Concert Ready

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Y/n's Pov

December 24th 1993

I wake up in fully Christmas decorated Neverland. Yesterday, we as a family plus Elizabeth Taylor decorated the whole house with the help of the housekeepers too. Today, though I have a charity concert just a little sit down one to raise money for the children who cannot celebrate Christmas and on the 26th we are inviting underprivilege children to play over at Neverland. I look down and Prince and Michael who are sleeping soundingly next to me. I smile and then slowly and quietly to not wake them up head to the bathroom.

I put on Michael's Dangerous album and remember the time starts playing. I immediately start singing and dancing, "Do you remember the time when we feel in love? Do you remember the time?" It's crazy how time flew. For once in months, I begin to think about Jay and how he's doing. I do miss him a lot. I look up and sigh and continue to sing, "Those sweet memories will always be dear to me and boy no matter what they say-" I feel someone's hand wrap around my waist and I smile and see it's Michael who sings, "I will never forget what we had, my baby." We sing along to the lyrics and dance together. One of the sweetest moments we have had in ages and it's well needed. Michael at the end deeply kisses me and before it can go anywhere, I hear Prince say, "Ewwwww." We both laugh and see him running away. Michael says, "Let me let you get ready." I nod and he kisses me one time before running after Prince. I sigh and smile at the family I have and how blessed I feel.

I finish showering and brushing my teeth, after I put some underwear and head out. Michael who is rummaging through a draw looks up and says, "You look cute pregnant." I blush and say, "Thank you, you look cute rummaging through whatever you're looking for." Michael laughs and says, "Oh I'm looking for this toy that I had, it was in a set." I say, "Oh that one, try looking in the kitchen, I think Prince took it and left it there." Michael says, "Thanks." He kisses my cheek and heads downstairs.

I look through my wardrobe to decide what I should wear. I wear this black Jumpsuit, with a fur blue leather jacket.

I then sit at the vanity and put on some makeup, some jewellery and spray some perfume

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I then sit at the vanity and put on some makeup, some jewellery and spray some perfume. I then put my hair up in a slick bun and add a Christmas hair clip in my hair. I smile put some sunglasses on my head and head downstairs. Michael who is trying to get Prince's excited ass to put on his shoes looks up and smiles. I say, "I'll sort it out, you can get ready properly." Michael nods and rushes upstairs. I then go to Prince and get him to put on his shoes. I say, "Chop, chop or you will not have any time to eat your lunch." I forgot to say how we overslept to one, luckily the show doesn't start until 6. Prince is coming for the first time and even giving some of his pocket money to the event. I was so proud of him! Prince finally does as I say and the rushes to eat his chips and chicken strips. I then hear a very recognisable laugh. Elizabeth has awoken fully dressed and everything. I smile and say, "Afternoon, Liz! How are you?" She smiles and says, "I'm fine doll. How about you?" I say, "I'm good." Prince runs up and says, "Aunt Liz!" Elizabeth says, "My baby!" She picks him up smiling. I dish myself and Elizabeth some fried rice and then sit down and begin to eat it.

A couple minutes later, Michael arrives all ready and such. He got the blue code and is wearing a blue military jacket, a white top, some black pants and of course his socks and loafers. His hair is in a mullet style and he is wearing a bracelet Prince made him as well as the wedding ring which I smile at. Michael smiles and goes to hug Elizabeth and says, "Hey Elizabeth, how are you?" Elizabeth says, "I'm good, how about you?" Michael says, "I'm alright." Elizabeth says, "Sure?" Michael nods and turns to get his plate of fried rice. I say, "Michael are you performing Black Or White today?" Michael says, "It's your concert, if you want me to." I say, "Of course I want you to but it's you, you choose." Michael says, "I'll do it." I smile. I say, "Tatiana decided to buy a backstage pass so we are going to see her." Michael rolls his eyes. I say, "Oh and also I am to be singing a cover of Heal The World, if you want to join?" Michael smiles and says, "Of course."

After an hour, we finish everything and begin to head out. I put on some boots and Michael puts on his hat and Prince puts on his scarf over his face and Elizabeth is helping him. We are officially ready and head into the car to the concert!

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