A Goodbye and a Hello (Civil War Part 2)

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Steve and I decided to share a hotel room, but I haven't seen him much since we got to London. He's one of the pallbearers, so I only get a few glances of him walking down with the coffin at the funeral. Sam sits next to me in the front, watching the procession begin. Steve takes a seat next to Sam, and Sam grabs my hand. He knows how complicated this is for me and Steve.

The service is really beautiful. There's a choir singing, and lots of flowers and people there for Peggy. Even Sharon comes up to speak, sending me a sad smile. Her speech is really inspiring; I always looked up to Peggy, and I think the funeral does her justice for how amazing she was. When the funeral ends, Sam and I pause for a moment to pay our respects, then turn to Steve.

"Do you want to walk back with us?" I ask him gently as the room empties. He runs a hand through his hair then shakes his head, looking down.

"Alright, we'll meet you at the hotel then," Sam says, starting to move, "let's give him some time alone" he tells me, then grabs my hand and takes me out of the building. The walk back to the hotel is kind of quiet, as we're still thinking about the funeral and the fact that the accords are today and neither of us are signing.

"You know," Sam adds, holding open the hotel door for me, "if they catch us suited up now, they can arrest us."

"I hate that they want to babysit us. They're too controlling. Either the accords will fall apart and everyone will ignore them, or it'll restrict everyone else too much. Regardless it'll be disastrous." We plop down on couches in the lobby and start watching the signing of the accords and the speech given by the king of Wakanda. I see Nat and Tony immediately, then Rhodey upon further inspection. I kind of figured they would sign. Sam just shakes his head.

Then something happens. A bomb goes off in the building. Sam and I look at each other. All of our teammates may have just died. We keep watching, terrified. There's a lot of coverage of the building at the moment, but not much as to the fatalities. I get up and ask for some tea for Sam and I, which the frantic hotel receptionist gets.

As breakthroughs in the story are finally happening, we hear Steve and Sharon's voices in the hotel. Sam gets up to talk to Steve, while I stay glued to the TV. They say 70 people are injured. 12 killed, including the king of Wakanda, who I had just seen minutes before. They don't say anyone else who died, and they don't show anyone who lived. I'm still frantic, about to pull out my phone and call Natasha, when I see a picture of Bucky up on the screen. They say he's the suspect.

Steve comes over to me, eyes wide, but I don't have the time. I already have my phone out, calling McKenzie.

"Hannah?" She asks, "I thought I was supposed to call you-"

"Where is he? Where are you?"

"Bucharest. He's out getting groceries right now. He's doing really well. He's remembering a lot, and we get along really well. Why are you calling?" She rambles. I shake my head. Bucky didn't do it.

"I'm coming to get you. If he's there too, even better. There's been an accident in Vienna, and they think it's him. Turn on literally any news channel and they'll see it. Pack a bag. I'll be there in a few hours. And God McKenzie, stay inside and be safe until then." I hang up the phone. "I have to go. I have to get them out of there," I tell Steve and Sam.

Steve seems distressed, "I'm going to Vienna to find out how bad it is. Sam, you wanna come?"

"You got this on your own?" Sam asks me. I nod. "Alright Steve, I'll go with you. And if things go south, Hannah, we'll be there."

"I'll give you a call if need be. Just be careful and don't get in trouble. If you guys don't recall, we're outlaws," I joke, exiting the building and hailing the nearest taxi. The fastest flight to Romania is 3 hours long, but it'll have to do. I just pray that I'll find them before the UN does. I change into normal clothes while at the boarding zone for my flight and make sure that I have my superhero gloves just in case. I really don't want to take anyone down, but if somebody threatens McKenzie and Bucky I might have to. The flight goes by fast, considering that I spend most of the time researching floor plans for the building McKenzie and Bucky live in, trying to come up with the best escape plan. I'm also booking a hotel room that we can stay in until we assess the situation. Thank goodness for onflight WiFi.

When I land I get off the plane and take a taxi to the hotel to drop off my bags. As I'm entering the hotel room I call McKenzie again. "I'm on my way. Be ready for me," I tell her, not even giving her time to respond before I get a call from Steve. I hang up McKenzie and I's call and answer the new one.

"They're sending squads after him. Orders to shoot on sight. Sam and I are heading your way right now to be there if you need us," he explains. He sounds professional, but I can tell he's uneasy.

"Okay, no problem. I'm going in right now to get them out, but I'm not sure if he's there. I might have to send you back there to get him. I have a hotel room that'll hold us all, and I'll text you any updates. I love you. Call me when you get here." I again hang up before he can respond, this time heading out of the hotel building, which is conveniently located near Bucky and McKenzie's building. I don't have my superhero suit on, because I want to avoid getting in trouble, but I do put my ice gloves on in case I may need them.

As I leave the building, I walk as casually as possible. I try not to let on how urgent and nervous I am to other people, afraid that any of them could be agents catching on to my mission. I slowly take the stairs and knock cautiously in their door, which is opened very quickly by a frantic McKenzie.

"He didn't do it, just for starters," she mentions, anxiously running a hand through her hair, "he's still out..."

"Steve and Sam will come back for him. You have your bag?" She nods, putting it on her back, "we're going to the roof. People are going to be breaking into this building any minute and I really don't want to catch them in the hallway." We tread up the stairs and open the door that leads to the rooftop. I use my ice to make a make-shift zip line from the building to another nearby one. Hopefully it holds up.

"This is the time to mention I'm petrified of heights," McKenzie adds, but I try to ignore her complaints, "I'd rather take the stairs and risk getting caught at this point. It's not like I did anything bad anyways."

"It'll be fun. Just make sure you hold on tight to me," I reply breathlessly. I'm more worried than I'm letting on to her.

She hesitantly wraps her arms around my torso as I make a thing of ice that will secure us to the "zipline." This is so stupid, please work. I push off and we begin gliding down, the city streets blurring beneath us.

"This is why I never became a field agent!" McKenzie screams as we glide down. We land firmly on the hotel building, and I don't think McKenzie has ever been so happy to see a rooftop before.

"We'll go downstairs and head out. Our hotel is only about a block away and we can just walk there now," I explain, and she follows, happy that we're able to walk instead of glide.

We get to the hotel room and she tries her best to make herself comfortable. She calls Bucky about a dozen times, but they all go to voicemail. I raise an eyebrow over her concern.

"So we get along well, what's wrong with that?" I can tell she knows that I don't believe her. There's no way she's that worried about a friend she just met a few months ago. "I'm worried about him okay? I'm supposed to be watching over him, and now everything's gone to hell and I can't even find him."

"Is that all?" I ask. I would have found her rambling funny had it not been for the fact that our assassin was unaccounted for and a million agents were after him.

"Okay, so I guess getting along well is an understatement. We haven't really put a label on it. We haven't had to; we don't talk to people much," She responds, a fierce blush on her face.

"What's he like? I'm dying to know Steve's bestie," I joke.

"He was detatched at first, mostly angry and confused. It took a while, but I could tell just how determined he was to find out who he really was," I motion for her to continue her description and she laughs, "deep down he's a real flirt. He's very witty. He has his episodes sometimes but he really is so attractive and a sweetheart deep down."

"Uhm CUTE" I manage to mutter out, but am interrupted from all this wonderful tea when Steve calls. I hold up a finger to stop McKenzie from rambling about Bucky again for a minute, then pick up the call.

"Hey Steve, hows it go-"

"I'm with Bucky, but we need serious backup. How soon can you get here?" He asks, clearly out of breath. I guess the agents are there.

"On my way."

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