Bucky? (Civil War part 3)

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//: This is a long one, and it's action-packed. Strap in guys.

I throw my gloves back on, put in my earpiece, and run out of the hotel. I start to run down the street towards where McKenzie's apartment building was, praying that I run into Steve and Bucky on the way. Luckily, I notice commotion on the highway system nearby. Bucky is jumping from car to car and some dude dressed like a cat is following him. Sam is flying above the commotion. I can't even see Steve. There are a ton of cops following them.

I call over to Sam through my earpiece. "Sam, I'm here to help, but what the hell can I even do in this situation?" I start running after the group, jumping off one level of highway down to the one they're on. If I die I'm going to blame them all.

"We're trying to get rid of this cat dude. He's got a bone to pick with Bucky or something." Immediately I target the guy. He's on the back of a car, and I use my ice to propell me forward towards him, taking a shot at him. Unfortunately, he dodges.

"Want a ride?" Steve asks, and only then do I realize he's driving the car. I pull myself through the window of the car and get in the passenger's seat, just in time too, because at that very moment the cat guy launches himself to the front of the car, and he definitely would have knocked me off.

"I really don't think I'm suited up enough for this," I complain, looking down at my outfit of leggings, a Victoria's Secret v-neck shirt, tennis shoes, and my gloves, of course. I buckle my seatbelt, because I really don't want to be launched out of the car due to Steve's shaky driving skills and because I'm somewhat concerned over the fact that the car no longer has a windshield and, consequently, broken glass is everywhere.

Before there's time to respond, cat dude jumps to grab onto Bucky's motorcycle, which I guess he grabbed onto while I was getting in the car, but Bucky fights back. The entire motorcycle leans to the side. "Steve watch out!" I yell, making sure he doesn't run over the pair. Bucky throws cat guy to the side, straightens up, and keeps going. I have to make sure Steve doesn't run over cat dude. Sure he's a pain in our ass, but we probably shouldn't kill him yet.

Sam swoops in front of us with the cat guy hanging from his leg! I shoot ice at the guy, which hits him, but he doesn't seem to be phased by it. The concrete above us is falling, but Steve isn't slowing down. "Hold on..." he yells, turning the car so that we slide under the falling rubble. I'm horrified. The car is literally flipping over repeatedly. I thank the Lord that I buckled my seatbelt and once the car straightens out, realize Steve is no longer in here with me. He's tackled the cat guy off Bucky already. I unbuckle my seatbelt and try to get out of the car to help, but tumble to the ground. Turns out I'm kind of disoriented by being thrown around so much.

Police and SWAT Agents surround us, guns pointed at us. Rhodey comes flying down, and for a second I actually think he's planning on helping us fend off the cat guy, until I realize that he's working for the government now. "Stand down guys, now," he commands harshly. I stand and throw my hands up. "Congratulations Cap, you're a criminal," Rhodey says, and it finally fully sets in that he's not on our side.

A cop comes up to me and takes me over to one of the government cars. He's surprisingly gentle, but then again I haven't given him a reason to be hostile. Cat guy takes off his mask, and reveals himself to be the Prince of Wakanda, the one whose dad just died. Yikes.

I'm sat in the backseat of one of the government SUVs. One of the agents gets into the front seat of the car and starts to drive off. "So, can I ask where we're going?" I ask, hoping that the driver isn't hostile.

"We're going to take you to an airfield nearby, then they'll fly you over to some headquarters in Berlin," the man explains. Luckily, he seems pretty nice.

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