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Y/n's Pov

5 days Later...

I wake up full of sadness like I have for the past couple days. Paris has been in hospital still and I'm still worried for the poor little thing. We have been putting all our attention to Blanket though, all he does is sleep though, Michael always looks after him though as I am still not strong enough to do so.

I pray to God again and I get out of bed and I head into the bathroom. Today, we plan to see the other Jacksons and have family dinner to bring up the spirits of everyone, it's also about to be new year's day tomorrow and Blanket is meeting everyone for the first time. I brush my teeth, then I shower for a bit and wash my hair. After I get out of the shower and I head out to get changed and ready. I choose to wear these oversized brown pants, a white vest top and a matching brown cardigan with it. I leave my hair out but put a brown hairband in. With my face, all I do is moisturise it. I spray some perfume and put some sunglasses on my chest.

I then see Michael watching me, I smile and say, "I didn't know you were awake." Michael says, "I just woke up to the most beautiful site in the world but yeah." I giggle and say, "I love you." Michael says, "I love you m-" We hear a loud cry and turn to Blanket who seems to be awake now. Michael reaches over and I say, "Don't worry you get ready." Michael nods, gets up and kisses me and heads to the bathroom. I pick Blanket up and rock him and head downstairs to make him a bottle.

As I make a bottle, I hear footsteps and I see Prince come down. I say, "Come over here big boy." Prince runs and hugs my leg. I smile and say, "How's your night?" Prince says, "Good, I dreamed of me, Blanket and Paris all together playing." I say, "That is so sweet." Prince says, "Hopefully, we can soon." I say, "I hope so too." I go and sit on the couch and begin to feed Blanket his milk and Prince says, "Can I help?" I say, "Of course." I give Prince the bottle and I put Blanket on his lap with a pillow to keep his head up and he begins to feed Blanket. It is the cutest thing ever. I even get a camera and start taking pictures.

Later, I say, "Time to get ready to go and see your grandma and Grandpa!" Prince says, "Yayy!" I say, "Go and get ready Prince, I'll get your clothes." Prince nods and rushes to get ready. While I sit and burp Blanket, he even ends up throwing up on me.

As I continue to burp Blanket, the phone rings and I go there expecting Michael's mother to call. I say, "Hello? Mrs. Jackson here." Someone says, "Morning Mrs. Jackson." It was the doctor, I brace myself for the worst news ever. At the moment, Michael and Prince come downstairs ready and heading to the kitchen. I mouth to Michael that it's the doctor. He nods. The doctor says, "I have some news for you." I say, "Yes?" The doctor says, "Paris can come home." I say smiling and excitedly, "For real?" The doctor says, "Yes, but she needs to have a weekly checkup for a month and if she gets sick then come and see us ASAP. I'll give you medicine you have to give her with her milk." I nod enthusiastically, "Of course." The doctor says, "I'll see you soon then." I say, "Consider us on our way." The doctor giggles and says, "Bye now." I hang up. I turn to Michael and hug him and shout, "She can come home!" Michael says, "Oh God." He kisses my forehead and I smile. I say, "I'm so happy." Michael says, "Me too, me too." I let go of him and I say, "I'll get the baby bag, and Blanket ready. Um get Prince's a croissant or something with a bottle of orange juice and then we can go." Michael says, "Aye, Aye Captain." I laugh and rush upstairs to get Blanket ready.

After 10 minutes, I have Blanket ready and the baby bag ready. I see Michael getting the baby seat for Paris and Blanket. I put Blanket, who is sleeping, in one with a blue blanket over it and I pick it up. I say, "Come on Prince, we're going to see your sister!" Prince says, "YAYYYY!" Michael is giggling and walks behind us as he holds Paris's stuff and the baby bag.

We make our way to the car and on our way to Paris!

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