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Y/n's Pov

After a couple hours, we arrive in Asia at late at night but crowds are still formed and cameras are still flashing. Prince is fast asleep in Michael's arms and they follow behind me. I sign autographs and do some interviews. After we get into the car, and drive to the hotel.

A few minutes later, we arrive at the hotel with a huge crowd behind us. It's crazy and all I hear is screaming and shouting of my name and when they saw Michael and Prince it just got worse. We quickly rush into the hotel and get booked in and head to our room.

While I get ready for bed, Michael puts Prince to bed and all comfortable. He then comes out and says, "You should go on the balcony and talk to your fans." I shrug and say sure. I put on my robe and slippers and head out and everyone erupts. I wave like I'm the queen of England and blow kisses to everyone. After I throw down some signed autographs and shout scream to all. I turn to Michael and say, "Let's order some pizza and blankets for them some of them have waited so long to be here." Michael says, "Sure." We get the bodyguards to do so and they come with pizza and blankets and hand it out to everyone and they all look happy. Michael then peaks his face out for one second because he slips and everyone screams. I laugh as I wave bye to everyone.

I say, "That was fun." Michael says, "Apart from when I fell." I say walking to bed, "Nah that was the funniest." Michael rolls his eyes and follows behind. Me and Michael look each other in the eyes and I say, "Tomorrow is when life starts again." Michael says, "And you will do well." I say, "Thank you. Don't forget our day out tomorrow!" Michael says, "I'm excited for that." He kisses my forehead and says, "Goodnight love." I smile and say, "Goodnight Applehead."

The next day...

I wake up to someone knocking on the door and I get up and shout, "I'm coming." I finally reach the door and I see my PA. My PA Andrea smiles and says, "Morning Y/n." I say, "Morning, what time is it?" She says, "9am." I say, "Right okay. Now why are you here? Not that I don't want you here!" She says, "Quincy sent me. I have to be with you guys the whole day. You'll see Quincy at your rehearsals for tonight's show." I say, "Okay, come in and make yourself welcome." She smiles and sits on the couch.

I head back and Michael is awake and I say, "That was my PA. She's supposed to be here with us the whole day." Michael says, "Okay well I'm going to get ready." I say, "I'll go and get Prince ready." Michael nods and smiles and then kisses me and I kiss him back. It makes me smile like a little girl and I head to Prince's room.

I open the door and see Prince reading Charlie And The Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. He looks up and smiles then says, "Morning mama!" I smile and say, "Morning honey! Since when do you read those big books." Prince says, "Since forever." I say, "That's amazing but now you have to get your butt of this bed and get ready. Go!" Prince says, "Awhhh but I'm on a good part." I say, "You can read letter at mommy's rehearsals. We have a fun day planned." Prince says, "Fine." He closes his book gently and comes up and kisses my cheek and go to the bathroom. Man I am so lucky.

As I am about to get Prince's outfit out the letter box makes a noise and I go and get it. It's a letter from that address again and my heart begins to beat faster. I just put it on the side of the table and act like nothing happened. My PA turns to me and says, "Are you okay?" I clear my throat and say, "I'm fine! I'm going to say hello to the fans you can come if you want to." My PA says, "No it's okay I'll just sit." I say, "Do you want to film it and everything we do today? It could be used for a new music video." My PA says, "Sure." I hand her the video camera and she begins to film me.

I head out and fans begin to scream and I say to the camera, "This is what I'm most grateful for apart from my family." The camera moves to the fans who all wave. I shout, "I love you guys!" I blow a kiss and head back inside. I go to Prince's room and he is sitting in his clothes already worn reading his book. I say, "Let's do your hair. You remember Miss. Andrea right?" Prince nods smiling and says, "Hi Miss. Andrea." Andrea says, "Hey." Prince sits on my lap and I say, "What hairstyle do you want?" He says, "Whatever daddy has." On cue, Michael comes in with his hair out and a hat. Michael says, "Hey guys!" Prince runs up to Michael and Michael lifts him up and kisses his cheek and says, "Hey Prince!" He says, "Hey daddy!" I smile and say, "Michael you're going to do his hair. He wants his hair exactly like yours." Michael nods and smiles. I walk past and then he stops me and says, "We need to talk later." I look at him confused and I go out with my outfit and I look at the table where I left the letter and it's gone. I mutter a cuss word and head to the bathroom to get ready.

I head out of the bathroom wearing baggie jeans with a belt and a crop top with my hair up in a white scarf:

I head out of the bathroom wearing baggie jeans with a belt and a crop top with my hair up in a white scarf:

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I see Michael and Prince sitting down with my PA Andrea all ready. I rush to put on my heel boots and I grab my bag and sunglasses. I head out and say, "I'm finally ready let's go!" We all get up and head for the door and head out.

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