run up the stairs full of tears. I go into my room and immediately start trashing the place. I thought we had something. I thought she loved me. But she kissed another man, right in front of me, In my house! I even throw a picture frame of us. But, then, I stop throwing things as soon as I come across a picture of me, Y/n and Prince recently after Prince was born. We had a kid together. She must have loved me.

Y/n's Pov

I run upstairs to me and Michael's room that is now locked. I say, "Michael, please let me in. I can explain. Michael! Michael! Applehead! MJ! Open the door!" I am about to walk away when I hear the door unlock but it not open. I open the door myself and see Michael sitting on the bed holding a photo. He looks up and his eyes are red. Guilt immediately kicks in. I then begin to cry. I say, "Michael, I know it looks bad but I didn't kiss him! He was drunk, he pulled my arm and just did it. I love you and only you! Please forgive me." Michael then says, "But you stayed there. You let it happen." I say, "I was shocked, but it will never happen again. I do love you." Michael says, "You love me to kiss another man in my house." I say, "I didn't kiss him Michael, I could never. I could never do that to my sister-" A voice behind me says, "Do what?" It's Maria. Maria says, "Let me guess actually, Leo kissed you." I turn and nod slowly. Maria says, "I saw it coming, he's been cheating on me but it's Blake I'm staying for. Michael trust me it's be Leo to kiss her not the other way round." Michael says, "It still hurts, I need time to think." I say, "I understand." Michael says, "Sleep in the guest room and Prince is sleeping over at Tito's." I nod and look at him for one last time, tears reforming in my eyes. I hope it gets better.

Present time...

It didn't get better. Here I am in a dark studio on the verge of a divorce. My thoughts are cut off due to the fact that a phone rang. I say, "Hello?" A voice says, "It's the hotel you just booked." I say, "Hey yes, what's up?" The voice says, "We can't book you the room you wanted as it is booked by Prince just for today. Would you like the room after now?" I say, "Sure, any room is fine by me!" The voice says, "Okay Mrs. Jackson-" I gulp. The voice says, "We'll see you soon." I say, "Bye now."

I grab my things from the studio and head to my car and drive off to the hotel. Playing some of my demos to see how they are and what changes I can make.

I finally arrive to see a bunch of Paparazzi and Prince fans there. They begin to scream again as they see me. They loved that collab me and him did. I smile and wave at some of them. An interviewer stops me and says, "You and Prince in the same hotel? Are you two planning anything?" I say smiling, "Nah, just a coincidence! He even stole the room I was supposed to have." I laugh and so does the interview as I walk into the hotel.

I see Prince at the desk and I stand next to him and say, "Hey Prince!" Out of nowhere I start to full nauseous but I ignore, probably the smell of the cleaning products. Prince turns and says, "Oh hey Y/n!" He hugs me and I hug him back. I say, "Thanks for stealing my room, by the way!" Prince says, "Oh did I? I'm sorry." I say giggling, "It's co-" I feel sick coming up my throat and I see the bathroom door and run to it, I feel heels, assuming to be Prince's run after me.

I throw up in the toilet and Prince says, "You good?" I wipe my mouth and say, "I am thank you-" I throw up again and I then see black.

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