The Battle of Sokovia (Age of Ultron Part 4)

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//: Hiya! This is the last Age of Ultron chapter, and I really like the ending! The next chapter is coming out soon, because I can't leave things on such a cliffhanger!
Question: what do you want to see more of? Superhero fights? Mcu? Romance?
Thank you!

For the first few minutes, we sit in the lab in silence. But, soon enough, Tony enters the lab.

"Thanks for the ship Brooke. It was pretty cool. Anywho I found out who's protecting the codes, but we can talk about that later. Any clue how the mission is going?" Tony asks.

Immediately as he asks, I get a message from Clint. "He took Nat, but I'm bringing the... body thing... to you guys right now."

"Clint's on his way with the body thing. They took Nat," I mention softly to Bruce. "I'm going to see if there's any way I can track her."

"Ultron is basically in charge of everything online, but give it a shot," Tony urges. I walk into the other room and open up the computer, trying to hack into different street cameras for any attempt to find the vehicle. Some of the cameras are down at certain times: Ultron's working. I walk out to the guys, shaking my head. Clint is now here and so is the cradle with Ultron's new body.

Clint leaves to try and locate Natasha, and soon enough Bruce and Tony are arguing about the body. Tony wants to put JARVIS into the thing, which isn't a bad idea.

"I'm going to say this once... shut it down!" Steve yells, running into the room with the female twin he mentioned, Wanda.

"No. I don't think you fully understand what's happening. How this could help?" I state firmly to Steve.

"You don't know what's in there... the creature!" Wanda exclaims, and Pietro (the other twin) runs in, destroying the equipment. Clint shoots the glass beneath Pietro, causing him to fall through. Thor comes in and pounds the cradle, causing the body inside to stand (or float?)

"I'm sorry. That was odd. Thank you," the robot says to Thor. I can see the others cautiously taking stances in case he's hostile.

"I've had a vision." Thor starts. "That gem is the Mind Stone. It's one of the Infinity Stones, the greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities."

"Infinity stone? I have one." Brooke mentions, stepping forward. She pulls her necklace from under her shirt. It's gold with a key charm, but when you look closer at it, there's a black gem attached.

"That's the Wisdom Stone. One of the seven," Thor informs us.

"It let's me control things. Like telekinesis." She explains. We stare at her dumbfounded. How could she forget to tell us that?

"Well..." Thor starts, "Their powers," he says, motioning to the twins, "the horrors in our heads, Ultron himself, they all came from the Mind Stone, and they're nothing compared to what it can unleash. But with Brooke and it on our side..." We all look at the robot. Is he really on our side?

"I am on the side of life. Ultron isn't. I don't want to kill Ultron, but his pain will roll over the Earth, so he must be destroyed. Not one of us can do it without the others. There may be no way to make you trust me, but we need to go," Vision urges, grabbing Thor's hammer and handing it to him: proving himself worthy.

Clint walks in. "Sokovia. He's got Nat there too."

"Well... three minutes. Get what you need. Hannah, a word?" Steve asks, causing me to freak out for a second. Yes Steve is my boyfriend, but he's also essentially my boss/leader. I follow him over toward the quinjet until he stops.

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