The babies?!

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Y/n's Pov

We head out to the screaming people and we all wave including Prince. Michael says, "On behalf of me and my family, I just want to say Merry Christmas and we hope you enjoy your Christmas today at Neverland. Today is about love and I just want to say we love you and have a very Merry Christmas." Everyone screams and we all head in enjoying our day.

Within five minutes, I begin to feel pains in my stomach. I guess no playing around today. I walk around avoiding the pain. A little child says my name. I turn and say, "Yes sweetie." The child says, "I love your boots." I say, "Thank you, I love your boots too and that bow in your hair." She smiles and says, "Can we be friends?" I say, "Of course. What is your name?" She says, "Sapphire." I smile and say, "An amazing name!" Sapphire smiles and grabs my hand as we go out and play with all the snow.

We have a huge snowball fight and that includes everyone but I get faster quickly and the pain increases. Sapphire and me sit down and she says, "Are you okay?" I say, "Of course I am why wouldn't I be?" Sapphire says, "You keep holding your stomach." I say, "I'm fine trust me. But, anyways tell me your story." Sapphire says, "Well, I don't know, I don't know my mother, but I only know back in 1989 or 1990 she was put in jail for killing someone and then killing another person at a wedding. I don't know who but I don't want to know who she is, she seems horrible. She put me up for adoption as soon as I was born." That's funny because that sounds exactly like my mum but I don't dwell on it. My mum was pregnant when I was 20 but she said the baby die. I say, "I am so sorry." She responds with, "It's okay, she seems like she was a really bad person." I say, "Fair enough." Sapphire says, "You know you kinda look like me?" I say, "Do I?" She nods. Then I say, "We have the same eyes and nose. Imagine if I was sisters." I pull out a fake laugh and say, "Yeah imagine!" Sapphire says, "I'm only joking but I'd be pretty cool if you were my sister." I say, "It would be very cool." She then says, "Can I see some family photos?" I say, "Sure, come with me."

We walk up to my room and I get out some pictures and I start to get a little emotional. "That picture is of me and Maria, my sister who you have seen around." I say. She responds, "She's really nice too." I take another picture, this is another picture of me, Maria and dad. I say, "That man is my dad, he sadly passed though." Sapphire says, "I'm sorry." I say, "It's okay don't worry." I try and avoid the ones with mother but she stops me. She says, "I recognise her." I look up and say, "You do?" She says, "Yes, that lady was on TV." I sigh and say, "Yes, she's my mother." She then says, "I kinda recognise her somewhere else though-" I say, "Where?" Sapphire opens her eyes wider and says, "That's m-m-my-" I then scream out in pain as I feel a wet patch on the bed. My water just broke. Sapphire says, "Are you okay?" I say, "NO, get someone please, the babies- Ahhh." Sapphire nods and runs out.

Michael's Pov

"Can you do the chicken dance?" A little boy says. I giggle and say, "No, teach me." The boy gasps and says, "Michael Jackson can't do the chicken dance?!" I giggle and say, "Well teach me then." The boy says, "Well put your hands your hips." I do as he says. Then he says, "Start wiggling." I do that too. He then says, "Bend your knees and then you got that." I begin to do it and I start laughing as he does it with me.

As I continue, I feel a tap on my back, a little girl who looks like Y/n but much younger weirdly is behind me. She says shyly, "Um Mr. Michael Jackson?" I smile and say, "Yes little one?" She says, "Um Y/n told me to get someone." I turn my head and say, "Take me to her." She grabs my hand and we start going. Sapphire says, "I think she's having the babies." I say, "What?!" I immediately run up the stairs and follow the screaming to Y/n.

I go by her side and say, "Breathe, stay calm." I call the driver to come and also grab the baby bag. I then lift Y/n up and begin to walk downstairs. Maria rushes towards us and I say, "Please start sending everyone out, look after the kids and tell the rest of the family to come to the hospital." Maria nods and says, "Everything will be okay sis!"

We head to the car with the driver and I put Y/n in the car and I then get in and the car starts.

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