Tabloid Junkies.

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Y/n's POV

"You got everything you want, P?" I ask. Prince nods excitedly in his cart filled of toys and Lego's some for him and some for Michael! I say, "Let's get a card and wrapping paper!" Prince says, "Okay!"

We head to the section and get some Peter Pan theme, it's a Peter Pan card and Peter Pan wrapping paper. I say, "Good choice." Prince says, "No one likes Peter Pan like daddy does!" I giggle and say, "Yes!" Prince says, "Mommy can we get candy?" I say, "Pick only one!" Prince says, "Okay!" He ends up picking some skittles. I say, "Don't those hurt your teeth?" He says, "If I have too much." I say, "I'll section in out for you when we get home." Prince nods holding his skittles excitedly. I am waiting to get my things bought and my mind wonders to Michael. Does he know what's happening? I have to call him when we get back home. I sigh and start putting my stuff on the area to buy.

A couple minutes later, after buying my things and talking to the cashier who was a fan of mine, we go back to the press with the bodyguards holding our stuff. I say, "Prince cover your ears." Prince nods and does as I say. The press start asking questions about the case. I eye roll and speed walk away from the crowd.

After speed walking for a couple minutes, I finally arrive at the car and put Prince in and I sit next to him and I shut the door and then Prince says, "Can take my hands off, mommy?" I nod. He takes them off and says, "Can I listen to more music please?" I say, "Sure." I give him the music set again and starts jamming to it. I smile at him.

I then remember Michael and I take my phone out of my bag and dial Michael's number.

Michael's Pov

One of the backstage people tap me on the shoulder as we are rehearsing The Way You Make Me Feel. I turn and they say, "Someone's calling you and it's important." I get up and head backstage. I take the phone and say, "Hello?" A voice says, "Michael?" It's Y/n, she sounds worried. I say, "Yes, are you okay?" She says, "The real question is are you okay?" I say, "Yes why wouldn't I be." I hear her sigh and she then says, "It's out. I was out with Prince for some shopping, he needed new Legos for his building and they started asking me questions. I didn't answer, I just told them to leave me alone. I'm so sorry Michael." Tears start to well up in my eyes but I wipe them. Y/n says, "Michael?" I say, "Yes, yes I am here." Y/n says, "Everything will be okay, your name will be cleared. The truth will come out." I smile at her reassurance but it doesn't stop the sadness overwhelming me. I say, "I know, I know. But, people are going to look at me differently, gosh this could ruin my career." Y/n says, "Your loyal fans will stay and trust me you have millions of those." I say, "Thank you." She says, "Do you want me and Prince to come over to you?" I say, "No don't worry, it's okay." She says, "Sure?" I say still holding onto tears for my dear life, "Yes I am. Thank you so much." Y/n says, "No worries, you always got me, even before we met each other, so I gotchu." Tears roll down my eyes. I'm slowly beginning to trust her again, bit by bit. Y/n says, "Me and Prince are about to get out of the car so I'll call you later and check up on you, okay?" I say, "That's fine. Bye." Y/n says, "Bye." The I hear Prince say, "Bye daddy!" I giggle and say, "Bye Prince, bye Y/n." There is always something at the end missing when me and Y/n talk, but I can't bring myself to say it.

I put the phone down, put on my sunglasses and walk back on stage. I say through the mic, "Imma just watch." They begin to dance. I sit on the edge of the stage and think. How could they do that? All I did was show love to them. Tones of thoughts begin to run through my mind. I move towards the front of stage and cross my legs and before I knew it, I was in tears. I'm innocent. I really am.

A couple seconds later, someone comes to me. I tell them I just have a bad headache and I can't concentrate; I need to go to my hotel room. Rehearsals are stopped for a bit. I have a show today I need to rehearse. I just need a quick break. I head out into the car all the way to the hotel.

I finally arrive and I go straight to my hotel room and shut the door locking it. All I do is cry. I didn't do anything wrong. I feel so betrayed. How could they hurt me like this? I look at the painkillers and I take some painkillers to ease the headache and just how I'm feel down. I call my mother. My mother says, "Hey Michael, it's okay baby." I say, "It isn't, I didn't do this." My mother says, "I know honey, I know. You know the tabloids, they'll blow over. Just stay strong, do your shows and talk to your family. It will help." I say, "You're right. Hopefully you're right. I'll head to rehearsals again." My mother says, "Alright, I love you and be the best you can!" I say, "I love you more mother, and I will." She giggles and then the line cuts, I put the phone down and breathe. I look at the painkillers, I gulp down the pain killer and the rest of the water and immediately get up and to rehearsals, this time with a picture of my family.

We'll get through this. The storm will be over before we know it.

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