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Y/n's Pov

2 weeks later...

"Y/n wake up! Wake up!" A voice says. I say, "What?" The voice says, "Today's the day." I smile and immediately jump up to see Maria's face. I say, "Sorry, I was enjoying my sleep." Maria says, "Go get ready." I say, "On it!"

I head into the bathroom and begin to brush my teeth. I look at myself in the mirror and see my belly has doubled in size from the last two weeks. But, you know me, I'm good at hiding it. I finish brushing my teeth and head into the shower and wash from my hair down to my toes within' half an hour. I finish, dry myself and put on some underwear and wrap myself in a towel.

I head into my room again and I pick out my clothing for today. I wear a big oversized buttoned top and some matching trousers (pants) Then I wear an oversized black and gold knitted cardigan:

 I wear a big oversized buttoned top and some matching trousers (pants) Then I wear an oversized black and gold knitted cardigan:

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I then put my hair in a high ponytail and wear a cute clip. After, I put on some light makeup and some jewellery and lastly spray perfume. After, I put on some slippers and I then go and wake up Prince who I'm assuming Maria tried to wakeup but he refused to wakeup.

I go and open Prince's door and I see him sleeping. He looked so cute. I smile and I go and tap him awake. I say, "Prince, Prince." He starts to move but won't budge. I say, "Prince I know you're awake." A smile creeps on his face and I begin to tickle him. I say, "Prince Michael Joseph Jackson, wake up now or I will continue on tickling you." He says laughing, "Fine, I'm awake mommy!" I stop tickling and say, "That's what I though! Now go and brush your teeth and have a bath. I'll leave your clothes out here to where, tell me when you're done and I'll brush you hair and oh pick out a mask to where." Prince nods and runs to his bathroom.

I head downstairs. Michael is still sleeping; he needs as much sleep as he needs. I write a note letting him know where we all will be. I sit on the kitchen table with Maria and Blake who are both eating. I wip out my pickles and mint ice cream. Maria says, "I still don't know how you like it?" I say, "The girls that get it, get it. And the girls that don't, don't. Simple." Maria says, "I guess I'll never know." I turn to Blake and say, "What you colouring?" Blake says, "Me and mommy." I say, "Awhh that looks amazing!" Blake smiles and says, "Thank you Aunty." I smile. Maria says, "What's the plan?" I say, "So we are going to the cake shop and gift shop to surprise Michael with. We are going to use those to tell him I'm pregnant. The inside of the cake is going to have slide shows of the ultra sound and Michael will pull those out." Maria says, "That's so smart." I say, "Obv-" A voice shouts, "Mommy!!!" I say, "It's Prince." I go up the stairs and say, "Don't shout, daddy is sleeping." He says, "Oh oops, I'm sorry." I say, "That's okay sweetie." I grab the brush and Prince sits on my lap as I brush his hair softly. I say, "Have you picked your mask?" Prince shakes his head, "Mm Mm." I say, "Pick that read and blue one, it matches your outfit." Prince says, "Okay Mommy." I smile as he picks it up.

I say as we walk down the steps, "What do you want for breakfast?" Prince says, "Fruit loops." I say, "Okay buddy." We head into the kitchen. I lift Prince up on the chair and I go and get him his fruit loops. I go back to him and say, "Here you go buddy." He immediately digs in. With a mouthful of cereal he says, "Mhwhe-" I laugh then Blake says, "Swallow your food first Prince, that's disgusting!" He does as Blake says that, rolling his eyes. He's small but he got whole lot of attitude. He then says, "Where are we going?" I say, "To the mall." Prince says, "Why?" I say, "To get cake and balloons." Prince gets excited and says, "For what?" I say, "Remember daddy is leaving for tour today." Prince says, "Oh yeah, is it all for him." I say, "No, we're sharing it of course." Prince says, "Yay! What are we waiting for let's go and get some cake!" I laugh as he and Blake jumps down and runs for the door.

Me and Maria put on our sunglasses and follow them behind calmer than them all the way to the car.

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