Home Sweet Home

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This chapter goes out to Wandering_Dreamer for asking me to keep it up! If you guys ever notice that I haven't posted in a while, please feel free to message me and tell me to post more; it actually encourages me! Thank you all again!

I'm silent for the rest of the ride, feeling both giddy and still a little disappointed. I shrug and make my way silently back to my seat.

"So... let's go through these files," I say softly, breaking the silence that was there for quite a while. Steve clears his throat in recognition, so I open the file, marveling at all the papers inside.

"James Buchanan Barnes, now known as the Winter Soldier. He injured his arm while... in battle. It was amputated and replaced by a metal one. He was frozen and thawed whenever he was needed. New target is Steven Grant Rogers," I read from one of the first few pieces of paper.

I flipped around, hoping to find something more useful. Whereabouts and behavior, that's it! "Often seen training, is a cold, hard man from all the memory wipes. Used to spend his time at Cafe des Reves, must have been some French Cafe down in D.C. When he did remember the past, he was strong-willed, resistant, and broken. He was memory wiped immediately." I state, shaking my head.

"But maybe we'll be able to find him there," Steve determines.

"Not today, though. I'm just as excited to get to him as you are, but I think we should probably lay low from HYDRA for at least a few days." I suggest, watching as the plane slowly lands back in the headquarters.

"Yeah, maybe you're right," Steve mutters, getting out of the jet. Brooke and I follow closely behind him. 

"Can I go with you guys when you try and find him? I think I've proved that I can hold my own back there..." Brooke asks, smiling and spinning the gun in her hands.

I nod, then we step out into the late afternoon. The sun is beginning to set on the horizon and the flowers are beginning to close up and sleep for the night. I hop into my super fancy car, followed by Steve then Brooke.

The car ride home is silent, every once and a while I'll turn the radio up for a good song, but other than that, we don't speak, all of us trying to process everything that happened in the HYDRA base.

After dropping Brooke off at her hotel room, we make it back to Avengers Towers. I park the car and we both quietly get out, walking inside and to the elevator. The ride up is quiet as well for a moment, until I talk once again, finally speaking my thoughts.

"Did you mean it? Like, the kiss?" my voice comes out way more determined than I actually am, but I roll with it anyways.

"Of course. I don't see why else I would kiss you," Steve states awkwardly. I giggle and lean over to him, before kissing him again. The kiss is quite a bit better than the previous one, and I start to wonder how many times he's kissed someone in the 21st century.

"Get a room guys! Didn't think Capsicle had that in him!" Tony yells, fake-appalled from our scene. I blush and stand awkwardly in the elevator until it reaches my floor.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I cheer, waving as the doors close. Afterwards I go into my room, changing into my pajamas, then going to sleep.

Lights flash. My right shoulder aches. I fall to the ground, the room spinning as I do.

I hear a groan to my left. "Hannah..." I fight to get up, but it hurts so bad and I'm so weak. I throw myself forward, terrified by the once-white carpet that's now covered in red.

I look over at my arm to see a bullet lodged in it. My eyes water with tears and I shake where I sit.

"Hannah..." this time it comes out as a whisper from the person next to me. I turn, to see that it's Steve.

He's wearing a black tuxedo, with a white shirt under it. The center of the shirt is covered in blood. This must be for some special occasion, but I have no clue what.

"It's going to be okay," I whisper, choking on my own words. I can no longer feel my arm, but my vision turns blurry at the edges. I lean forward to look closer at his wound, but his eyes are closed and his chest no longer moves up and down from his heavy breaths.

I open my eyes, feeling slightly winded from taking such quick breaths. I notice that my breathing lets out the strange fog that comes out of your mouth in the winter. I look around the room. I froze it again...

I shrug and get up slowly, taking a blanket with me, and walk up the back steps to go to the main room to relax for a while until my room thaws out. I take a seat on a long black couch and look out the window at the beautiful skyline.

"Couldn't sleep?" Steve's deep voice asks, causing me to jump. I turn around and look at him.

"I did sleep, but woke up from a nightmare. Froze the room again. You?" I explain casually, as this has become a routine thing now.

"I just couldn't sleep. I have so many thoughts now that Bucky is alive and well, but not so well. It's... a lot to process." I nod understandingly and motion for him to sit down. He accepts and carefully takes a seat next to me, a little closer than normal.

"Maybe we should go find him tomorrow. I'm right with you, because I really do want to find him. I just don't want you, or, any of us, I guess, to get hurt. Or shot," I mention, thinking back to my nightmare.

"Or shot? Do you want to tell me a bit about that nightmare?" he asks, rubbing my right shoulder gently.

"I... you... shot," I whisper, stumbling for words. "It's, I don't want to think about it." I rest my head gently on his shoulder, trying to think of anything else.

"You could sleep in my room, if you'd like," Steve offers. I smile lightly; that would help quite a bit.

"That would be much appreciated." I say in a soft tone. Suddenly he scoops me and my blanket up, carrying me carefully to his room. I lean my head into his chest, closing my eyes slowly and drifting off to sleep.

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