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:// Update: I forgot to include her cute outfit whooops and I couldn't let it go to waste!

"Steve, where are we going?" I giggle as he attempts to drag me out of bed. I grip the headboard of the bed tightly, not giving in.

"Just shut up and get your ass out of bed," he laughs, struggling to pull me off. I raise an eyebrow at his bad language, which he rolls his eyes at. Eventually I throw a pillow in defeat, bouncing off the bed. At this point Steve is already dressed for the day and is scrolling through Instagram (what a nerd).

"Took you long enough. It's 11:30," he comments, not even looking up at me. I roll my eyes, walking past him to open up his dresser and look for clothes.

"What's the plan for today? Training? Do I need to put an effort into today's outfit?" I ask, going through his sweatpants.

"Well I was thinking of us going on a little weekend getaway, but sweatpants will still work. We're flying all day today anyways." At this remark I immediately drop the sweatpants back into the drawer. I journey to the closet and pull out a pair of cute soft shorts and a matching tee.

"This'll be perfect! Please tell me we're going somewhere warm?" I beg. He gives me a small wink.

"We are. I packed your bag already, so just get dressed and we'll be set to go." Steve pulls two small bags of luggage from under the bed while I go into the bathroom and change.

I come out wearing one of my white floral rompers paired with a cute black hat. "Ready?" I ask, giving him a cute smile. He just blushes and grabs our bags. We get in the car and he offers to drive. "So can you tell me where we're going?"

"LA," he responds with a small smirk.

"I've always wanted to go there! You're the best boyfriend in the world!" I exclaim, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Well anything for my best girl." He runs his one hand through my hair (the other on the steering wheel obviously). I look over at him and bite my lip. Something doesn't seem right.

"Steve, you know I know when you're hiding something. What's going on?" I ask, grabbing his hand. He glances over at me and shrugs inconspicuously.

"Come on, Steve. Wait, please tell me you're not proposing yet. I don't know if I'm ready for that at all and-"

"I'm not proposing," he laughs, "that's too soon. Not that I wouldn't mind marrying you obviously but just not at the moment..." He rambles on and on. "Okay we're at the airport."

It takes forever to go through Security. Steve and I stop to eat at TGI Friday's and then make our way to the gate. I sleep the whole flight and only wake up when he shakes me awake. "Mornin' doll. We're here," he whispers, giving me a sweet smile. I'm up and ready to go. Today is Friday and we leave on Monday morning, so we have a lot to explore. Steve grabs our bags and puts them in the rental car (it's too early to check into the hotel) and we park in a parking garage then head off to explore for the day.

Our first stop is the Hollywood Walk of Fame. From doing a bit of googling I find out that Captain America has a star (important message: he does not actually have a star), which Steve apparently does not know, and walk a mile to bring him there.

"What have we here?" He asks with a sly grin on his face. I take a seat next to the star and he pulls out his phone to take a picture.

"Captain America. Ever heard of him? Not only was this guy a superhero, war hero, but also starred in movies back in the day. He's super hot," I tease, causing him to blush. He offers his hand and pulls me up but doesn't let go. I grin over at him and listen to the kid behind us.

"Captain America? He's so cool! Mom, take my picture!" The kid (in a Captain America shirt) sits down next to the star. I give Steve's hand a squeeze and we keep walking. We pass by Walt Disney, Samuel L. Jackson, Disneyland to name a few. Steve gets his picture by Stan Lee's star: apparently he's the guy who drew up the Captain America comics for him back in the day. We take some pictures in front of the Chinese Theater and soon enough it's time to go to the hotel. We get back into our rental car and Steve starts driving away. I don't see why he's driving because he's awful at driving in cities, but apparently there's more surprises in store.

I start to doze off while we're stuck in traffic, but Steve shakes me awake to keep me up. "I am so excited for you to see it. Heck, I'm so excited to see it. We're almost there!!!" Steve pulls into the parking lot of the hotel and I finally realize where we are - the Disneyland Hotel.

"O... M... G! I can't believe this! This is awesome!" I exclaim while getting out of the car. He pulls the suitcases out of the trunk and I tackle him in a hug, leaving lipstick marks all over his face.

"Okay," he laughs, "okay doll, okay. Let's get checked in." He gives me a wink. We check in and the lady at the front desk takes us outsid to an elevator on the side. She takes us all the way up to the 11th floor and to room 2936 labeled "The Pirates of the Caribbean Suite". We ring the doorbell, which very apporpriately plays "Yo Ho (A Pirate's Life for Me)," and the door is opened by the one and only - my sister Brooke.

"Hey Han! Cassie, put that down!" She yells, running around the suite. I look at Steve and shrug, walking into the room.

"We're all staying together and going to Disneyland together! Isn't that fun?" Steve exclaims. I give him a happy nod then run over and give Brooke a hug.

"Hannah and Steve, this is my boyfriend Scott and his daughter Cassie. Cassie, Scott, this is my sister Hannah and her boyfriend Steve. But I think Hannah and Scott already met, right?" Brooke introduces. I give the two hugs and Steve awkwardly gives handshakes.

"When did you two meet?" Steve asks, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Uhm, just randomly. Brooke met him when she went to see Newsies! What a small world indeed!" I explain, trying to avoid the Ant-Man subject.

"You went to see Newsies?" Scott asks Brooke.

"Yeah! It was super amazing. Lots of cool jumps and stuff..."

"Hey you look like Captain America..." Cassie whispers. I grab Steve's hand and start dragging him down the hall.

"Well we've gotta unpack and stuff. It was a long flight. Can't wait to go to Disney tomorrow!" I call back to them. I shut the door behind us and look at the Master Bedroom. Apparently Brooke and Scott get the other bedroom because it has two beds so they can be with Cassie. There's a box of chocolate-covered strawberries on the bed with a note from Tony. Goddammit Tony, he knows I'm allergic to strawberries.

"Enjoy the suite, but don't enjoy it too much. We don't need any mini-Avengers running around the Tower any time soon.
Lots of love,
-Rich Uncle Tony ❤️"

"Rich Uncle Tony. Of course," Steve jokes, shaking his head. I sit down on the bed next to him.

"Well he knows me well enough to gift the chocolate-covered strawberries when I'm allergic. Classic Tony." I roll my eyes. We take the box into the other room, setting it on Brooke and Scott's bed, and are almost immediately passed out on our bed in our normal clothes. It really was a long day.

"Hannah?" Steve asks, checking if I'm awake. I just hum an "mhm" in response. "I love you," he whispers. I sleepily lay my head across his chest and go to sleep.

A/N: I haven't proof-read this yet, so I'll be editing this chapter soon, but it's been too long so I felt the need to post!

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