Tony's Party

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We look around for a while, as it's hard to see it in the dark of night. Usually the tower is lit up like a Christmas tree, but not tonight.

Once we finally find the building, we let ourselves in. I've never been inside Stark towers, only outside/on the top of it, so I have no clue what to expect.

"Hello Ms. Coulson and Mr. Rogers. The party is up on the sixth floor," Tony's computerized assistant, Jarvis, informs. The voice at first scares the crap out of me, but once I realize that it's Jarvis I relax.

"So... did Tony clue you in on what the surprise is about?" I ask, getting into the elevator. I hesitate for a moment then hit the 6 button.

"No, I have no clue what it could be," Steve answers. The elevator stops, and I take a deep breath and wait for the doors to open.

The party's kind of extreme. With tons of balloons, food, and a band playing. There's a few people that I don't know, but a majority of the people are S.H.I.E.L.D. agents or Avengers.

Steve grabs my hand and we both walk in awkwardly, trying to find Tony. I point him out and we make our way over to him.

"What is this, Prom 2014?" Tony asks, expanding on the fact that Steve and I are both matching in blue.

"You bet it is. It's a nice prom too. I'm expecting the title of Prom Queen, so you better vote for me," I tease, playfully hitting him. "But for real, I invited my newly discovered sister. I hope that's alright with you. She has... a lot of stories. They sound weird, but so do our stories."

"Alright, that's fine with me. Remember though, no PDAs you dang kids!" Tony yells, doing a grandma impression. We both laugh and walk away, still hand-in-hand.

"Do you, uh, wanna dance?" I ask, almost cueing the slow song to start. He stands there, motionless for a minute, just staring at the floor.

"Maybe later? I'll be right back..." he trails off. I take a seat, what did I do wrong? [sObS] I sit in the awkwardness by myself, saying hi to a bunch of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, some who give me their condolences about my dad and others who give me a knowing look. I sit there for what seems like ages, the thought of rejection finally sinking in.

"Hey!" Brooke cheers, snapping me out of my sad state. She's wearing a cute red cocktail dress with a pair of black heels to go with. I stand up and hug her.

"I'm so glad you could make it! I was starting to die sitting here alone. Steve said he'd be right back, but he seemed awfully distant, and he hasn't come back... anyways, let me introduce you to a few people!"

I take her over to Bruce and Nat, Clint, Thor, and finally Tony.

"Glad you could make it Brooke!" Tony says. She smiles and walks away, and I pull Tony aside for a minute.

"Hey, do you have any clue where Cap went off to? He said he'd be right back, but..." I explain, hoping he can find an answer.

"Skipped out on the date already? No, I'm not positive where he is, but he's most likely out on the balcony on the 15th," he informs. I smile and find my way back to the elevator, taking it up. Now that Brooke knows people, I'm sure she'll be fine on her own.

I make it up onto the giant balcony and see his silhouette standing by the edge. I walk, over, trying to make my steps louder so he knows that I'm there.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I ask, looking out at the skyline. He glances at me before turning his attention back to the city.

"Y'know, sometimes I look at this city and think about how it used to be and how it's different. Sometimes I'll look at it and think of how it's the same, and it's so bittersweet. It's a great new city, with great new things, but sometimes I can't help myself but to long for the old city I grew up in," he explains and I frown. I must have brought back memories of Peggy. I know he's excited about what he has now with me, but he misses her.

"But that's okay. It's okay to be confused with change and miss the old things. You still have to live in the present, but every once in a while it's fine to dwindle in the past. I'm fine with that." I whisper, rubbing his back.

"Well let's go back to the party; I didn't get to meet your sister yet," Steve suggests. He offers me his arm and I take it, leading him back down to the party.

I quickly search around the party and almost immediately find Brooke. I drag Steve over to her as quickly as my feet can move.

I introduce them right away, "Brooke, this is Steve. He's my..." I freeze for a minute, unsure what to say. If I say he's my boyfriend, he might be overwhelmed, but what if he wants to date me and I just call him my friend?

"Boyfriend." Steve states and smiled at me.

"And Steve, this is my sister Brooke!" they shake hands and Brooke slyly winks at me.

"Hello? Is this thing on?" Tony asks into the microphone, now on stage, the mic then proceeds to make an awful screeching sound, causing us all to cover our ears.

"Ok, I guess it is. Well first I would like to thank you all for coming to the party, and I mean there's still more to come, but I really couldn't wait to announce this surprise. I'm making Stark Towers into a brand new building: Avengers Towers. It's a little place that all the Avengers will be welcome to stay at, with their own personalized floors, and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents can come by anytime too. The building should be done..." he thinks for a second, then comes up with an answer, "oh yeah, now."

Tony grabs a holographic Avengers Tower, showing it to us all. I grin. A whole tower for us to share? We all probably will kill each other, but it's still too exciting. This will be a great way to get closer with Steve... and the others.

Tony steps off the stage and comes towards us, arms wide. I can't really tell if he's looking for a hug, or applause, or a punch in the face so I try to ignore it.

"So, when do you guys wanna move in? It's pretty cool, you guys have a floor to yourself and we all have common floors too," he explains, grinning at the two of us.

"Well 1. This sounds like a college dorm room, and 2. Within a month if that's okay?" I question. He nods then looks over at Cap.

"Me too," he says nodding.

We sit around at the party and talk with Brooke for a while, before deciding to head out.

"Thanks for the party Tony. I guess we'll be in contact soon then?" I ask.

"Yup. See you guys later," he says before taking another shot. I suppose the party's still going on strong.

We both step into the elevator, and I look around before pressing a button, hoping to find something that will clue me in on what floor is mine. I wanna check it out.

"Darn. I was trying to figure out which floor was mine to check it out. I guess not," I explain to Steve, frowning.

He laughs and hits the 1 button, sending us plummeting to the bottom floor.

We begin the long walk back to my apartment in the dark streets of New York. The wind blows, sending a cool breeze through my body, I try to hold back but intensely shiver. My hands feel ice cold in the cool night. Steve takes off his jacket and gives it to me.

I shudder in its warmth. "Thanks Steve. For that and a great night."

We reach the apartment building. "I'm sorry for acting all weird there. I didn't mean to get kinda distant and put a damper on the night..." he trails off, standing awkwardly by the entrance.

"It's fine. I had fun anyways. Well, I... uh... hope to see you again sometime!" I stutter out, trying to close the awkward moment.

I'm just about to walk into the building, but realize that I still have Steve's jacket. I flip around and give him back with a slight blush. "This is, uh, yours! Uhm, goodnight!" I force out, then kiss him on the cheek. I rush into the building afterwards and make my way up to the apartment, taking a giant sigh of relief once I get there. I'd call this night a success.

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