Battle of New York (Part 1)

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I wake up and find myself lying in another room; this one I recognize to be one of the medical rooms on the helicarrier. Sitting next to the bed I'm in is Captain America. He smiles as he catches my glance. I look away, trying to hide my pitiful blush.

"He got away, didn't he, Captain?" I ask him I sit up and swoop my legs over to the side of the bed so I'm facing him.

"Oh you can call me Steve. And who got away?" He questions.

I fumble about for a bit before I finally admit to him, "Loki. He passed by me in the hall, but I didn't know who he was then. I just let him walk right past."

He stays silent again. Steve seems like the kind of person who will listen to me rant and not say a thing; just listen and be there for me.

"Agent Coulson didn't make it," he mumbles under his breath. I surprisingly hear him though and I close my eyes, letting myself mourn over his death for a moment.

If only I would have been faster. I could have saved him. But now, all my family is gone.

"I'm so sorry. I'm guessing you two were close?" He asks solemnly, lowering his head.

"Yeah..." I trail off, looking away

"Are you okay?" He asks me. I have no clue if he is referencing my dad's death or throwing up, but I nod anyways. He nods and leaves the room.

Only once he leaves I cry. I refuse to let out more than a few tears, but it feels good to cry.

I continue to sit in the room, with no real purpose to do anything anymore. I lay back down on the bed and close my eyes. I just want this nightmare to end.

A knock on the door wakes me up from my sleep. I jump off the bed, startled, and then clear my voice. "Come in," I say casually.

Natasha walks into the room. "Hey, me, Clint, and Steve are going down to NYC to try and take Loki down. Are you feeling up to join?" She asks as if its totally normal to fly down to NYC to defeat Loki.

I think for a second... then imagine the defeat of Loki. "Yeah, just let me get suited up 'kay?" I reply.

We both walk out of the room and turn opposite directions. I go to my training room to find my suit: a tight navy blue "cat suit" with a sharp, very light blue snowflake in the center of the chest. The snowflake is so jagged and spiky, it looks threatening. I smile at the outfit then slip on my gloves with the same snowflakes on the back. These gloves will help me focus my ice energy and defeat Loki's minions easier. I throw my hair up into a ponytail and then leave the room.

I continue through the maze of hallways until I find the "garage" of the helicarrier. Steve, Clint, and Nat are all waiting for me by a quinjet. When they see me, they all get on silently.

Clint gets the pilot seat, Nat sits next to him, and me and Steve are stuck in the back, hanging on for dear life. Since I'm so short, I'm literally dangling from the ceiling trying to touch my feet to the ground.

"I'm so sorry Hannah," is all Clint says. Clint is one of the few S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who knows about me being adopted by Phil. Clint and I have always been friends but nothing more than that. We both know a lot of each others' secrets... a LOT of them. (See Age of Ultron)

"Even more reason to hate Loki," I grunt out, still trying to hang on from the ceiling of the jet.

"Stark, were heading northeast," Natasha says into her headset.

"What, did you stop for drive-thru? Swing up park, I'm gonna lay 'me out for you." Tony says, always trying to be funny, even when the world's in danger.

"See them?" Natasha asks, pointing to Thor and Loki fighting.

"Yeah." Clint replies. Suddenly, the whole quinjet is on fire.

Clint tries to maneuver it down and pulls into the street of New York. The landing is extremely rough and I find my grip loosening on the ceiling bars as my body is flinged around. The second I let go, Steve grabs my arm and stabilizes me.

I step off the jet and look around to see tons of... aliens? around me. They're causing chaos, destroying buildings, and shooting innocent people.

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Cap asks, taking in the horrific scene.

"I'm seeing, still working on believing... where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?" Tony asks. I wonder if Banner is even going to show up. I know how much he hates the other guy.

"Banner?" Steve questions. I can see in his eyes that he knows how much Bruce hates the Hulk too.

"Just keep me posted." Stark replies, and then he stops talking to us. I assume he's talking to Jarvis, his favorite invention ever.

We run past plenty of overturned cars and taxis. I look up for a brief second and see Loki and his group of aliens smashing cars and hurling people around. There are explosions and people screaming and running.

"Those people need assistance down there." Steve says, bringing me out of my thoughts.

Nat takes out her guns and fires them a few times. "We've for this. It's good. Go!" she urges.

"You think you can hold them off?" Steve asks Clint.

"Captain," Clint says grabbing an arrow, "it would be my genuine pleasure." He shoots some of the aliens and then nods to me. "Go on." he says.

I try to keep up sprinting next to Steve. He stops at a group of two police officers talking to each other. He jumps in front of them.

"I need men in these buildings. There are people inside that can run into the line of fire. You take them through the basement or through the subway. You keep them off the streets. I need a perimeter as far back as 39th." he orders. I look at him, confused at all of his demands, as do the police officers.

"Why the hell should I take orders from you?" One of the police officers ask.

I'm about to reason with the officer when an explosion occurs and I'm almost killed by an energy blast. I find myself saved by Captain's shield and then find him quickly taking down some of the aliens. I join him and freeze one of the aliens until it makes a very nice ice statue, then knock it over and watch the ice shatter into millions of pieces.

"That's why," I explain, as our fighting is enough to reason with the officer.

The cop turns to the other officer. "I need men in those buildings," he orders, "lead the people down and away from the streets. I need a perimeter as far back as 39th." All I can respond with is a laugh and a grin towards Steve.


Hey! Part 2 should be up within a week or so... I made sure to get a majority of the lines and scenes correct, I hope you all like it!


If any of you are reading (well, read ch1 of) my one shots, I promise the next chapter is on its way! Thanks again!

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