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Y/n's POV

I immediately end the call. So, he's now cheating on me? I put the phone down stopping myself from throwing it. I sit down crossed leg and start crying so loud. You know those ugly cries? That was me. I hug my pillow. This is how heartbreak felt like. I want to go around and smash and break everything but I can't. I just boil my fists and rock back and forth.

An hour later...

I decided to put a knock only on the door because I can't deal with any human contact right now. He has called me multiple times but I ignored it. Then, as I play with my wedding ring pulling it off and on, I hear a knock. I say, "Go away please." Then I hear, "Mommy?" I say, "Come in Prince." He walks in and shuts the door behind him with his little hands. He's so cute. I look at his black curls just like his dad's and his brown eyes just like his dads and I burst out in tears. He reminds me of Michael the only man I can ever love who just broke my heart. Prince sits down next to me and says, "What's wrong mommy?" I say, "Nothing for you to worry about." He says, "Well tell me, because talking it out helps." Well, I don't want to tell him that his dad is possibly cheating on his mother so I lie. I say, "Ever since I've been pregnant with your siblings I've been crying for no reason. It's a mystery honestly." Prince looks at my belly and then up at me and then down at my belly and says, "Stop making mommy cry or I won't share my toys with you!" I laugh. He always makes me happy. I rub through his black curls and say, "You know I love you right?" Prince nods. I smile and say, "Good, now let's get back to building." Prince says, "Yay!" and rushes down as I watch him smiling nearly forgetting about all my problems.

Michael's POV

We nearly got there, we were doing so good and of course it comes crashing down. "Tatiana why are you here?!" I say bothered. Tatiana says, "Just seeing my future husband." I get up and say, "I thought I told you that day you left Neverland that I don't like you. I'm married, I have a child and two on the way. You can't be doing this. You've now messed things up like you always do." Tatiana says, "Well, I love you." I say, "Well, I don't love you." Tatiana says, "You will soon." I say, "Who even let you in?" Tatiana says, "I have my ways." I say, "Well use your ways to get out of my room." Tatiana blows a kiss and gets out.

I begin to call Y/n but she is not picking up her phone. This can't be happening. I need her. I love her. I miss her. Why does this happen?

A couple days later...

Y/n's POV

After a couple of dreadful days, I've been think a lot. Michael needs someone through this situation he is going through, he needs a friend. This doesn't mean I will act as his wife, he's lost them privileges for now. He's called me every single day, I only let him speak to Prince not me, but he always asks Prince about me. It seems like he cared. But he didn't care enough to go and cheat on me.

I hesitantly pick up the phone and dial his number. He then picks the phone up and says, "Hello." I say, "Hey." Michael says, "Are you okay? It's been a couple days." I say, "Do you still love me?" He says, "Of course I do, why wouldn't I?" I say, "Do you love Tatiana?" He says, "No, I didn't invite her there." I say, "Right, I'm not here to talk about this situation, I'm not ready." Michael says, "That's fine but just know I never cheated on you." I say, "How are you holding up?" He says, "Honestly?" I say, "Honestly. Tell me because it hurts seeing the media talk about you like that and it's only getting worse." There is silence then I hear sobbing and I nearly cry for him too. Despite everything, I know he is hurting right now. He says, "I'm not a pedophile, I didn't hurt him. Before I would hurt a child I'd slit my wrists." I say, "I know, I know. You're innocent and they'll find out. Don't stress it, it will go away. Don't listen to them. I know you and you are not one." Michael says, "It hurts so much." I say, "I know I wish I could hug you, and be there with you." Michael says, "Me too but this show has to happen." I say, "I know." To lighten to mood I change the topic. I say, "I have a question, Applehead." Michael says after I gave him time to calm down, "Yes Y/n?" I say, "How would you feel having your first Christmas?" Michael giggles a bit and says, "You ask me this like everyday, no." I say, "You're not a Jehovah witness anymore!" He says, "I feel guilty though!" I say, "Please, we have a little family Christmas me, you and Prince!" Michael says, "Fine!" I say smiling, "Finally! I'm so damn excited." Michael giggles and says, "Thank you for making me feel better." How can I hate this man? I simply cannot hate this man at all. Everyday he gives me another reason to love him and I just can't. I say, "It's my job, I'm your wife you know." Michael goes silent. I say, "Hello? Are you there?" Michael says, "Yes, just shocked. At this point, I thought we were divorcing." I say, "Never, yes it's come up in my mind once or twice but I love you too much. I'm not mad at you." Michael says, "I didn't cheat on you, she just came up and I told her to get out." I say, "I know, I just overreacted and overthought it. But, if I see her near you or anything like that, we are done." Michael says, "Getting a restraining order right now!" I laugh and say, "Sure!" Michael says, "I love you." I smile finally hearing that word after months, "Alright." Michael says, "I have to go, take care of the twins and Prince." I say, "I will." Michael says, "Bye." I say, "Bye Applehead." The line ends.

All I have to say is, Michael's first Christmas is underway!

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