Michael's First Christmas!!

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Michael's Pov

I wake up to the feeling of taps and jumping on the bed. I finally open my eyes and see Blake and Prince jumping on the bed. Prince says, "Daddy get up!" Blake says, "Uncle Michael get up!" I say, "Fine, fine!" I do feel guilty for celebrating Christmas but I'm doing this for my family.

I eventually get up and hold both Blake and Prince and say as we walk to the living room, "I remember holding you guys like this when you guys were much smaller." Blake says, "But I am older!" Prince says, "But by barely!" I giggle and we finally head into the living room.

I see Y/n and Maria and Elizabeth all talking. Y/n is the first to look and we lock eyes immediately and give each other smiles. I put Prince and Blake down, who immediately go and open presents. Y/n comes up to me and hugs me and kisses me. She says, "Merry Christmas baby." I smile and say, "Merry Christmas. I love you." I kiss her and she says, "I love you more." She kisses me. Then Elizabeth says, "Alright you guys go and get a room!" We laugh and I go and greet Maria and Elizabeth.

Y/n's Pov

I waddle over and get the camera and start filming. I put the camera in front of me and say, "Well, Merry Christmas to whoever watches this, maybe to even myself but I am going to open a gift because I want to. By the way the noise in the back is Michael laughing like a hyena for an unknown reason." Michael laughs and says, "Hey!" I giggle and say, "Oh and also belly review. These babies have like 2 weeks left until they are out and I'll have three kids. Their names are Paris and Prince but Prince's nickname is Blanket because he was covering his sister in an ultrasound and it was cute. I'll show you guys later. But, let me just open this." I begin to open the present and it's a teddy bear. I say, "This is so cute!" Then I see the paw saying 'press me'. I press it and I hear my dad's voice. Tears start falling down. I say, "Who got me this?" Maria says, "I did!" I hug Maria and say, "Thank you this is so sweet!" She says, "It's okay. "I turn back to the camera and then say, "Wow." I then pick the camera up and start filming everyone. I see Blake and Prince doing some trading. Prince says, "If I give you this, you have to give me that Gameboy!" I say, "Prince didn't you already get one." Prince says looking at me and the camera, "But, that is a better colour and two is better than one." I laugh. Prince says, "Give me the camera please momma I want to film you!" I say, "No I look bad." Prince says, "No you don't come on!" I say, "Fine!" I give Prince the camera and he starts filming. I say, "Come on camera man." Prince follows me and we go to Elizabeth and Michael who are just giggling. Michael then says, "Come sit on my lap!" I sit on his lap and he kisses my cheek. Michael says, "So first I want to ask, how many super soakers did you buy me?" I say, "Um one in every colour-" Prince says, "Daddy, let's trade." Michael says, "Of course." Elizabeth says, "What's with you and trading Prince, God you wanted to trade my diamond bracelet your daddy got me for a toy horse!" We all laugh. Prince says, "The offer is still on the table." We laugh harder and Prince laughs too. Michael says, "Y/n open this." I begin to open it and it's a beautiful sapphire necklace. I say, "Michael this is beautiful!" Michael says, "I picked it out the best and most expensive." I say, "Michael!" Michael says, "Let me just put it on." He puts it on and I just admire it. I kiss him on the lips. Prince says, "EW!" We laugh. I say, "Prince I got a surprise for you, gimme the camera!" Prince gives me the camera and then holds my hand to the other side of the living room. It's big! I say, "Well open it!" Prince begins to open it with the help of Blake. They finally finish and he says, "A car!" I nod, it's a toy car he can drive himself. Prince runs to me and says, "Thank you mommy!" I say, "No worries, go say thank you to daddy!" He does that and then comes back and enters the car with Blake and attempting to get Maria in but she didn't fit. They literally go around in circles and laughing. It was so funny!

After two hours, we finish opening gifts and are getting ready for all the children to come and to take pictures. I wear this full read jumpsuit. I wear these big chunky red boots with it:

I go to the makeup and put some light makeup with red lipstick

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I go to the makeup and put some light makeup with red lipstick. I brush my hair out and leave out and then put a red bucket hat. I spray some perfume put some earrings and bracelets in and then I turn to Michael. Michael looks back at me and says, "You look gorgeous!" I say, "Thank you, you ready?" Michael says, "Yes, I have been for ages, I got Prince ready too." I smile and say, "Good." The prince walks in wearing a white jumper and some red overalls with white shoes and says dragging a scarf, "Daddy can you fix this for me." Michael smiles and says, "Sure."

We are finally finished and then Michael picks up Prince and then he holds my hand as we head outside to everyone.

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