Cake! Cake! Cake!

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Y/n's Pov

"Mommy?" Prince says for 73829 time. I say, "Yes Prince." Stretching out his name. Prince says, "Can we go to the toy store? I want to get daddy's action figure, you know Captain EO." I say, "They still do those?" Prince says, "I think so, otherwise I'll get another toy. It's for my collection." I say, "Sure." Prince says, "Mommy?" I say, "Prince if you're going to ask if we are there yet,we are about to be." Prince says, "Okay." Maria just laughs at the situation. Blake says, "Aunty?" What is with these kids asking me everything! I say, "Yes Blake?" Blake says, "Why is your belly so big?" I nearly chocked. Prince says, "Blake why did you steal my question?" He gets sad and crosses his arms. My mouth opens wider. Maria just cackles. I say, "Oh look we are at the mall." Prince immediately gets excited and so does Blake. I say, "Prince put on your mask." Prince does as I say and we finally head out.

There is a group of fans and cameras flashing like usual. Blake and Prince at the front of us giggling and waving at everyone, making the cameras flash even more. All of a sudden, Prince trips up and falls. I get up to pick him up as he sobs. I sign some autographs and talk to people, mostly about Prince actually.

We finally arrive at the cake shop and Prince immediately stops being sad, squirms and wiggles in my arms to be put down and looks at the cake. The shop owner closes it's doors for a second as we are in it and the cameras and fans look anticipatingly through the window at us. Prince and Blake start playing tag in the shop and Maria scolds them and tells them to sit down.

The shop owner says, "Hey, I am a big fan and my daughter is a much bigger fan, she is actually at back and I want you to surprise her, can you hide real quick?" I smile and say, "Sure." I hide and the girl comes out clueless from the back. She says, "Oh my gosh is that Y/n's sister? And her neice and son! No way!" Prince says waving enthusiastically, "Hey!" Blake smiles at the girl and Maria says, "Hey girl!" The girl says, "Can you tell your sister that I love her so much, I love y'all too don't worry but you know." I laugh and say getting out of my hiding space, "You can tell me right here." The girl begins to scream and I say, "Come here." She comes slowly and I give her a hug. She says in tears, "I love you so much!" I say, "I love you more sweetheart." Clueless to what is happening, Prince comes up and hugs me and the girl, we both laugh and Prince then says, "Come here Blake, let's hug them too!" We all laugh and have a little group hug. I let go and say, "What's your name?" The girl says, "My name is Crystal." I say, "I love that name." Crystal says, "Thank you. Can I get an autograph and a picture?" I say, "Sure, if you have a camera and pen and paper." Her mother is already on it and within seconds she's back. She takes the picture that includes Prince and Blake and I sign some autographs for them. Crystal and her mother says, "Thank you." Crystal says going behind the counter, "So, what brings you here?" I say, "So I have exciting news." Crystal says, "Ohh shii-" Her mother says, "Language Crys!" Crystal says, "Sorry, but what's the news?" I say, "I am having twins!" Crystal widens and says, "No way!" I say, "My reaction too, but don't tell no one yet!" Crystal says, "I swear on my grannie's grave that I will not say anything." Crystal's mother hits her arm. Crystal says, "Sorry but I won't tell anyone." I say, "Good! So, the cake can be anything you want, a surprise but can you put this slideshows of ultrasounds in the cake where he can pull it out and add at the bottom of it something about being a father and on top of the cake put pull me, the rest is up to you!" I hand them the ultrasounds. Crystal's mother says, "They're adorable already!" I say, "Right." Crystal's mother says, "Come back in two hours, we'll be ready!" I say, "Thank you so much! Let's go Blake and Prince." Prince says, "Wait mommy?" I say, "Yes?" Prince says, "Can I please have that cupcake?" I say, "If you get that cupcake, you can't have a big slice of cake. What will it be?" Prince stands there and thinks, "I'll have a big slice of cake." I say, "Good choice."

We wave at them and head out to the crowd again. I hold Prince's hand while Maria holds Blake's hand as we head into the toy shop. Within seconds Prince lets go and is dashing with Blake to find his dad's toy. Me and Maria speed walk with them. By the time we turn the corner, they both have a arm full of toys. I roll my eyes laughing.

I say, "Prince, I thought you wanted one toy." Maria says, "Blake you didn't even ask for any!" I say, "Fine get it!" Prince jumps up and down.

During the course of the trip, we were stopped by many people who were in the store before us. I decided to buy everyone their toys due to the fact that I disturbed their shopping trip. All the kids were excited and I took some pictures with them and their parents as we head out. Prince holding his big shopping bag tiredly says, "Mommy, can you hold this for me?" I say, "No, you chose to get all those toys so you hold them." Prince says, "Ugh." Like some grown teenager. I say, "Don't do that?" Prince says, "Do what?" as he rolls his eyes. I say, "That and that." Prince says, "What is that?" I say, "Prince don't talk to me like that!" Prince says, "Or what?" I say sternly, "As soon as we get home, you'll be sitting in timeout." Prince doesn't say anything but he drags along his bag as we head to the cake shop again.

We walk in and are greeted by smiles. I say, "Hey we're back!" Crystal says, "Hey, mom is just finishing the cake off!" I say, "That's okay." Crystal looks at Prince who looks sad, "What's up with him?" I say, "He's been giving mommy some attitude so he's going timeout when we get home." Crystal tuts and says, "Naughty Prince." Prince just folds his arms and turns around.

A couple minutes later, Crystal's mother comes back holding a box. I get excited and she says, "Here's the cake, Y/n." I say while opening it, "Thank you so much." I open it and it looks so good, the details and everything look amazing! I say, "That looks amazing, thank you so much!" Crystal's mother says, "My pleasure!" I give Maria the box and get out my purse. I say, "How much is it?" Crystal's mother says, "$50 ma'am." I smile and say, "Here you go." I give them $300 instead. Crystal says, "That ain't no $50, that $300." I say, "I know." Crystal's mother says, "I can't take this." Crystal says, "Then I'll take it mama." I laugh. Crystal's mother slaps her arm. I say, "Keep it, use it for whatever you need. Thank you for doing this!" Crystal's mother says, "Thank you for giving this to us!" I say, "No worries, I'll see you next time!" I take the cake box and take sulking Prince's hand after a little struggle and Maria picks up Blake as she's asleep and her toy bag.

We head back out to the crowd and I smile and wave all the way 'til we get to the car.

Michael's Pov

I wake up slowly to a surprisingly quiet room. I yawn and Strech in bed then do my morning prayers. I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth, head out and put a hat on and head downstairs. No one is in sight. I look around and find a note on the kitchen table that says:

Hey Applehead,

We decided to let you have your beauty sleep for your tour. We went to the mall to grab some cake to celebrate! Be ready before we come back! I got a surprise for you.

See You Soon,


I smile at the note, even though it's a friendly one, it still means a lot. We are finally showing affection instead of arguing. We get better each and every day and I am grateful. I decide to go out and feed some animals even talk to Bubbles for a bit before I get ready.

I head upstairs brush my teeth and have a long, warm shower. It's like the calm before the storm. Tour is hectic and full of chaos, I hate it. I head out put on a red buttoned t-shirt and some black jeans. I put my hair in a bun and spray it. After I put on my white socks and loafers like every day of my life. I get my fedora and wear it. I put on a little plastic necklace Prince gave to me and spray some cologne and by the time I put my perfume back, I hear, "Daddy? Daddy?" They're back. The in hear Y/n say, "Oh no you're not, go to timeout right now and reflect on your behaviour." I say as I head downstair, "I wonder what he's done now?"

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