Returning! (This is a chapter!)

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Thank god I'm back! I joined my high school play so I've been super busy (but it's almost done).

I also don't have access to the actual movie right now so I'm so sorry if the lines or actions are incorrect, bear with me!


I sit in the passenger's seat of the jet. We're on our way to get Loki out of the helicarrier and into safety.

"No," I think to myself, "we're on our way to find someone who can help."

We get closer and closer, until we land on the giant ship.

"I'll go distract them, you guys go get Loki," Clint states. I give him a glare.

"Who put you in charge? I need a few of you to follow me." I command the soldiers. They follow me as I run across the deck, looking for help.

"Where are we going?" one of the men ask.

"Do you know this ship like I do? We're going to get Loki," I force out. I feel sluggish from the constant fight with myself. I can feel my pace slow.

I stumble to the side and nearly fall over, as do the other men. It looks like one of the propellers stopped working.

I have no way of telling if it was Clint's work, but I know that somebody has to go fix it before the helicarrier goes down.

Maybe that someone can help me.

I fight my body as I feel urged to go help Loki. But we're almost there.

The men have caught on. They know this isn't the way to Loki.

"There's someone up there. Might as well kill him while we're here." I feel myself say. Everyone (including me) gets their guns ready. (Wait why do I need guns?)

I get pushed toward the back of the group. I know somebody is nearby because I can see the shots fired from him, but I don't know who he is.

The men go down one by one. It turns out that I'm the only one left. I pause then make a run towards the mystery man.

It's Captain America. He grabs his gun immediately and points it at me. I lose all control and watch as my body kicks, punches, and deflects his moves.

I find myself trapped between the end of the helicarrier and him. "I" make an effort to hit him and push him back, but he responds by hitting me in the head with the gun.

I lose all sight for what seems like forever. I can feel his gun pressed to my head. I lay on the ground, accepting my fate.

I am overwhelmed with brightness.

I see the sky, the gun, everything, but I don't move. I let my weak body lay on the cold floor.

I can see his face filled with concern and confusion. I try my best to give him a sympathetic look, to tell him it's okay, and then I black out.

A Frozen Love (A MCU Captain America Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now