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Y/n's Pov

I make direct eye contact and no matter how much I want to look away my eyes can't let go. I use this opportunity to study her. She looks crazier than before. Her hair is all tangled and dirty. Her face is even dirtier and it looks like she's been in a few fights these past years and her jump suit looks huge for her. She begins to walk forward and she tries and hugs me and I say, "D-don't touch m-me." She huffs and sits down and begins to sob. I just watch her do so. She looks up and says, "My beautiful daughter has grown up to be something amazing." I say, "You never thought that." She says, "I know, I know I'm so sorry for everything. I really am you don't know how many times I've wanted to say it." I say, "Now Ivy's dead because of you and you tried to kill me. I don't know where to start from with forgiving you." She says, "I understand and you don't have to." I say, "You're right so don't think I definitely will. The wound is still open and it hurts. It does." She says, "And I'll try and fix it. I will. I swear to God." I sit and look at her and say, "How? You're in jail. You can't be a mother from here." She says, "When I get out and it'll be sooner than you think." I try an figure out what she means by that she has 11 years left. I say, "I don't have time now tell me. Why did you lie about my sister?" She sighs and says, "I couldn't look after her. I just couldn't. I didn't even want two kids to begin with so why would I want a third? I did what was best and lie. I didn't want you guys to ask me questions or think about her it will only place guilt. And looking back on the way I treated you, I didn't want to ruin her like I did to you. I think about the way I treated you every day and God knows how sorry I am." Tears well up in my eyes but I hold it in. I say, "So Sapphire is my sister?" She nods and says, "I want you to take her in and protect her you know. I know you have been an amazing mother." I say, "She has her family but I talk to her. And I am only an amazing mother because of the mistakes you made. I pray to God every day I don't end up like you. Look at all of us." I hand her the picture. She begins to sob and says, "What are their names?" I say, "The oldest is Prince, and the very younger too are Paris and Prince but we call him Blanket." She says, "They are gorgeous." For once I see the love in her eyes but then they quickly change and she rips the photo. I look at her shocked and says, "Wh-wh-why did you do that?" She whispers, "The same reason why I tried to kill you." She then says, "YOU WANT TO BE ME!" I say, "You just switched up, you, you-" She laughs and says, "You fell for it again. I was testing you to see how gullible you are. Never once have I thought to apologise to you, all these years I thought how I want to kill you and bury you. YOU Y/N! And I'll see that day trust me, mark my fucking words. You'll see me sooner than you know it. Watch your back and your families too. I'll be sure to look out for them. I have people, my people and trust me from this minute I am speaking to you. You are not safe and will not be safe hear on out." I have nothing to say but just the fear in my eyes which shows her she's got to me.

I take the ripped picture and head straight out the building after taking my stuff and drive as far away as possible until I can pull over and breathe. So many thoughts are in my head right now whether I should tell anyone or keep it to myself. No one will know, ever. I'll just put more security guards up and I'll be safe. I know I can trust them. Can't I? I straighten myself up and begin driving to Neverland as I blast some music actually Michael's music. It has got me through thick and thin.

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