F*ck the Press!

157 5 0

August 1993

Y/n's POV

"Wake Up Prince, time to buy your Lego's and things for daddy!" I say softly. He eventually wakes up as soon as he hears the word Lego's. I say, "Go shower and brush your teeth and I'll bring out your clothes and make breakfast for you!" He says, "Okay. I love you mommy." And he kisses my cheek. I say, "Awhh I love you more." Prince says, "Nope." I say, "Ugh fine" Prince says, "Yayy!" There is a pause and says, "I miss daddy so much!" I say, "I do too, but you know what let's buy those Lego's and build it for him today and get him some presents!" Prince says, "Yay!" I say, "Okay, now hurry up so we can go already!" Prince smiles and rushes out of the bed to the bathroom. I pick out his clothes and then I head downstairs.

I go into the kitchen and notice everyone is still asleep so I had to leave a note. But I make some waffles for Prince that were Mickey Mouse shaped and add some maple syrup with fruits and whipped cream. One of his favourites! I finish up and then see Prince walking down the stairs. He sees the food and immediately runs and says, "Thank you mommy." I hug him and I say, "No worries. Go eat, I need to get ready." Prince says, "Can you put on the TV please?" I say, "Sure." I go and do that and head upstairs to the bathroom.

I brush my teeth and get showered and head out. After decades of picking my outfit. I decide to wear a buttoned t-shirt and some jeans with some black doc martin boots:

 I decide to wear a buttoned t-shirt and some jeans with some black doc martin boots:

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I put my hair up and half down. I then put a tiny bit of makeup on, some jewellery and spray some perfume. I grab my bag and head downstairs. Before I head to see what Prince is doing, the phone rings. I go and pick it up. I say, "Hello?" A voice says, "Oh hey Y/n." I say, "Oh hey Michael, how are you?" He says, "I'm okay, just getting ready for tonight's show." I say, "Oh alright." Michael says, "How's Prince?" I say, "He's good. He misses you. He has a surprise for you when you get back, we're going out to get it today." Michael giggles and it makes me melt. He says, "Tell him I miss him too and that I can't wait to see his surprise." I say, "Will do." There is a pause and then Michael says, "Are you okay?" I say, "Yes why?" Michael says, "Just wondering, how about the babies?" I say, "Good, I have an appointment tomorrow." Michael says, "Alright, when you finish, call me." I say, "Of course I will." I feel Michael smiling. Michael says, "I originally called to speak to mother, but it's nice speaking with you. Is mother awake?" I say, "Nope. But I'll let her know you called." Michael says, "Right, thanks. I'll call you after the show." I say, "Okay. Bye." Michael says, "Bye." Then he ends the call. Man, I miss him so much. I sigh and head to Prince. I pick out two waffles and sit with Prince.

A couple minutes later, we finish our breakfast. I say, "Prince go and get your mask!" Prince runs upstairs and get his mask and runs downstairs with his Thriller action figure. I say, "Awh you miss daddy?" Prince says, "Yes." I say, "He's going to call later don't worry." Prince nods. I write a note and then we are out the door.

I put Prince in his car seat and I sit next to him as the driver drives us to the mall. Prince starts singing, "A, B, C is easy as 1,2,3 simple as do, re, mi. A B C, 1 2 3 baby you and me and girl." I giggle and says, "Who taught you that song?" Prince says, "You play it everyday!" I say, "Fair enough. You know daddy sang that song, with Uncle Jackie, Uncle Tito, Uncle Jermaine and Uncle Marlon!" Prince says, "Wow! Can I listen to it right now?" I open the glove compartment and give him my Sony Walkman. I say, "Hold that tight and don't drop it, you can have it." Prince says, "Okay." I put the headphones on him and press play. He immediately smiles and is jamming the whole car ride.

A couple minutes later, we arrive at the mall. Prince doesn't want to stop listening to it so I let him have it on. I don't mind because the press is here anyways and they say stupid stuff.

I climb out and hold Prince tight and then I hear someone say, "Is Michael Jackson going to jail?" I turn my head. This is stupid. Another person says, "Did you hear about the Michael Jackson allegations?" Oh no. Another person says, "How does it feel to be the wife of an alleged child abuser?" I could have beaten them up right there and there. I give them a dirty look. And walk in waving at the fans. I can't speak until Michael allows me to speak. Why is this public? It just got worse. I am with my child, I can't show any signs of sadness.

Questions left and right, it's so hard to ignore the lies but I have to ignore it. But I crack, I say, "I'm just trying to enjoy a day out with my child, please stop talking to me if you're going to be ignorant. Take pictures but stop saying this around my kid." I roll my eyes and I sigh and head into the toy store.

I get a cart and put Prince in it and I take the headphones off so we can pick stuff. I say, "Do you like it?" Prince says, "I love it!" I say, "We can have a little dance when we get home." Prince says, "After we build the castle!" I say, "Of course!" Prince says, "Let's go shopping!"

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