DisneyLand pt.2!

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Y/n's Pov

After Prince pulls me along, we finally reach the first ride which I'm not going to lie I believe a women who just gave birth should not go on so Michael and Prince go as I stay with Blanket and Paris. I decide to go to the stall right next the ride and get Prince a cookie and I also get myself one too and Michael a lollipop. The cameras continue to flash, they just watch my every move. I see this girl with her mother who just stares at me in awe and I smile and beckon her to come nodding at the bodyguards. The mother stands near us while the girl runs up to me and pulls me into a tight hug. She looks at me and says, "I want to be like you when I grow up." I look at her teary eyed and hug her tight. I say, "Make sure you work hard and don't let the world stop you no matter what they say. I'm already your biggest fan sweet heart." The girl smiles and says, "I will. Can I see the babies?" I nod and I take Blanket out making sure his face is covered and the girl sits next to me and I say, "He's the quiet one you know, always sleeping." She looks in awe and smiles and says, "I want a little brother. He's so cute." I say, "I know." All of a sudden, I hear some crying and I see Paris crying, I say, "See when I say Blanket is the quieter one." I put Blanket down and pick up Paris cradling her and eventually putting her back to sleep with the girl's help. She sang a lalluluby. I say, "Thank you so much. What is your name, honey?" She says, "Maribella." I say, "Gorgeous name." I beckon the mother to come who comes over. She was actually filming. I say as Maribella gets distracted by Blanket in his pram, "How old is your daughter?" She says, "13 nearly 14." I say, "I think she has amazing talent. Is she able to come to the studio to see how everything works. I think she is too young the be this big superstar, it's a lot of pressure and I'm nearly in my 40s. But, I think she should be exposed to the environment so when she starts she knows everything." Her mother hugs me and says, "Thank you!" Michael and Prince comes over smiling and Michael says, "Who's this sweet girl?" The cameras begin to flash even more. Stupid tabloids. Maribella smiles and says, "I'm Maribella." Michael says, "A lovely name." I turn back to Maribella's mum and tell her that she should give her details to the bodyguard so we can talk more. She smiles again and says, "Thank you so much." I smile and say, "My pleasure." Her mother then says, "Maribella we have to go!" Maribella says, "Awh man!" I say, "You'll see us soon." Maribella smiles and holds her mum's hand waving at us as they walk away. Michael says, "They were sweet." I say, "Yes, she is an amazing singer too." Michael nods as he picks up Paris and just looks at her and Paris blinks back and yawns. He then gets a bottle out and puts her medicine in it and shakes it and then begins to feed her. Prince stands on a bit of the pram as I push it as we head to a ride we can all go on.

A couple hours later, we begin to get tired after being at Disney for the whole entire day. Prince is basically sleeping being held by Michael but Michael is the only energetic one and is still singing and dancing to Disney songs. I just laugh at him and watching his cute self leap around Disney all the way to our car.

We arrive at our car and begin to put the babies in their Maxi-Cosi. Michael puts sleeping Prince in his car seat and as we shut the doors the doors Mickey and Minnie randomly stand there and I literally scream and Michael laughs. I smile and head into the car and Michael says, "Bye Mickey, bye Minnie." He heads into the car and we begin to drive as the tabloids click their cameras for one last time.

An hour later, we arrive home to Neverland and every single child is fast asleep. I pick up Prince who is sleeping while Michael takes both of the babies and we all head inside. I tuck Prince into bed and I stroke his head as I say a prayer or him. I kiss his forehead and then I head out.

I go to my room and get changed into some PJs and I take all my jewellery, hair bands and makeup off and head to my side of the bed. I jump into bed practically waiting for Michael who's taking awfully long. I go and check on him and I see him sleeping on the floor between both babies.

I run and get the camera and I take a quick video and picture. After I put a blanket over him and I kiss his forehead and both the baby's forehead. I turn off the light and head back to the other room.

I sit on my bed and I look to the side and spot that letter that Maria gave me. And I contemplate whether to open it. After a couple minutes, I finally open the letter. My hands are shaking and I'm very hesitant. I finally get it open and I begin to read it. Immediately all the blood in my body drains and my breath is gone.

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