Happy New Year!

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Michael's Pov

"Happy New Year!" everyone screams. I smile so hard looking at everyone's smiling face. We're in 1994 now. I look at Y/n and Prince together smiling and giggling. They're my everything, I don't know where I would be without them. I remember when we met for the first time she was very smug and a bit mean but to me she was the most beautiful girl in the world and still is to me. Everything that we have been through has been for a reason and it was worth it. I look at Prince, 5 years ago next month would have been when he was brought onto this Earth it felt like just yesterday that happened. He was our bundle of joy and he always will be, Prince Michael Joseph Jackson. I look down at our new additions both sleeping, they have become my life, especially Paris, I love her more than anything in the world. I smile and then I hug my family happily and we celerbrate.

Y/n's Pov

Two hours later, Prince is knocked out, Blanket and Paris are and Michael is nearly getting there and so am I. I get Michael and tell him we should go home which he completely agrees to and goes and gets Prince and the babies ready. I find Latoya and let her know we are leaving and she says, "If you need a babysitter, I'm always here apart from Wednesdays that is my self-care day!" I laugh and say, "Alright Toya, I'll see you later." She hugs me and then I get Paris's Maxi Cosi and Michael has Prince and Blanket. We wave bye to everyone who is left and we walk out to our car.

We get everyone in and begin to drive off in the car. I'm the only one to stay awake and I watch everyone sleeping peacefully. Never in a million years would I think I'd be here in the same car as Michael Jackson, married to him and have his kids, 13-year-old me would be proud of me right now, I got everything I could dream of and I am so proud of myself.

An hour later, I tap Michael to let him know that we are home and he gets up smiling at me and everyone. We get everyone out of the car and into Neverland and head upstairs and tuck all our kids into bed and get ready for bed ourselves. As I get changed Michael says, "Happy New Year baby!" I smile and say, "Happy New year, Applehead." He giggles and says, "You know I have been reminiscing on the time we met." I say, "So have I." He stops what he was doing and said, "Despite your rudeness, I thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world and I still think you are. You're beautiful because you gave me love and life especially last year. You're beautiful because you gave me not just one but three bundles of joy. You're beautiful just because you are. And I know 1993 wasn't the best year for us not just because of the stupid rumours but because of our relationship but I know 1994 will be better. I know I haven't said this very much last year but I just want to say I love you." I am in literal tears and I hug him and say, "I love you." He then pushes my chin up and kisses me and we stay in a deep kiss until he breaks it. He then says, "Do you want to go to Disneyland tomorrow as a family? It won't be packed, it's new years day we can just bring the bodyguards." I say, "Sure. Now, I'm excited." Michael says, "Me too."

He kisses my lips then forehead and then finishes getting ready for bed and so do I. He heads into the bed and so do I and he hugs me as we both drift off to sleep.

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