A letter...

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Y/n's Pov

The car finally pulls up and parks in front of Havernhurst with all the other cars. Prince hops out and I take his hand as well as Blanket in his Maxi Cosi who surprisingly is wide awake, I'll take him out when we get in. I see Michael getting out with Paris still obsessing over her and I don't blame him.

We all walk in as a family late to the new years party but it's okay. The first person to see us is Latoya and she practically screams and says, "The babies! Oh my God! Prince you've grown big!" Prince says, "And Aunty Toya...you've just stayed the same." We both laugh Michael says, "You just woke Paris up, well done!" Latoya says, "Let me see! Let me see!" I smile and take Blanket out with a blanket around him and give him to her. She starts making noises and funny baby talk and all Blanket does is blink and yawn! Latoya says, "He's so cute, he looks a lot like a perfect mix between you too!" A voice says, "Toya, what's taken you so long?" It's Janet. We finally see her and she immediately smiles and sees the babies. Janet says, "Hey Prince! And oh my God look at him! Is Paris here too?" I nod. Janet goes to Paris and looks at blinking Paris smiling and making faces as Michael holds her. I say, "Latoya go back to what you need to do, hand him over." Latoya says, "Ugh fine, but I'll be back!" I giggle as she struts away. We leave the maxi cosi's at the front and walk in where everyone is.

I think Latoya made an announcement because as soon as we came in everyone turned. Michael says, "Hey guys!" Everyone says hey and some even walk up to look at the babies as we sit down to chat. Marie walks up to me and says, "We need to talk seriously." I say, "Why is there anything wrong?" She replies, "No but yes." I say, "I need to make the babies bottles anyways, let's go!"

I get up and head into the kitchen where we see Ms. Katherine checking up on the food. I go and hug her and say, "How have you been, mama K?" She replies with a sweet smile, "Good, good, how have you been with Paris and everything?" I say, "Really good! Paris is actually here! She's good now." Ms. Katherine says, "Ohhh, can I go and see her?" I say, "Of course, she's probably with Michael, Michael can't let her go!" Mama K laughs and heads out. I say as I take stuff out of the baby bag, "So?" Maria says, "That girl that was with you before you went into labour?" I say, "Oh yes Sapphire?" Maria says, "Yes. Well, her carer gave us this letter, and it's for you in particular. But, it says the letter was from a prison. So, it can only be from one person?" I stop shaking the bottles immediately and I say, "No way! Mom?" Maria nods slowly. I say, "Can I have letter?" Maria says, "I mean it is for you?" She hands me the letter. I say, "Thanks. I don't know when I'll open it but I will." Maria nods. I begin shaking the bottles again, "I think Sapphire might be our sister?" Maria says, "Me too and that's what I think the letter is about." I say, "I have things I need to focus on, I have two new babies. It's not a truth I am willing to discover yet." Maria says, "I understand. But anyways, how's everything?" I smile and say, "Good, good. Paris is finally home!" Maria says, "I need to see her right now!" I say, "Michael's being a gatekeeper right now. But, I think he's happy right now, after everything that has happened this year. He honestly needs it." Maria says, "I know. I'm glad everything is better." I smile and say, "Me too!" We head out to everyone else.

I go to Michael and hand him a bottle and he smiles and begins to feed Paris. I then go to whoever is holding Blanket, which happened to be TJ and I say, "Thanks for agreeing to babysit Blanket. Here is the bottle, I will be back in 20 minutes!" Before he could say anything, I dash off and sit next to Prince. I say, "Hey buddy!" Prince says, "Hey mommy!" I say, "How ar- THIS IS OUR SONG! Let's dance!" Me and Prince get out of our seats and begin to dance to ABC and we sing it with everyone laughing and Janet filming. It was fun.

A couple hours later, we are all standing up and speaking about how thankful we are this year. Blanket and Paris are fast asleep in their maxi cosi and Prince is on my back, hyper as hell from all the candy he ate. It's Michael's turn to speak and he smiles and says, "I am quite thankful for this year. This year as all of you guys know has not been the best year of my life and it's crazy that I am here standing with all of you guys because a couple weeks ago I'd never have thought that I would live to be here. But, because of God, because of my wife, my babies I am here! They've shown me a lot and I'm so thankful. I hope 1994 is much better and yeah, I love you all!" We all clap and finally the countdown.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."

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