If i give you diamonds and pearls...

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Michael's Pov

"Daddy where are you going?" Prince says tugging on my suit. I say, "A place." Prince says, "Can I come with you?" I say, "No, it's not safe for you." Prince says, "So how is it going to be safe for you, if it is not safe for me?" I say, "It's not safe for 4 year olds." Prince shrugs and says, "Fair enough. But I have another question." I say, "What is Prince?" Prince says, "Will you bring mommy back with you?" I say sighing, "No, she's on a business trip. She'll be back before you know it." Prince says, "Okay, but you better play with me more." I giggle and say, "Of course. You have Marcey anyways." Prince says, "But she's old for me and a girl!" I say, "She's only eight and plus what if you get a sister, you wouldn't play with her?" Prince says, "I would, but Marcey is just- actually nevermind, it's okay." I say, "Marcey is just what?" Prince says, "Nevermind dad. I'm going to draw now." I pick Prince up and hold him and say, "You have bedtime in 2 hours. Chloe and Marcey will sleepover-" I hear a knock at the door then I say, "Speaking of the devils."

I start walking down still holding Prince and I open the door. I smile and say, "Hey you guys!" Chloe says, "Hey Michael." Marcey says, "Hey Jackson." I laugh and say, "Hey Mars. You've grown so big, look at you nearly taller than your mother." I scruffle her hair as we head inside. Marcey says, "Where's Y/n?" I gulp and say, "At a hotel, she has some business stuff going on." Marcey looks at me like she knows I'm lying but brushes it off and says, "Alright?" I quickly change the subject and say, "So Marcey how's the TV show you're filming right now going?" Marcey smiles and says, "Amazing actually." I smile and say, "That's really good." Marcey has become a child star, she's pretty famous in the industry and stuff but I do worry for her. I do invite her to Neverland each month or more for her to unwind and it does help her.

I look at the time and say, "Oops, I'm a bit late. I have to go now. Thank you for staying and watching Prince by the way. I really need to hire a nanny soon." Chloe says, "It's our pleasure. Prince is so good!" I smile and then look at Prince. I say, "Goodnight buddy, if you need anything tell Chloe alright?" Prince nods. I say, "I love you very much you know?" Prince smiles and says, "I love you very much more." I say, "Impossible." I kiss his forehead and put him down. I wave goodbye and head out to the car.

My new driver called Mario says, "Where to Michael?" I say, "To Prince's concert."

Y/n's Pov

"If I give you diamonds and pearls, would you be a happy boy or a girl. If I could, I would give you the world. All I can do is just offer you, my love." Me and Prince sings. We didn't have time to do rehearsal on stage so here we are doing it in a car.

We finally finish practicing and Prince says, "You don't have to perform if you don't want to?" I say, "I want to don't worry." Prince says, "If you say so." I say, "What's this show for?" Prince says, "For fun. I got bored, so you know." I laugh and say, "Damn." Prince says, "I love performing, it gives me new life and power. It gives you freedom and you know what, I find freedom sexy. I find freedom so sexy. I can't even explain it to you. You wake up and feel like you can do anything." I say, "For me performing and being a singer is natural gift. It means I'm using the highest degree possible, the gift God gave me to use. I'm happy with that." Prince says, "Of course." We continue to talk until the car stops.

I hear a bunch of screaming people and see cameras flashing through the window. Prince says, "You ready?" I say, "Of course." We both head out of the car and the crowd goes wild. We smile and wave until we head inside the building. We are actually late so we run all the way backstage.

We finally get there me being out of breath and Prince not, he must be used to this. Prince walks away to get shouted at by the director and manager who walk over to me. I smile awkwardly. Prince's manager gives me a big smile and says, "Hey I am Owen Husney, Prince's manager." I shake his hand and say, "I am Y/n Jackson." I will always be proud to be Michael's wife regardless. Owen says, "I know, I know. Nice finally meeting you." I smile and say, "You too I guess." Owen says, "So you'll be performing and watching right?" I nod. The director says, "You'll be going on first and what's going to happen is basically Prince sings the first verse and after that, you come out. Got it?" I nod. He seemed panicked. After that brief, me and Prince are given mics and the show is about to start.

Michael's Pov

I head into the V.I.P area which happened to be me only in it, more space for me I guess. I sit down and wait for the show to start.

A couple minutes, the music starts. I see Prince walking out on stage with his usual guitar on his back and microphone stand but then there's another microphone stand next to him. He starts to sing, "There will be a day, you will hear me say that I will never run away. I am here for you. Love is meant for two. Now tell me what you're gonna do-" He then brings his hand out like his introducing someone and then a lady in a white suit comes out. I inspect the women and she looks familiar. Then I realise, Y/n.

Y/n's Pov

"If I give you diamonds and pearls, would you be a happy boy or a girl? If I could I would give you the world. All I can do is just offer you my love." I see the screaming crowd and observe everyone like I usually do. My eyes feel attached to one place and one place on. The person in the V.I.P booth. No way is Michael here. I see him staring back at me but I snap out of it and star singing again, "Master Plan! If I give you diamonds and pearls, would you be a happy boy or a girl? If I could I would give you the world. All I can do is just offer you my love. D to the I to the A to the M. O to the N to the D to the pearls of love. D to the I to the A to the M. O to the N to the D to the pearls of love." Prince sings, "There will come a time." I sing while looking at Michael directly, "There will come a time." Prince sings, "Where love will you blow your mind." I sing, "Where love will blow your mind." Prince says, "And everything you look for, you'll find." I sing, "Take a look inside yeah." Prince sings, "There will be a time." I sing, "There will be a time." Prince sings, "That everything will shine." I sing, "Forever." Prince says, "That you will be colourblind." I sing, "You will be colourblind." We both sing, "If I give you diamonds and pearls, would you be a happy boy or a girl? If I could, I would give you the world. All I can do is just offer you my love." We sing that to the end. I then hear applauds and screams. I smile and bow. Prince says, "Thank you Y/n for coming on stage in such a short notice. I appreciate you and I love you lots darling." I say, "My pleasure, thanks for having me. I love you too Prince, thanks again." We hug and there is a cheer as I head off the stage and Prince starts his next song.

Some bodyguards take me to the VIP area and before I go in, I remember Michael is in there. I sigh as I open the door to him.

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