He's a cold man.

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Y/n's Pov

"Come on Prince help me out and grab a bag!" Prince says, "Okay mommy!" We walk in with our shopping bags laughing and talking but then we stop as I see that the whole family is having a meeting. I say, "Oh baby give me one more chan-oh hey-" Joseph says, "Just the person we wanted to see. Can we talk?" I say, "Sure. Prince go up to the room and unpack your toys!" Prince says, "Okay." He slowly goes up the stairs and we watch him until we can't see him no more.

I sit down and I sigh and say, "Is this about the allegations?" Janet nods. I say, "They aren't true, he would never do it ever!" Ms. Katherine says, "Of course but we need to know what to do." I say, "I'm not saying anything about it. I'll ignore the questions. They did it to me today and I just asked them to leave me alone because I was trying to shop with Prince." Joseph says, "Good, good. Keep that up. If you don't say anything, they'll leave you alone." I nod. Joseph says, "So, we all agree to defend Michael but keep quiet when necessary?" We all nod. Joseph says, "Good, this meeting is over."

I get up and go to Janet who is sitting there sad. I sit down next to her and say, "What's wrong?" Janet says, "Michael doesn't deserve this." I say sadly, "I know, I know but we'll get through this. The truth will come out." Janet says, "I know, just really sad about it because I know my brother and that isn't him what they are saying." I say, "Exactly but it will be over before we know it." Janet nods and gets up and heads into the kitchen.

I decide to go upstairs and attend to Prince. I open the door and he immediately smiles as he takes the last toy out. I say, "Let me get the music and I'll be right back." He nods and then I head out to the music room.

I look in there and see all the Jacksons awards and I look in awe. I even see little Michael and smile I touch the picture briefly and smile and then I begin to look for all their vinyl's which was easy. I take all the Jacksons and Jackson 5 vinyl's smile and head out.

"I'm back!" as I head inside the room again. Prince says, "Yay!" I say, "Alright let's get started. Pick a vinyl!" Prince points and then says, "ABC! I know my abc's look. A B C D F G H I J K W X Y Z." I giggle and say, "Wow, well done Prince!" I put the vinyl on the record and The Love You Save comes on. Me and Prince start building the big building while we sing and dance along.

After two hours, we are half way done and then I hear a knock on the door and then the door open. I ignore it as it is probably not for me and I giggle and Prince singing, "Don't blame it on sunshine, don't blame it on moonlight, don't blame it on good times, blame it on the boogie!" I sing a long singing, "Don't blame it on sunshine, don't blame it on moonli-" The door opens and it's Janet. Janet says, "There are police officers to talk to you." I nod and say, "Can you chill with Prince for a bit?" Janet says, "Of course!" I smile and then walk out where my smile immediately changes.

I go downstairs and see that same man, Tom Sneddon, grinning and another police officer. I sit down and don't say nothing. Tom Sneddon says, "Hey, we've met-" I say, "I know, just ask your questions." Tom Sneddon says, "Do you know who Jordan Chandler is?" I say, "Yes, he was good friends of ours along with his family well now was." He says, "How would you describe you guys relationship with the Chandlers?" I say, "They were a nice bunch apart from the father...He was always annoyed and would ask Michael for money or just things. But everything else was nice. Jordan was a good kid." Tom Sneddon, "How would you describe Michael and Jordan Chandler's relationship?" I say, "They were good friends, Prince, Jordan and Michael were a little trio going on you know. They'd play pranks, climb trees, play around and watch films I also joined them. It was fun." Tom Sneddon, "Did you see anything inappropriate with Jordan and Michael or any other child?" My faces changes and says, "Hell no, Michael isn't like that all he wants to do is have fun. It's you type of people that think dirty. Plus, the kids followed Michael everywhere, they want to be around him and just play around. I am with Michael twenty-four, seven and I mean it I am, we live in the same house for Christ sake and I have seen nothing, if I did I would've left him but nothing happened." Tom Sneddon, "If you say so. Now answer this. What is a 33 year old man doing in the same bed as a child?" I roll my eyes, "You're so inappropriate, Michael slept on the floor and let the child have the bed because he is like that or on the other side of the bed that's it." I stand up. I say, "You know what the problem is, it's you and your mind. You're so dirty. Michael didn't do this. Why do you think sexual? I can't believe I missed time with my son to deal with you." I turn around and go upstairs with tears in my eyes.

I open the door and see Prince and Janet playing. I go to the bed and lay down like a little girl again crying into my pillow. I know I shouldn't cry in front of my child but I just can't stand it. Janet heads out giving me space but Prince comes up to me and says, "What's the matter, mommy?" I say, "I miss your daddy." Prince says, "Let's call him!" I smile and wipe my tears, "Sure, sure." I slowly get up and head to the phone, I dial Michael's number and it rings.

Michael's Pov

I slowly get up as I hear the phone ring. I pick up and say, "Hello?" A voice says, "Hey Michael, it's Y/n." I say, "Oh hey, wait are you okay? You seem sad." She says, "The police came to ask me questions." I gulp and say, "What did you say?" She says, "Well I answered their questions and then I shouted at them for being ignorant." I say, "Thank you for defending me." She says, "I'm just saying what I know." I say, "Will you be okay? I can come back." She says, "I'm fine. Prince wants to talk to you." I smile and then I hear his voice, "Hey daddy." That will never get old. I giggle and say, "Hey Prince, what you doing?" Prince says, "Building." I say, "Building what?" He says, "Shhh it's a secret." I say giggling, "Oh okay." Prince says, "You'll see it when you get home!" I say, "I am so excited now!" Prince says, "Daddy, I didn't know you were in a band back in the day!" I say, "Who told you I was?" Prince giggles and says, "Mommy did, we've been listening to you and uncle Jackie and uncle Tito and uncle Jermaine and uncle Marlon!" I say, "Do you like it?" He says, "No I love it!" I say, "Awh thank you!" Prince says, "I got to go downstairs to eat, I miss you daddy and I love you!" I smile and say, "I miss you more and love you more." Prince laughs and says, "No I do." I say, "Nope I do." Prince says, "Fine you win, I'm hungry." I laugh. Her voice becomes audible and she says, "Hello?" I say, "Hi, hi." She says, "How are you, how are you holding up?" I say, "I could be doing better but rehearsals are distracting me so it's cool." She says, "That's good, I don't mind flying over there for you." I say, "No it's okay, I'll be oka-" A knock on the door interrupts, probably room service. I say, "Come in!" I then see Tatiana. "Heyyyyyyy, Michael." Y/n says, "Fuck you." Oh no.

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