Second Family.

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Y/n's Pov

"You done?" I say. Tom Sneddon says, "Yes." I say, "Can you leave my house?" Tom Sneddon says, "We'll be in contact." I roll my eyes and walk him out along with the other police men, holding bags and stuff. I head back in and rub my head, "They're gone. I think we should go to Havernhurst though, we can't stay here." Maria says, "Yes we should. These kids can't stay here." I say, "He didn't do it. He wouldn't ever hurt a child." Maria rubs my back and says, "I know, we will fight this. We got this." I give a small smile and say, "I'll pack for us and I need to change and get this makeup off and we can go." Maria says, "I'll pack, I don't want you to go anywhere, just change, also call Ms. K." 

I quickly get change into a new outfit:

I take of all my makeup and jewellery apart from my wedding ring

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I take of all my makeup and jewellery apart from my wedding ring. I tie my hair into a messy bun.

I head the phone and I dial Ms. Katherine's phone number. I hear her say, "Hey honey, I know what happened. Michael told me. I got everything sorted, come on. I want to see my grandbaby anyways." I say, "Thank you so much." Ms. Katherine says, "No worries, see you soon." I end the call and then dial Michael's number. His voice says, "Hey, is everything okay?" I say, "Yes, Prince is sleeping, we're on our way to Havernhurst." Michael says, "Good, I'll get people to clean up. Do you know what they took?" I say, "No the only thing I know they took was Prince's video recorder." Michael sighs and says, "Are you sure you don't want me to come back? I hate sitting around and worrying about what's going to happen next. My lawyer told me they won't look into it." I say, "It's okay, I'm sure." Michael says, "Call me if you need anything. Bye." I say, "I will. Bye." I end the call and immediately put sleeping Prince on my lap and stroke his curls softly.

Maria comes down the stairs with some suitcases and says, "Ready to go." I nod. I pick up sleeping Prince and hold Blake's hand as we head out of Neverland to the car. I sit at the back with the kids while Maria and the driver sit at the front. I end up falling asleep too through the care journey.

Half an hour later, we arrive at Havernhurst and as Janet is about to take Prince he wakes up and says, "Mommy are they gone?" I say, "Yes but we are at Grandma's house!" Prince lights up and wiggles out of my arms and run in with Blake running after him. Me, Janet and Maria laugh as we head in.

I see Mama K talking to Blake and Prince even opening some lollipops for them. I say, "Hey, Mama K." Ms. Katherine looks up and says, "Oh hey honey, how are you?" I say, "I'm alright, I'm alright." Ms. K nods and we head upstairs and put the luggage in the rooms. I say, "Where's Latoya?" Janet says, "She's with her husband." I say, "Oh okay." Janet says, "So what's happening with Michael?" I say, "He wanted to come back but I said no. This tour is important, he doesn't need to waste his time on BS to be honest with you." Janet says, "True. I just hope it does not escalate." I say, "There is no evidence, so why would it?" I shrug my shoulder and look in the mirror. Janet says, "Yes but you know how this country works, they'll do anything to convict a black man." I say looking up, "True, I don't trust that man leading the investigation though." Janet says, "What's his name?" I say, "Tom Sneddon. He's broke poor Prince's Lego and they took that camera Michael leaves for Prince every time he is a way for awhile." Janet says, "Red Flag. Let's not get ourselves worked up on this stupid matter. Now how's your practicing for your ever since you found out your pregnant?" I say, "Good, I'm still allowed to go on tour and practice, just not as much as I'd usually do. After, the babies are born I'll take some time off but then go right back on tour." Janet says, "Cool. How about your album release?" I say, "Well, I was filming a music video but obviously it got stopped but it's my last song. So soon that new album gon be out!" I smile. Janet says, "I am so excited to hear it, like I always am." I smile and say, "Thanks." Janet says, "It smells like mother just cooked something, let's head downstairs." I nod and we head downstairs.

I see Prince and Blake sitting down and eating. Prince says, "Mama, when can we go and buy new Lego's, I gotta make that castle before daddy comes back!" I say, "We can go in two days." Prince says eating away, "Okay!" We head into the kitchen and I see Ms. K cooking. I say, "Do you need help?" Mama K says, "No sweetheart, it's okay." I nod. Ms. K says, "How are things between you and Michael?" I say, "I don't know. I don't know. If he wants to talk, it's mostly about Prince, we talk a little." Mama K says, "Those babies you have in your belly right now is going to get you guys back together." I rub my belly and say, "I hope so." Ms. K says, "Go sit on the table, I'll bring the food down." I nod and I go and sit next to Prince.

Ms. K comes out and says, "Let's say the grace." We do that and we begin to eat.

I hope peace stays and I hope everything will work out.

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