Invasion of HYDRA (Cuteness)

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// First off I want to thank you all for 5.6k reads and 199 favorites (so close to 200)! This story was originally going to be all romance and I'm so glad to see how it has advanced into so much more than just a Captain America Love Story. I'm so, so, so grateful for everyone who has favorited, added this to their reading lists/library, commented, or even just read it and enjoyed! I'm very excited to keep writing... soon we'll be entering AOU!

Also, I made a new cover today... it took forever but I really love it! Let me know what you guys think! So with that, let's go on to the story!

Once we're all seated on the jet, I take off, rolling out of the building and immediately turning on the invisibility factor, so that nobody can see the jet (just like the helicarrier in Avengers). 

"So Massachusetts, here we come!" I chant, taking off into the air. I fly up so we're high enough to be over the clouds, in case of bad weather, but low enough that we wouldn't be hit by any helicopters/planes who didn't see us.

"You know how to fly one of these, right?" Steve asks, and I understand why. He's never been in a vehicle with me flying. I nod my head, giving him a small smile.

"Of course I do. Fury and Dad trained me so I was perfectly well-rounded. In medical stuff, engineering, flying, stealth, technology... everything. They wanted me to be the perfect model agent," I confirm. I shift some of the knobs around, trying to get any reception.

"Trying to get onto the flight radio? I could help you with that," Steve offers. I giggle and simply shake my head.

"No, I'm trying to get a radio station," I laugh, adjusting the knobs until I finally hear XM 2. Nice, the jet has XM Radio.

"One of the most important parts to understanding the new age and culture is to listen to the music. Both of you need to adjust to the new time period, so it looks like we'll be listening to Hits 1 for a while," I explain. Sure I haven't been assigned to get these two used to the new times, but in my mind, it's a little sub-mission itself.

"I already know quite a few good songs!" Brooke argues, "Hooked on a Feeling, Moonage Daydream, Come and Get Your Love. Those are great classics!"

"I already know a few good classics too," Steve adds, spinning a bit in his chair. I sigh and focus on the skies.

"Steve, you don't even know Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Even that song came out after you were frozen! Great Christmas song, by the way." I add to my argument, placing my one hand that wasn't flying on my hip. Looks like I won this one.

We all stay quiet for a while until Brooke breaks the silence. "You guys have awful songs now. They aren't meaningful at all-" I crank up the volume over her voice and can't help but grin. I begin to descend the jet, as we're almost there.

I turn down the volume so I can speak and be heard. "Alright guys, I'm going to land the plane on this hill; it will be invisible so please don't run into it and get hurt." I toss both of them earpieces. "Here's your earpieces. You press in on it to speak into it, and you'll be able to hear what everyone is saying through them. All we're trying to do is find the information and files about Bucky- that's James Buchanan Barnes and get out of there. We don't need to kill everyone, Brooke. Actually, it's best we go stealthy and unseen. So, that's my spiel... are you guys ready?" I ask, landing the plane gracefully on the hill.

"As ready as I'll ever be. I think that we should all start out as a group. If we need back-up then we'll just say it. I think we're all pretty well off anyways though," Steve adds, getting up out of his suit. I open the hatch and we get out, heading towards the large-ish building in the forest.

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