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Y/n's Pov

I wake in an unfamiliar room with people all around me and then I spot a familiar face. I whisper, "Prince?" Prince looks at me smiling, "Oh you're awake." I say, "Yeah but what happened?" Prince says, "You threw up in the bathroom and then you fainted, we got the ambulance, who came! Don't worry no one knows it's for you. Oh, the reason why you fainted was because of stress and your 4 weeks pregnant with twins." I tilt my head and say, "I am what?" Prince says, "You're pregnant with twins." I say, "Oh fuck." Prince says, "Aren't you happy?" I say, "Of course I am but at the wrong time." Prince says, "What happened?" I say, "Can we go to my hotel room? I can't say in front of these people." Prince nods and says, "Let me pick you up?" I nod and say, "Thanks." Prince says to one of the staff and says,  "She's free to leave?" The staff member nods and Prince is carrying me to my hotel room.

He puts me down on the bed, hands me some water and says, "So what's up?" I say, "Me and Michael are on the verge of a divorce, so being pregnant right now, isn't the best thing in the world you know." Prince says, "Why are you on the verge of divorce?" I say, "You know Leo, me and Michael's old driver?" He nods slowly. I say, "He decided to kiss me, Michael saw it. He knows that Leo kissed me but it's hard for him to get it and I totally get it but we've been arguing and stuff." Prince says, "Look, I know Michael will come around. In marriages, this is normal. I know I can't talk but I know things. It will take time. With these two babies, it would be even faster. You know you and Michael would do anything to raise your children happy. It will work out trust me." I smile and say, "Thank you." Prince says, "You better take a nap. I'll swing by later to check up on you." I say, "Thank you so much for helping me." Prince says, "No worries." With that he walks out of the room and too his. Prince has been such an amazing friend. I appreciate him.

I sit there and think about the news and everything. I say, "Dad, I wish you were here so I could talk to you. You'd know what to do. I miss you so much." I sigh. I then pick up my phone and dial Michael's mother's phone. I breathe in as I press the last number. I sit in silence for a couple seconds until I hear her voice. I say, "Hey mama K." Ms. Katherine says, "Hey honey, are you okay? Michael told me what happened. I know he'll come around give him time." I say, "I could be better but I'll be fine. I hope Michael is okay too. But I came to tell you something." Ms. Katherine says, "Go ahead sweetie." I say, "So, today I booked into a hotel, the same hotel as Prince today." Ms. Katherine says, "Yes I know, Michael actually was the one that told me." I say, "Well, I was talking to Prince then I felt like throwing up, so I went to the bathroom with Prince and I threw up and then I threw up a second time then I fainted." Ms. Katherine says, "Are you okay sweetie? You can come down to Havernhurst right now?" I say, "I am thank you, and don't worry, but I did find out something else." Ms. Katherine says, "What?" I sigh and say, "I am 4 weeks pregnant with twins right now." Ms. Katherine says, "What?!" I say, "My reaction too. I never saw this coming." Ms. Katherine says, "You sure you don't want to come to Havernhurst?" I say, "I am sure. I don't want to burden you." Ms. Katherine says, "You won't, but if you say so. When will you tell Michael?" I say, "I don't know. I will tell him though." Ms. Katherine says, "Take your time, alright? I'll tell Janet to visit you from time to time." I say, "Janet is busy. Don't worry, I'll call you if I need anything." Ms. Katherine says, "Alright honey, get some rest!" I say, "I will, bye Mama K." Ms. Katherine says, "Bye Y/n." I end the phone call. I feel a little relieved that I told someone now.

I bounce my head onto the bed and slowly drift of to sleep.

A couple hours later...

I wake up to a knock on the door. I slowly wake up and make my way to the door. I look through the scope and see it's Prince. I open the door and smile and hug him. I say, "Hey Prince, come in!" Prince says, "Hey pretty lady." I sit on the bed and grab some salad to eat then I sit on the bed. Prince says, "So how are you?" I say, "Pretty good, that sleep was so good. How about you?" Prince says, "I'm fine. I actually sneaked off from rehearsals to see you." I say, "Why?" Prince says, "Cause I forgot to ask you if you want to come to my one-night show tonight?" I smile and say, "Of course, I would love too." Prince smiles and says, "Get ready, we leave in half an hour. Can you sing diamonds and pearls with me?" I say, "Alright." And with that I head into the bathroom to get ready.

I head into the shower for like 15 minutes which was very soothing also washing my hair. I finish and the before I open the door I shout, "Prince you better get out of my room and go to yours, I need to get changed!" Prince says, "Yes ma'am." I hear the door shut and I open the bathroom door and head out. I got the vanity area and begin to do my hair which was a slick back bun. After, I do my makeup which was pounds of makeup because this pregnancy is making my face break out and these tears are giving me baggy eyes. I finish off the makeup with red lip gloss and then I head to my suitcase to bring out my outfit. I bring out a white suit with a big white hat which covers half of my eyes:

 I bring out a white suit with a big white hat which covers half of my eyes:

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I put it on and then look at myself in the mirror. After I wear these, white heel ankle boots. I put on some jewellery leaving Michael's bracelet on my wrist. I sigh and smile as I look at it. I spray some perfume, wear my sunglasses and head over to Prince's room.

I knock on his door and within' seconds it's open and I see smiling Prince at the door. He says, "You look gorgeous." I smile and say, "Thanks you too." He smiles and closes his door behind him. I walk beside him as we head outside towards the car from the back. Prince says, "To the concert."

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