Baby reveal!

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Y/n's Pov

"I'll drag you if I have to, go!" I say to Prince. Prince stomp to the corner of the living room and sits there with his arms crossed. I say, "Think about what you did and why it's not okay. You're lucky it's a good day and you're only spending five minutes." I turn and I see Michael at the stairs watching. He then smiles and says, "Hey guys!" I smile and says, "Um hey." Michael says, "Why is Prince in timeout?" I say, "He was being rude and talking back." Michael sighs and walks up to Prince and kneels down to talk to him.

As he does this, I head to the kitchen with Maria to get the cake set up. Blake is just sitting down in the living room watching Michael and Prince as she plays with her new Barbie doll. I open the cake and the smell makes my mouth water. The icing is half blue and half pink. I lay the table out neatly, as I finish this Michael comes in holding Prince's hand. Michael says, "Prince has something to say to you." Prince says, "I am very sorry mommy for being mean to you and I won't do it again. I love you and I hope you can forgive me." I kneel down and hug Prince and say, "I forgive you and I love you more." Prince beams and then says, "Let's go eat some cake!" We all laugh and then Maria starts to record with her camera. Michael says with his eyebrows arched, "What's the camera for?" I smile and say, "Memories." He smiles and observes the cakes and he says, "It looks really nice, should I cut it?" I say, "Nope not yet, it says something on the cake." He looks at it and then sees the 'pull here' sign. He looks up again like a lost child, it makes me smile more. He says, "I pull it?" I nod smiling. My heart begins to beat and butterflies fill my stomach. He begins to pull it and his eyes immediately widen and well up with tears. This makes me tear up too. Prince then goes on the chair and says, "Why are you crying?" Michael turns and says, "You're going to be a big brother Prince!" Prince says, "I'm having a sibling?" Michael says, "Actually siblings." Prince says, "Awh dammit, I have to share my toys!" We laugh. Michael slowly gets up and hugs me lifting me up slightly. He says, "Thank you so much!" I smile and say, "I can't believe we're having twins!" Michael says, "I know right. How did you find out?"

At this point Maria is cutting the cake for the eager children. I say, "I fainted in front of Prince due to stress and stuff and then I woke and Prince told me I'm two months pregnant with twins. So yeah." Michael says, "You could have called me." I say, "Well, Prince was there and I didn't want to bother you about it." Michael says, "It's my job to worry." I say, "I didn't ask for you to have to job so you don't have to worry about me." Michael says, "K." He turns around. The only reason why I'm in this house is because of Prince and I'm having his babies. What a happy moment ruined.

I walk of into my room with a slice of cake and I blast my room with some music. When will we fix this? I hate it. Why can't he understand it was a mistake, a simple mistake. If he doesn't understand, I might divorce, I'm sick and tired of arguing with him. I sigh and sadly eat some cake. I then here a knock at the door. It's Maria. Maria sits down and says, "What's wrong girl?" I say, "Michael." Maria says, "Every couple fights, you'll get through it trust me. You have a kid and two new kids on the way. When those babies are born, you'll be good. Trust me." I nod. Maria says, "You have half an hour left 'til Michael has to leave. Get ready." I nod and head out to get ready.

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