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Y/n's Pov

"We are here!" I say. Prince practically screams. I wince and say, "Put on your mask, baby!" Prince says, "Okay, mommy!" He quickly does that. I get out of the car and wave at the fans and the cameras before going to the other side and getting Prince out of his car seat. He holds my hand and we start walking swiftly, with bodyguards following. I wave at some fans but dodging questions from the press.

We head into the building and I see fans around and more Press. I smile and wave at all of them as we move on. I even see a banner saying 'Stay strong, we love you' I smile and blow them a kiss, that was so sweet for them to do for Michael. And I see another poster saying, 'Michael Jackson is innocent!' I smile so much at it, Michael is going to be so happy.

We finally arrive to a private seating. Prince says, "Mama, I wanna sit on your lap!" I say, "My lap is occupied by your brother and sister." Prince crosses his arm and looks annoyed. I giggled. He's so cute. I brush through his curls again, I'm probably going to let his hair grow, his curls are so cute. Prince says, "I'm bored. When will daddy be here?" I say, "He'll be here soon sweetie." Prince says, "He's taking so long!" I say, "Be patient. Let's play eye spy!" Prince says, "Me first, me first!" I giggle and say, "Okay, okay!" Prince says, "Eye spy with my little eye something beginning with a!" I look around already knowing the answer, "Apple!" Prince laughs and says, "Nope!" I say pointing at him, "Applehead!" Prince says, "That doesn't count mommy." He lets out a huge laugh. He's the cutest baby a mother could ask for. I say, "Hmmmm give me a clue!" Prince says, "Ummmm something that flys in the air!" I say, "Ohhhh I know!" Prince says, "What?" I say, "Airplane!" Prince says, "Finally you got it!" I say, "My turn." Prince nods enthusiastically.

I look around and my eyes set upon the man of the hour. I flash a smile and he smiles. Prince who is distracred by the airplanes, four year olds and their attention spam. I finally spot the man of the hour, Michael and I smile so much, gosh I am so happy to see him. I could scream! I put my finger on my lips and mouth him to surprise Prince from behind. He nods. I turn back to Prince, "Eye spy with my little eyes something beginning with d!" Prince says, "Hmmmmmm. Drinks!" Pointing to some Pepsi cans on the other table." I shake my head. Prince says, "Dress!" He points at a lady wearing a dress. I say, "Nope." It's silent for a couple seconds as he looks everywhere apart from behind him. Prince says, "Ugh I don't know, give me a clue!" I say, "Behind you." Prince turns looks at Michael then turns back, "Is the answer daddy?" I laugh so loud and so does Michael. Prince turns again and screams, "DADDY!" Michael picks him up and holds Prince so tight. He says, "I've missed you so much Prince!" Prince says, "I've missed you too daddy." Tears form in my eyes they are so cute. Michael says, "Your hair looks really cool." Prince says, "Cause it's just like yours!" Michael giggles.

After, he tried to put Prince down but Prince refuses and just tucks in even more to his father. I giggle. Then, we lock eyes for a couple seconds, I start to blush and then look away. Michael says, "I have missed you so much." I say, "I've missed you a lot too." I reach over and hug him the best I could. He kisses my cheek and hugs me tightly. Tears try and come through but I stop them. I've missed him so much, and I've missed his smile, his touch, his laugh everything. This is what love does to you.

I finally let go and then Michael looks at my stomach and his eyes are wide. Michael says, "They've gotten so big!" I say, "I know, Prince got annoyed that he can't sit on my lap anymore." Michael laughs. I say, "Well, let's start heading home. Prince has a surprise for you!" Prince says, "You'll love it!" Michael says, "I am so excited!"

We start to head out with the bodyguards carrying Michael's luggage, Michael carrying Prince and me holding Michael's hand tightly as we wave at fans. Michael tells some body guards to get gifts and posters for him as he smiles at everyone. We ignore the press's questions as they were just offensive and rude. I wanted to slap them for it but I kept my cool.

We finally head out all the way to a car. Michael puts Prince in his car seat and then he sits next to Prince and I sit next to Michael.

Through that car ride, Prince could not stop talking but I did not mind. For all I know, he hasn't seen his dad in ages so it's okay. Prince says, "Mommy has been teaching me about your band, the Jackson 5 with Uncle Tito, Uncle Jackie, Uncle Jermaine and Uncle Marlon!" Michael looks at me and chuckles. Michael says, "What do you think?" Prince says, "It's amazing, I wanna do it too!" Michael frowns and then he smiles again, "Maybe when you're older." Prince rolled his eyes and says, "That's what mommy said!" Michael says, "Well, mommy is right!"

An hour later, we arrive at Neverland. Michael says, "Home sweet home." I smile at him. Prince says, "Let's go on some of the rides!" Michael says, "Sure." I say, "I can't go, I'll film you guys." The both nod and run out like little kids which makes me giggle as I head into Neverland.

I immediately take off my shoes and get the video camera. I put the camera down towards me and press play. I say, "Well, hello there. I am about to birth these two babies any second so I can't have fun. I am the camera man of course. But bye." I pick up the camera and start recording Prince and Michael for a bit.

Nearly an hour later, I start to sing still video Prince and Michael while they were playing tag. I sing, "Smile though, your heart is aching, smile even though it's breaking, when there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by, if you just-" A knock on the door stops me from singing.

I head out to get it, I open it with a smile which turns to a frown and I see his face again.

Tom fucking Sneddon.

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