Happy Birthday Prince!

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Y/n's Pov

2 months later...

I hear the alarm go off for the first time in months. And that only means one thing, tour. Today, my tour starts and coincidentally on Prince's birthday. I tried to argue with Quincy to not make me go on tour on Prince's birthday but he didn't allow it. But we decided that the family can come if they want to. So, they are but only for today. I see Michael is still sleeping and I kiss his cheek and I see a smile but he doesn't wake up. I get out of bed and begin to get ready.

I brush my teeth. I take a long shower and I wash my hair thoroughly. I head out in just underwear and go and pick my outfit which is very comfortable. It's a green co-ord outfit. I put on some light makeup and I add jewellery and I spray perfume on myself. I leave my hair out and just put sunglasses on the top of my head. A voice says, "You look beautiful." I scream so loud and I turn. Michael laughs. I say, "Thank you but don't scare me like that." Michael laughs and says, "I didn't mean to." I walk up to him and he kisses me and I kiss him back and smile. I say, "Alright let's go and give Prince his gift and then everyone eats and gets ready and then we drop the babies at your mother's house." Michael nods and I go under the bed and grab the gift for him.

We go to Prince's room and begin to sing happy birthday to him and he's already awake and excited and smiling. He looks so happy right now. Michael's filming everything. I say, "Blow out the candles and make a wish, sweetie." He blows them out and closes his eyes tight and the giggles and opens it. Michael says, "What do you wish for?" Prince laughs and says, "I can't tell you, daddy!" Michael laughs. I say, "Let's go open your presents." Prince holds my hand and we practically run down the stairs and he sees many things and doesn't know where to start but after a minute he finally picks where to go.

As Prince opens presents with Michael, I go and make breakfast which is some waffles with whipped cream, sprinkles and strawberries with orange juice. I finish making that and I head upstairs to get the babies ready. I get them bathed and dressed into matching wonsies and I give them their dummies and head downstairs. I give Michael Blanket to feed as he watches Prince and I feed Paris. We just spend the morning watching Prince go crazy excited.

After an hour, we get Prince ready so we can finally go and leave for the tour. I put Prince's scarf for him on and help him tie his laces and I say, "You're a big boy now so you need to learn how to tie your shoes on!" Prince says, "I know, mommy. I will." I say, "Let's go baby!" I carry Blanket's Maxi Cosi and Michael carries Paris's one. We all get into the car and we head off to Havernhurst so Latoya can babysit the babies for today.

An hour later, we arrive at Havernhurst with Latoya literally standing outside waving excitedly and all kitted up. I just laugh. The car stops and I hop out and take Blanket out and Michael takes out Paris. Prince chooses to stay inside the car and listen to music. He waves at Latoya who quickly comes next to the open window and says, "Happy Birthday Prince! I got you this!" He smiles and says, "Thank you Aunt Latoya." She smiles and heads back to us. Michael goes through every important thing and hands Latoya the baby bag and we give her the babies who we say a final goodbye to and we head to the airport.

"Are we there yet?" Prince asks for the thousandth time in an hour and I say, "No darling. Do you want Candy?" Prince nods enthusiastically. This will keep him quieter. I open my glove compartment and I give him a small box of sour patch kids and some nerds. He smiles and carries on listening to his music.

Two hours later, we finally arrive at the airport full of screaming fans. We all walk out and all of a sudden we hear someone sing, "Happy birthday to you." I instantly smile and everyone sings, "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Prince. Happy birthday to you!" Everyone claps and Michael lifts Prince on his shoulders and he begins giving everyone high five. I sign some autographs and take some pictures. Then, we stop at an interviewer. She says, "Hey guys!" I say, "Hey." She says, "How are you all feeling right now?" I say, "We are so excited, everyone is excited we are happy!" She says, "How do you feel going back on tour after having these babies?" I say, "I feel nervous and ready. My husband and my first baby are going to be there which makes things easier." She smiles and says, "That's amazing. I just want to say Happy Birthday Prince." Prince says, "Thank you!" The interviewer says, "We want to give you this gift we hope you like it!" Prince reaches for it and opens it and it's a small giraffe teddy! Prince says, "Thank you so much!" She says, "No worries. Now what is one wish you want to come true for your birthday?" Prince says, "Umm hmmm that's hard." We giggle and she says, "Don't worry take your time." I say, "I got it. I want everyone to treat my daddy right. He's the best daddy in the world." MY heart sinks he knows but I'm glad he stood up for his dad. The interviewer says, "That's so cute we can see how close your family is. Michael how do you feel you've heard this?" Michael says, "Prince is the best kid I could ever ask for he is so sweet. I love him so much!" Prince says, "Love you too daddy!" The interviewer says, "Michael you have been so silent about your projects will you be releasing anything any time soon." All Michael does is put his finger on his lips. We all laugh! The interviewer says, "It was so nice meeting you guys. I'm so excited to go to your concert soon when you come back to America. Bye now!" I say, "Thank you, let me know which one I'll give you a VIP pass. You can talk to one of the bodyguards for details. Bye now!" We walk off into the airport.

We see so many more fans and I do my normal routine until we finally bored the airplane.

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