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Michael's Pov

I walk upstairs with 4 nearly burnt waffles and two cups of orange juice. I say, "Prince, I know you said you didn't want anything, but you have to eat buddy." Prince says, "I am a little hungry..." I giggle and say, "See!" I give him two waffles and I take the other two and a cup of orange juice and I give him his orange juice. I put on a show for him as I go on the desk.

I sit there taking a couple bites out of my waffles after thinking of lyrics to write for my new album called HIStory. I want this album to be my most meaningful and true to myself album, I also want the make everyone go, wow too! I already have huge ideas and written a couple songs called Money, History, They don't care about us, Scream with Janet, This time around and Stranger In Moscow. I have an empty page right now and the title is called Childhood but I don't know what to write down. I sigh as I sip the last drop of my orange juice and take the last bite and then Prince says, "Daddy?" I turn and yes, "Yes Prince Michael?" Prince says, "Mommy said that you have clips of you when you were in the Jackson 5, can we watch it together?" This was the inspiration I needed! I say, "Of course, let me get someone to get the box. Prince nods and turns to his Tv and his waffles.

I then call one of the guards on the property and ask him to get the box for me. I wait there excitedly. I take our plates and cups to the kitchen, wash them and head upstairs and sit next to Prince in the bed.
A couple minutes later, the guard comes and I smile and thank him as he hands me the box. I push the box towards Prince and say, "Here, pick one." Prince picks the first one and it's a clip of us practicing and mother holding Janet as a baby who was giggling. I smile immediately. I say, "That's me singing at the front you know, your uncles are at the back and Janet is there with your grandma when she was a baby like you are." Prince turns and says, "I am not a baby!" Michael says, "You're a big baby!" Prince says, "No I am not!" He crosses his arms angrily and I laugh but apologise.

After two hours of laughing and crying, mostly on my part, we finish watching the clips, well I did, Prince fell asleep. I get my notepad and start writing lyrics:

"Have you seen my childhood?

I'm searching for the world that I come from.

Cause I've been looking around,

In the lost and found in my heart.

No one understands me,

They view it as a strange eccentricities.

Cause I keep kidding around,

Like a child, but pardon me...

People say I'm not okay,

Cause I love such elementary things.

It's been my fate to compensate,

For the childhood I've never known."

Around an hour later, I finish writing the lyrics with tears in my eyes. I just want to the tell the tabloids and everyone who judges me that they should ask me about my childhood and I will ask them about theirs, so we understand why we are the way we are because we are all products of our childhood.

I decide I want to go the record store, to get more music. I call one of my guards to ask the owner to close the store for a bit so I can come and call Mcauley Culkin's mother for Mcauley to come over and Chloe for Marcey to come over. Now, I may or may not have done this on purpose. I did, Mcauley has a crush on Marcey and Marcey has a crush on Mcauley so I'm just playing cupid. I also want to go out just to clear my mind, tomorrow is the day and I don't plan on worrying myself today.

All I do, is put on a hat and some sunglasses with my shoes on too. Prince is in his PJs but he's asleep so all I do is put some shoes on him and hold him as we go down the stairs. I sit there waiting for the knocks on the door and after 5 minutes Mcauley is at the door smiling. I say, "Hey buddy!" Mcauley says, "Hey Michael, how you doing?" I say, "I'm good how about you?" Mcauley says, "I'm good, are we heading out now?" I say, "Nope, one more person is yet to arrive." Mcauley says, "Okay." and he plops himself on the couch.

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