Purple rain.

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Y/n's Pov

Breathe Y/n. I open the door slowly and I enter taking off my hat. I look up teary eyed already and I see Michael patting to sit next to me, smiling softly. I go and sit next to him and he says, "Why are you crying?" I say, "I miss you." Michael says, "But we saw each other earlier today." I say, "I know, it's just that it wasn't nicely and hasn't been nicely." Michael says, "I do need space." I say, "I know, I know. It's just hard." Michael says, "It's also hard for me too." I say, "But how's Prince?" Michael says, "He misses you. He's with Marcey and Chloe actually." I say, "Tell him I miss him too." Michael says, "I will." It goes silent and then I sigh and say, "Michael-" Michael turns and says, "Yes?" I say, "Actually nevermind." Michael says, "Um okay." Awkward.

After two hours, the show is actually done and me and Michael sit waiting for Prince to come up. Michael says, "I am back on tour from next week." I say, "I know." Michael says, "You can come back to Neverland so you can stay with Prince." I say, "You sure?" Michael says, "Yes of course." I smile and say, "Alright." Michael says, "I do miss you, I hope you know that." I smile and hug him which he hugs me back.

A couple minutes later, Prince comes in and sits down too. Prince says, "Thanks for coming guys. How are you guys doing?" Michael says, "Um, um pretty good." I say, "Better than before." Prince says, "Good." Michael says, "You did amazing out there actually, extraordinary." Prince says, "Thank you." I say, "Michael's right, I enjoyed every bit of it." Prince smiles and says, "Thanks guys." Michael says, "I better get home now, early morning tomorrow." Prince says, "Alright, see you whenever Michael." Michael says, "You too." I wave at Michael who smiles back and heads out.

Prince says, "Did you tell him?" I say, "I was going to but I thought of a better way to do it." Prince says, "When?" I say, "Before he leaves for tour. Because he won't stop his tour, as it is a short notice and it'd be nice." Prince says, "That makes sense. You did really good in the duet by the way." I say, "Thanks, you did phenomenal, with your guitar." Prince says, "I appreciate it, should we head out." I nod.

We head outside to Prince's fans and some paparazzi. I just smile and wave as I usually do until we head into the car. I look out of the car as it starts moving and I begin to fall asleep.

Half an hour later...

A light tap on my shoulder wakes me up. I look at who is tapping me and I see that it's Prince. Prince says, "We are back at the hotel. You good to go in by yourself, I need to head to a party." I smile and say, "Yes I am, thanks for bringing me back." Prince says, "No worries Chica." I smile and hug him and then I head out to the back so people don't spot me and I can peacefully go back to sleep.

I check in at the reception and then head to my hotel room. I go straight to the bathroom as I feel like throwing up again which I do. Being pregnant is not easy. I slowly get up with a pounding headache and wash my face and moisturise it. I then take out my hair and comb it and then I put my hair up again. I get changed into a silk pink playsuit jumpsuit with a matching pink robe:

I head out of the bathroom and go to the kitchen area to grab a painkiller to stop my pounding headache

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I head out of the bathroom and go to the kitchen area to grab a painkiller to stop my pounding headache. I also get a glass of water and then I drink it and have the painkiller too. I gulp the water down and then I head into bed and within a couple minutes I fall asleep.

At 2am...

I am shaken up by the ringing my phone. I ignore it t first as it's probably something stupid but it keeps on ringing so I turn on my lamp and pick up the phone. I say groggily, "Hello?" A voice says whispering, "Help me now. Come over. He's going to hurt us." At that moment, I am fully awake. It's Maria. I say, "Are you guys at home?" Maria says, "Yes and we are hiding in the bathroom." And then I hear a bang at the door and Leo's voice shouting. I say, "Whatever happens, don't hang up. I'm on my way right now." Maria doesn't reply but I get up put some slippers on and head to the other phone in my room and dial the police. I say, "Hello?" The voice on the other says, "Hello, what is your emergency?" I say, "My sister, is in an abusive relationship and she called me and asked for help, i heard banging and shouting on the other line." The voice says, "Okay, what is the address?" I say, "56 Avenue, London road." The voice says, "We have police on the way." I say, "Okay thank you." I end the call and run out of the hotel to my car and begin to drive off.

Panick and worries arise in me. I hope Maria and Blake can hang on a bit longer. I should have got her out the moment she told me these things were happening. I'm so stupid. I hit my car wheel wanting the car to go faster.

10 minutes later...

I pull up at the front of the house and the door is already open. I let myself in and quietly tip toe my way around the house. And before I know it, The sight I see almost makes me want to breakdown and cry...

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