Michael's Home!

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Y/n's Pov

18th of December

7 days until Christmas and two months until these babies are born. I can cross one thing off my Calander and that is Michael coming home today! These past few months have been crazy especially for a pregnant lady. I finally released my 3rd album. You know how every artist has a heartbreak album? I am one of them. It has done amazing; it's topped both my other album which is nearly impossible in my mind but I did it. I've even gotten my star in Hollywood! But, now it's time to simmer down I could be having these babies very soon. My belly is huge, and Prince is quite small for his age so he just sits on it, it's funny. I am having a boy and girl, I don't really know what their names are going to be but we'll see. Maria has moved out and is living on the other side of the country, we've moved back to Neverland. It was hard saying goodbye but it was for the best, they might come over for Christmas though. I sigh and think my dad would be so proud of me and Maria I hope he is happy with us. I smile yawn and get up stay with a struggle and waddle to Prince's room to get up.

I open the door and see Prince sound asleep. I quietly say, "Prince, Prince wake up." After a couple tries, he finally starts moving. I rub his head and he starts smiling and says, "Good Morning mommy!" I say, "Good Morning my baby, you excited to see daddy?" I put my hands through his tangled curls that are getting very long now, they are so soft and it makes him smile so it works either way. Prince jumps up and says, "Of course!" I say, "Go brush your teeth, have a bath, put your clothes on and I'll do your hair!" Prince says, "Okay!" He scuttles to the bathroom.

I get up and head downstairs and start making some French toast for us to eat. You're probably asking for the update on the allegations. Michael is fighting this. They're trying to sue him for money but what's not adding up is why are trying for money instead of getting him convicted if he did such thing? I don't know about you but that's very much suspicious. Enough about this depressing topic.

A couple minutes later, after I set the table, Prince shouts, "Mommy?" I say, "I'm coming, I'm coming!"

I slowly waddle up the stairs slowly and carefully and head into Prince's room. I sit on the bed as he sits on his stall, he's wearing a Christmas cardigan with a buttoned t-shirt and some jeans and some little sneakers, so I can do his hair. "What hairstyle do you want me to do?" Prince says, "Like daddy in that one picture, with that blue shiny jacket." I smile. I say, "Of course!" I brush his tangled hair, put some hair products to define his curls and then style it into Michael's hair. I smile, and say, "All done!" Prince says, "Thank you!" I say, "Go do some finishing touches on your gift for daddy and then when I'm done, we can eat and the leave!" Prince nods and goes and checks for the gift while I head out.

I go the bathroom put on Michael's bad album and start getting ready. I brush my teeth while dancing to Bad. After, I head into the shower and shower for half an hour as well as washing my hair. I take so long that Prince knocks and says, "Mommy when can I eat? I'm hungry!" I say, "In a minute!" Prince says, "Fine!" I hear him storm off and just giggle.

I finally get out and head to my room. I blow dry my hair and comb it and leave it out. I wear a turtle neck top and a skirt. I then put on a Beret:

I do some very light makeup as If I wear heavy my face reacts, pregnancy hormones

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I do some very light makeup as If I wear heavy my face reacts, pregnancy hormones. I apply my lipstick. I sigh and say, "All done." I carry my jacket and my shoes I'll be wearing today and then I go downstairs.

Prince sits there swinging his feet and he looks at me and then says, "Can I eat now?" I say, "Yes!" He immediately smiles and jumps up and immediately starts digging in. I sit and start eating. I say, "So, Prince?" Prince looks up, "Hm?" I say, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Prince says, "Hmmmm?" I take a bite out of my toast. Prince says, "I wanna do what you and daddy do." I say, "Really?" Prince nods and says, "I want to heal the world like daddy always says we have to. He always says 'Little Prince we have to heal the broken world, otherwise everyone will be sad' and I'm like 'I don't want everyone to be sad' and daddy is like 'Then heal the world' and I always say 'Don't worry, I will!'." I nearly sob but I smile so hard and say, "Exactly, that's really good." Prince says, "I know!" I say, "Wait until you're a little older then we'll see what we can do. Your daddy started when he was only five!" Prince says, "I'll be five soon!" I say, "But, me and daddy feel that's too young." Prince says, "Awh man." I say, "But you can sing for fun!" Prince says, "I will." I smile and take the last bite of my French toast and drink my orange juice I had left. I take all our cutlery and wash them up.

While Prince watches his cartoon, I put on my boots and my warm coat. It is so cold! I say, "Prince make sure you put on your coat! Prince says glued to the screen, "Okay mommy!" I just laugh and get his jacket and I feel a jolt of pain, I ignore it. I hope it stops because it is painful.

I get Princes Jacket and I head back down stairs. I bend down in front of him and a huge pain comes over me from my stomach. I say, "Ah!" Prince says, "Are you okay mommy?" I say, "I'm fine, just your brother and sister kicking." Prince looks at my stomach and says, "Stop hurting mommy!" I giggle and say, "Let's put this jacket on and head out."

After I put on his jacket, I hear a beep in the driveway which is the driver and we head to the car. I put Prince in his car seat and then I get comfy ignoring the pains and listening to Prince talk and talk!

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