Paris is home!

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Y/n's Pov

We practically rush into the hospital and go to the front desk. The receptionist says, "Mr and Mrs Jackson?" We nod. The receptionist says, "Head into room 405!" I say, "Thank you so much!" While I hold Prince's hand as we practically run and Michael hold Blanket in his Maxi Cosi, we head into the room and each second, I get nervous and emotional.

We finally head in the room and we see the doctor smiling at us and beckoning us to sit down. Michael takes Blanket out of his Maxi Cosi and holds Blanket and his pacifier to his mouth and Michael just looks and smiles at him. Meanwhile Prince is sitting on my lap and playing with my hair. Dr. Adeola says, "Hey guys, I hope you guys are good!" I say, "Yes we definitely are." Dr. Adeola says, "We made this decision due to the fact she is doing better she is having straight milk from the bottle, sleeping very well but monitor her closely." We nod. She reaches for something and hands us some medicine. She says, "Poor a tablespoon of this in her milk every two bottles she has. Shake the bottle too!" I say, "I will." Dr. Adeola says, "You have an appointment every week with us too for this month only for check ups." We nod. She says, "That's pretty much it can you come and get Paris. Follow me." Michael stays with the boys while I take the empty Maxi Cosi and baby bag we brought then I follow her.

We head into a baby room full of babies who seem happy but some have feeding tubes and other stuff on them which breaks my heart and then we finally stop at a cot and I see sleeping Paris. I begin to tear up and I say, "To think that you were dead for over a minute five days ago and now you're here alive. My miracle baby." I lift her up and stretch my arms up to get a good look of her. She seems to be waking up now and opening her eyes just for a tiny bit and she yawns too. I smile so hard. She then begins to cry and squirm a bit and I immediately bring her close and rock her a bit to quiet her down which she does. I say, "Is there a changing room, I need to get her changed." The nurse says, "Yes follow me!" I follow her and she tells us to go into a room and I get her changed. It was into this pink body suit, with white socks and a bow headband on her head. Blanket was wearing something similar just blue and without the headband. I say, "Ain't you a pretty girl, my pretty baby!" She just blinks but it makes me happy. I pick her up and put in her Maxi Cosi and head out. I wave bye to everyone and head back to the other room.

I walk into the room and say, "We're back!" Michael who is rocking Blanket and talking to Prince turns his head so fast and smiles so hard looking at Paris. I take Blanket from him and he takes Paris out of her Maxi Cosi and hugs her and Paris just tucks into him with ease and eventually falls asleep in his arms. Prince just blabbling. As I rock Blanket, I say to Prince, "That was you nearly five years ago you know." Prince says, "No it wasn't." I say, "Yes." Prince folds his arms and turns looking sad. I say, "But you were very strong!" Prince turns and says, "That's what I'm talking about." I laugh. Dr. Adeola says, "Well, I'm glad everything is fine." I say, "Me too. I also want to send a donation of $250,000 to this hospital. You guys have done more than enough for my baby girl and it's our way of saying thank you." Dr. Adeola goes to hug me and says, "Thank you so much and we are always happy to help!" Michael says, "Yes, thank you so much!" Dr. Adeola says, "Our pleasure." I say, "We better get going, we are a bit late for the new years party!" We put both of them in their Maxi Cosi and put blankets on them to cover their faces and we say, "Happy new year!" The smile and we head out to an expected crowd.

We smile and wave at everyone and the cameras flash a lot as we head into the car.

We all finally get into the car and drive to Havernhurst excited to surprise all the Jacksons

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