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//: Crying because of gotg vol 2 but whatever it's ok... these next chapters are like a little collection of cute stuff before civil war :) this one is really long but I hope you like it! Lots of fluff (towards the end).

The alarm rang incessantly. In most cases this would drive me crazy, but today is different. I quickly sit up in bed. "Good morning!" I bound energetically. I lean over and give Steve a peck on the lips. "Ready for today, Cap?"

He turns and shuts off the alarm clock. Gently pushing me down back into bed, he smiles. "It's Steve. Cap when I'm in uniform, Steve when I'm not. And be careful. I know this is your first day in training, but you're so excited I could see you hurting yourself again. That or pulling out your stitches.," he says gently. He gets up and I slowly follow.

He pulls out his Captain America suit and sets it on the bed, then a new Blizzard one. "Tony made you a new one since the other... had a hole in it..." I bite my lip. My suit was pretty much destroyed because the blast that struck me went right through the suit. He hands me my light blue gloves and I slip them on. "No using your powers yet. You're still healing." He instructs and I nod. I grab my suit and head to the bathroom to put it on.

By the time I walk out of the bathroom, Steve... or Cap is long gone. He's probably outside setting up and waiting for everyone else. I shrug and make my way outside. When I get out there I see War Machine (Rhodey), Falcon (Sam), Scarlet Witch (Wanda), and Vision alongside Cap. I wave to them all and they smile at me.

"So today's exercise is pretty straightforward and simple. Hand-to-hand combat. You never know when you might lose your tech—your wings or suit—or maybe even your powers. Therefore it's important to focus on hand-to-hand. Tony has made a few robots for you to practice fighting against." Cap explains, and six robots fly out: one for each of us.

I make quick work fighting my robot. Obviously you can't just go punching it: it'll hurt you more than the robot. I trap it's arm between my leg and hand and forcefully push down, snapping the arm up. The robot leaps forward at me and I slide underneath it. There I throw myself on it's back side, wrapping my thighs around its neck and snapping it. The robot shuts down then. The head and arm are still on the body, but it needs to be rewired. "Sorry man," I whisper to its sad shape.

I take a seat in the grass and watch everyone else. I take quick notice that Steve is still fighting, throwing punches at the robot, and soon enough takes it down. Vision is having trouble fighting another robot (morally), and Wanda keeps accidentally using her powers (and getting reprimanded by Steve). Sam finishes just seconds before Rhodey, and Wanda and Vision work together at the end to take the two down.

"Nice work everyone. How about you take a lap around the building followed by 50 push-ups and we'll be done for the day," Steve suggests. We all lift our heads to give an affirmative nod, but are stopped in our tracks when Steve points at me. "25 push-ups for you." He instructs, and we all finish nodding.

25? I have no clue why he's babying me all of a sudden. While the others start running, I walk over to him slowly. "Hey Steve, uhr Sir, uhm... Cap? Why do I only have to do 25?" I stutter.

"You got hurt. You need to take it easy for a while," he responds with a loving smile. But I don't return the love.

"Did you see me out there? I took that robot down before you or anyone else. I think I can handle 50 push-ups," I argue, rolling my eyes.

"Hey, don't get that tone with me. I'm the leader, and I say 25," he responds harshly.

"Really? Well not a very good one. I've been an agent training in hand-to-hand since I was 6."

A Frozen Love (A MCU Captain America Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now