Not a criminal.

147 4 5

December 20th 1993

Y/n's Pov

I slowly wake up feeling a little bit of pain around my stomach but I ignore it like usual and sit up. I turn to Michael who is sleeping and I realise what today is. My heart starts to break in a million pieces for him. He doesn't deserve this. I close my eyes and pray for Michael saying, "Dear God, please heal and make this soul next to me stronger. Whatever is going to happen to him please help him through it. Please keep us together. Thank you, Amen." I open my eyes to see Michael looking at me and he says, "Thank you, thank you so much. I love you." I give him a small smile and say, "I love you more." I kiss his forehead and head out to the bathroom.

I don't put any music all I do is quickly get ready so I can check up on Michael. I head out and put a warm hoodie and some leggings and put my hair in a bun. I look at Michael who says, "You look pretty." I smile and say, "Thank you. Also, what do you want for breakfast?" Michael says, "I'm not hungry." I say, "You have to eat Michael, please." Michael says, "Just for you. Eggs and toast, please?" I say, "Scrambled?" Michael nods, "Yes, please." I say, "Coming right up, get ready though." He nods and I head downstairs.

Prince is actually at his grandma's house so he doesn't see all of this. I slowly walk to the stove and start to make breakfast.

After I make breakfast, Michael comes down and I serve him some with orange juice. He looks so tired and scared all at the same time. I sit down and start eating too. I say, "How's History going?" Michael says, "It's going well, but I'm officially pausing it though for you, Prince and the babies. Also, it's nearly Christmas." I say, "Oh about that, Elizabeth Taylor is celebrating Christmas with us. She didn't want to miss your first Christmas!" Michael giggles, "Of course, I love her." I giggle.

We make small talk nearly distracting him but then the knocks we have been dreading starts. It's like everything goes in slow motion. I look at Michael who starts to freeze and he just looks at me sad. I get up and move to the door. I open the door and see the face I hate seeing. He grins like it's funny, making me angrier. He says, "Nice seeing you again. How have you been?" I say, "What do you think?" Tom Sneddon shrugs then says, "Can I come in?" I nod. 5 more of them come in and I just blankly stare at them. Tom Sneddon says, "Can you please, bring the man of the hour?" I say, "Every single time, you come to this house, you cause trouble and are so rude. If you weren't a police officer, I would gladly slap you right now. But, I'm pregnant. So stop being rude and do this quickly." Tom Sneddon says, "I'm just doing my job." I turn around walking and mutter, "A very bad one." I go and get Michael who is still in the same position as he was. I kneel down and say, "I'll be right there with you. I won't leave okay? Just say my name, I'll be there. This will go fast don't worry baby, okay?" He nods and I kiss his lips then his cheek multiple times. He gets up and we head out. Tom Sneddon says, "Okay let's get started." Michael nods and heads into the bathroom.

I follow him but wait outside the door. I hear quiet sobs from Michael which makes me tear up. I say, "Everything is going to okay Michael." Michael sniffles and says, "I know." I say, "I am right here." He says, "I know." A couple minutes later, he comes out with only underwear on and we head back in the living room where they are. Tom Sneddon says, "Key word: Strip. Can you remove those too?" Michael immediately turns and heads straight to the bathroom and starts to properly cry. Michael says, "Why does he does this? Why?" I say, "Because he is an evil man, he will lose his job soon enough. Michael be strong, I know you are." Michael sighs and then comes out with a towel around his waist. I walk through but then I get stopped. I say, "Why?" The officer says, "A private investigation." I say, "I'm his wife." The officer says, "And?" I say, "And I should be in there." The officer nods. I sit down and being to tear up and stress. I get up then pace about worrying.

Nearly 20 minutes later, Michael comes out look tired and sadder than before. I reach out and hug him so tight and he returns the hug. He then says, "I want to see my mother." I nod. He then says, "I need to do a live broadcast as of now, my lawyer is on his way." I nod he then looks at me and then goes to the bathroom.

I knew that today, a part of Michael died today.

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